The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 286: : Shouldn’t you pay compensation?

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Miyayu nodded and turned to Lisa and said, "Go back to rest! Keep up the spirit, we will act tomorrow!"

Lisa didn't understand what Palace wanted to do. He only thought that Gongyu seemed to have a plan and asked casually: "What do we need to do?"

Gong Yufeng's eyebrows are picking up, and the cloud is light and windy: "You just need to go back and have a good rest. Tomorrow, raise your spirits and follow me to support the field." After that, Gongyu glanced at Lisa and continued: "Tomorrow everyone must be all in one, and this is a requirement."

Lisa turned and went out, and the second child did not receive the instructions from Gong Yu. He still stood solemnly in front of the palace.

Sure enough, after a moment, Gong Yu faintly said: "Is there a news of Xiao Yan at home?"

The second child shook his head, and there was some sadness in his tone: "I have a conversation with my family every day, and there has been no news there."

Miyayu was a little bit weak and continued to ask: "What is the situation with the older brother?"

"There is also a lot of troubles there. There are problems in several projects. Fortunately, the young masters will come out in time, otherwise they will have to be taken away by others. Now the young master is recovering the situation while he is pursuing the mastermind behind it. It should be too busy. Open it."

"Okay, I know, you can go to rest! These days have worked hard!"

The second child stood still, and watched the palace for a moment before slowly opening: "You don't worry too much about the palace grandfather, Miss Xiaoxi, we all believe that Miss Xiaoxi is a natural person and will definitely be arrogant. Huaji, and finally come back safely, she must be held up by something now."

Gong Yu knows that these are the comforts of his second child, and that everyone is worried about him. He nodded faintly and said: "Thank you!"

The second child turned and went out. Gong Yu had been in the chair for a long time. He knew that the sky was dark, and the room was shrouded in the darkness of the night, and it became darker and darker.

Gongyu got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows. The street lights on the streets outside were lit up, and the stars in the sky reflected each other.

In the past, with the admiration of Murong Yunxiao, it was like a flood that couldn’t stop, and it poured into my mind. The scene was clear and clear, and Murong Yun’s sweet and fresh smile smiled at him and hooked him. The heart is a guilty heart.

"Oh, where are you? When can I come back?" Gong Yu silently whispered alone, and the voice was filled with endless thoughts and sorrows.

Gong Yu didn't know how long he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window before turning into the sofa. Originally a spacious sofa, Gong Yu’s long body lying on it was still too narrow. Gong Yu curled up in the body like this, nesting in the sofa, and after a long time, he slept unconsciously.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, the door was gently pushed open, and a figure in the darkness came in and gently covered a blanket on the palace, then sighed and left the room.

Early the next morning, the eastern side of the sky reflected a bright light, and soon illuminate every corner, a touch of sunlight poured into the room, and the interior is also clear.

Gong Yu’s long and thick eyelashes trembled twice, slowly opening his eyes, and he suddenly got up, his blanket slipped to the ground, and he held the blanket on the floor, still in the warmth of this silk, he hesitated. Put the blanket on the sofa on the side of the body.

When he got up, his limbs were a bit numb. He moved his body and strode to the floor-to-ceiling windows. He looked at the bright sunshine outside in the morning, but the warmth was not glaring, and his mood was clear.

"Oh, the new day begins! Today is over, I can go back, you will come back as soon as possible?"

Gong Yu’s mouth was slightly pulled, and a gentle smile was like the sunrise sun, which brightened the entire face.

The door was gently ringed, Gong Yu lightly slammed, the door opened, Lisa, the second child, the third child entered the door at the same time, the three went to the palace.

"Mr. Gong, when are we going?"

Gong Yu raised his wrist and glanced at the watch. The corner of his mouth was slightly picked. The whole person had a strange color: "No hurry, there is still some time, we will go out after an hour."


An underground bar in the city centre.

The leader of the black-collar organization, Kyle Stephen, came in with a few subordinates.

Kyle Stephen is a 50-year-old man with a bald head and a light, slightly fat body wearing a black suit. Because he is still tall, he also wears a suit, and he is upright and discouraged.

Several subordinates behind him, but with the characteristics of Westerners, white skin, blue eyes, tall nose, have a bit of handsome.

The bar is lit with dim light, so that in the dimly lit space, there is a trace of mystery and sorrow.

Today, it was packed by Gong Yu, so there are no more people except a few staff members.

Kyle found a spacious position in the middle of the hall, and he looked like he was a little bit arrogant.

In a short while, the door was pushed away again. Stephen slightly went to the door with a slight disapproval. He thought it would be Gongyu, but he accidentally saw that he was coming to the Red Dragon to help Laolun Kelan.

Lauren Crane is a black man, about forty years old, wearing a white suit with black skin, and the black and white contrast makes the whole person particularly eye-catching. Lauren's forehead with a striking scar, especially shocking, makes the whole person look particularly fierce.

Lauren Cran sees Kyle Stephen very surprised. Although the two men colluded in this time, they still pretend to have a bad relationship. This time they were invited together. Some people don’t know how to play it. This play.

Lauren Cran, with his own subordinates, did not sit with Kyle Stephen, but sat down at the table next to him, his eyes swept across the bar, about to open, and the door was pushed away again.

This time it was really Gongyu with Lisa, the second child, and the third child.

Gong Yu was wearing a black and dark hand-made suit, which lined his perfect figure. The sturdy handsome face with a pair of black sunglasses, can not see the specific expression, but the cold arrogance and the photo The arrogance of the people can not help but take a breath.

Even if Lauren Crane and Kyle Stephen are both people who have been mixed for so long, this time I saw Gong Yu, and I took a look at Gong Yu. The natural style of the king's body on Gongyu makes the psychology of the two people actually fall short.

The two of them were slightly stunned. Once only Murong Night had let them feel like this. I didn’t expect this sudden emergence of Gong Yu to make them like this.

Gong Yu sat down near the table of the two, and the three sides naturally formed a triangle.

"Sorry, one step late, please forgive me." Gong Yu’s voice is cold and arrogant, and there is no apology.

"Oh, Mr.Gong, whatplayisthistoday?" [Oh, Mr. Gong, what is this play today? 】 Kyle Stephen squinted at the scorpion, and the light also saw a little friendliness.

Gong Yu chuckled, this took off the sunglasses, a pair of cold frozen people looked at the two men: "Today, mainly ask two friends to come back and talk about the old!"

"Mr.gongisreallyfunny,andwedon\'tfeelsofamiliarwithMr.gong."[Mr. Gong is really a joke, we don't feel so familiar with Mr. Gong. Kyle Stephen smiled softly, but his tone was not friendly.

"I mean that since the two are such close friends, it is better to have nothing to gather. Today, I will invite two people to drink in the friendship of the landlord."

Said that the palace waved a hand to the waiter behind him, the waiter left the wine and the wine glass.

The two were somewhat unclear by the inexplicable one of Gong Yu. So the two looked at each other, but they all fell into the eyes of Gong Yu. Gong Yu is not in a hurry. As a result, he did not see the general turn and looked to the side. After a few seconds of secret communication, the two men continued to look at the palace.

Gong Yu also did not care about the eyes of the two people. He took the lead and said: "Today, except for the two of them to drink a drink, by the way, talk about compensation."

“Compensation? Whatdoyoumean?” [Compensation? What do you mean? 】 Lauren Cran heard the words, a glimpse of the heart, do not understand the meaning of the palace.

"This time, the two have tried their best, but our reputation has suffered a lot of losses. Shouldn’t we give some compensation?" Gong Yu carried the scorpion, and the deep scorpion showed a sharp edge like a blade. It seems that It was poked into the hearts of the two people at once, and my heart shrank.

"Idon\'tunderstandwyouyouaresaying!" [I don't understand what you are talking about! 】 Kyle Stephen's age is not a little older than Lauren Cran, this time also has a steady eye without a slap, but Lauren Crane has a guilty look at Kyle Stephen.

"Well, since we are sitting here, why don't we open the skylight and say something bright, these days are not too busy, we have been playing with the two for so long, the two are friends, it does not matter, we can and two Not so familiar, can not be accompanied in vain, and now with the two to play is also a happy, then it should be paid for labor." Gong Yu deep scorpion with a trace of unquestionable.

Kyle Stephen and Lauren Kran looked at each other, and Kyle gave a slight look, and then said with a leisurely voice: "Mr.Gong, what\'sthemisunderstandingbetweenus?Ordoyoumeantotroubleus?" [Mr. Gong, and us What is wrong? Still interested in finding us trouble? 】

Gong Yu suddenly saw it. This Kyle was going to kill and not admit it. Of course, this was already in his expectation.

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