The carriage stopped at the entrance of the big house, and Ye Kaizheng wanted to return, but he listened to the imperial court in the carriage and entered the house directly from the side door. For a moment, I dared not delay, and hurriedly called people to unload the threshold and drive into the second door.

The atmosphere of the two masters is not right, it is awkward. The leaves are booted as far as possible to avoid them, so as not to lead to the wrath of His Royal Highness.

In addition to the sound of the blue slate on the outside of the carriage, both of them were silent.

Compared with the slightly tired look of Mu Xiyao, Zong Zhenglin was quiet. Can't answer, Mu Xiyao's rules and regulations are curled up in the corner, his head is lowered, and his mind has never stopped.

Zong Zhenglin is so angry that it has never been seen before. The development of this matter is very strange, and it has advantages and disadvantages.

Originally thought that he was angry with her private affairs, carrying him as the master, and moved to Yao Yao's step. It seems that now, she seems to be dissatisfied with her, and even more.

Entering the main courtyard, the carriage has stopped for a little while. Zong Zhenglin did not move, and Mu Xiyao hesitated and did not cross him. In exchange for the weekdays, I jumped and slammed the account. Today... the poor word is poor, or it is better to converge.

I still don't know that the woman who was half threatened by her, half tempted, was forced to confess by the people who did not survive Zong Zhenglin.

"It’s rare to be well-behaved." Zong Zhenglin’s eyes were stunned, deep and chilly, and staring at her, watching Mu Xi Yao’s scalp numb, chilling from the back to the top of his head.

"Since today, there is no answer to the temple, not to take the yard half a step." Pulling her close, the strength of the road, making Mu Xiyao chin on his chest, his teeth rubbed the lower lip.

The tip of the nose lingered with a **** suffocation, and the tip of the tongue stretched out slowly. Mu Xiyao lifted the scorpion, and the tone was very gentle.

"Oh, I will obey the orders of my Highness."

Boss is angry and has to stop for two days. I don’t know this account, which one is the first one...

Molan scared a small face and no blood, until the temple went down, only to see the master slowly got the carriage, muttering something, taking care of the house.

In the evening, Zong Zhenglin got the defending to appear on the newspaper, and looked over again and again, his face was gloomy.

淳 嘉 Jiahe, 骠 将 General Tuo Hong, Mobei Wang, Hu Hezhen, excellent, a big game of chess! This can make her count as a leak, and the use of it is really worthy of praise. This woman is attentive to her, but she is totally loyal to him. Did not do his adviser, really is the talent.

Mu Xiyao can never be the owner, he has already confirmed this matter. Unfortunately, it can't be calculated in a thousand ways, but it is the woman who is generous, and willing to be like a seven-eighth person with himself, at all costs, but also to the man's bed.

Zong Zhenglin’s internal force was shaken, and the dark newspaper in his hand was crushed into fly ash. The man's lower half of his face was hidden in the dark, his chin was tight, and his eyebrows were cold and frosty.

The defending atmosphere did not dare to go out and stayed outside the door to see more leaks. Three times at the time of the sea. His Highness stayed alone in the study for two hours. I have already returned to the main house on weekdays. At this time, I have a temper against Yao’s master. I am not planning to settle in the study... These two tempers will be raging for a few days?

The first time in Zhangzhou, the Yao master was bedridden.

The second time in Shengjing, the chaos of the temple was capricious, and the back house was not restless.

Now the third time, is it more tossing than the last time?

Mu Xiyao sat under the lamp, absent-minded, and irritated over the book. When things didn't happen, Zong Zhenglin was asked another crime. Recently, this air transport, how old is it against her?

Just looking at the countermeasures, I listened to the rush of the footsteps of the Merlin.

"The Lord, a girl came over with His Royal Highness."

Mu Xiyao's scorpion flashed and slowly closed the page.

Not a moment, the curtains of the bead curtains trembled. However, Zong Zhenglin sneered into the house, and it was obvious that the fire did not fall.

The black robes are silent and chilled, and the outline of him is even colder. "Jiaojiao is good to cultivate." Seeing her case on the side of the case, Zong Zhenglin was dark and dark.

Is it fixed, or is it lazy? Either way, it’s just that he hates it.

"His Royal Highness." Mu Xiyao did not argue, got up and greeted him, seeing that he was going to change for him.

Knocking her arms, Zong Zhenglin sat directly on the chair. "What are you doing outside, come in."

Looking at the empty palm, Mu Xiyao leaned back and blinked. the second time……

After passing through her figure, Zong Zhenglin only opened her palm and made a fist. When I met her, there was always time for loss of control.

I was looking at her reaction carefully, and the door rumored to ask for the voice of the singer. The woman was careful, and the scorpion fell into the house with a pink folder and a slight bow.

"The slaves give peace to the lower house." The woman, is the letter and her, who forced her to go to the college for a few days to replace it?

They all said that she and her side are like a pole. Today, I can finally see clearly what kind of woman is in the end.

淳 Yu Yao hand ****, eyelashes tremble.

Under the bright candlelight, the woman's eyes swept, and her body was a spirit, and she entered the bone marrow.

Not like... and wherever she can be like. Such a cold and sharp gaze, she has never seen it in her own eyes. It was the inadvertent arrogance, not that she could imitate it.

The face is not as refined as her, and the lining is born with cowardice. It's no wonder that everyone in her body said that she also looked at her, but her Highness, she turned a blind eye to her, when she glanced at her coldly, that look... Now she understands, like watching a thief, that she is so impatient.

My heart is sour and sour, I am treated like a person who is grateful to myself, I am afraid that no one will be better.

"How? Jiaojiao met this person, the original thoughts, can you regret?" Zong Zhenglin stared at her eyes, and the look of the eyes changed.

Except for the shock at the beginning, it was extremely fast, that is, there is no wave in the ancient well.

Mu Xiyao stood in front of him in two steps, and his eyes fell on the glass of gold in the house. Huanong late powder is the best time, but unfortunately, the day is no longer seen today.

"No regrets." A clear conscience.

Zong Zhenglin asked this question, she can stand the test of conscience. If it is replaced by Yu Yao, she is slightly under-represented.

No regrets... The three words are clear in the ear, Zong Zhenglin is furious.

"Excellent." Because of the anger, the palm of the hand was shot on the table, and the finger was crisp and crashing, which was especially clear in the room.

"Come here!" In the cold voice of Yu Yao, he was scared that he had always been timid, and he shook his steps.

One took the person to the knee and sat down, and the palm rested on her waist. Action relatives, but the eyes are cold and abnormal.

"So, don't you regret it?" The palm slowly moved up, and her nephew did not move for a moment. The person on the leg was stiff and trembled, and Zong Zhenglin was intolerant.

Mu Xiyao didn't want him to do this. The twilight was stagnation and his face became ugly.

Zong Zhenglin, when she was so humiliated. It is to hug and hug, and it is time to go back to his own house.

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