The Best All-rounder

Chapter 326: butler's entrustment


Summer just left.

"The shopkeeper, what do you mean?" The man turned to look at the shopkeeper.

"I can't control this. I've said it just now. I'm the shopkeeper here. My lady will give me full authority to buy and sell here. You should talk to me about all the problems in this store, not someone else." The shopkeeper said.

"But he is..."

"Who he is has nothing to do with our shop. If you think he has harmed your interests, you can talk to him." The shopkeeper returned the man's fairy crystal after speaking.


The man snorted heavily: "Okay, you wait for me, I won't just let this matter go."


He said nothing.

The medicine pill was eaten by Xia Xia.

He didn't have any medicine pills in his hand, so he didn't care.

He did not expect that the husband of the boss here would actually do such a thing.

"Uncle, it's not good for you to do this. If it spreads out, it will damage the reputation of the shop." Xiao Yi reminded.

He means.

I'm afraid the lady will be angry when she goes back.

"It's okay, I don't have any title in the shop, and no one can say anything." Summer's talent in business is absolutely unimaginable for these people.

The people here have been in business for many years.

But they've always been a very traditional way of doing business, with steady income, but hardly a big surprise.

that's it.

Another day of shopping in summer.

In fact, Xiaoyi and Xiaoer don't know what they do every day in the summer, but they found that this uncle seems to change every day. As for the specific change, they can't tell, but they feel that there is a change.


He Rou didn't come back and didn't question Xia Tiantian, as if none of this happened.

Day three.

"Uncle, here are a few outfits for you, try it on and see which one you wear to attend." The housekeeper said.

"Can't you choose all of them?" Xia Xia knew that these clothes were luxury goods here, and the prices were very high, but they were of little use.

"No, uncle, you can only choose the one you wear when you attend, the rest must be destroyed directly," the butler said.

"Destroyed? What a pity, right?" Xia Xia said.

"Although when they make clothes, there will never be duplicate samples, but if a style is sold and no one wears it, they will still make it again. If you accidentally wear the same clothes at a banquet in the future, it will be very bad. It's embarrassing, so if you don't wear it tomorrow, you must destroy it." The housekeeper explained.

That is to say.

These luxury clothes must be worn the next day after they are purchased, otherwise if you do not wear them on the third day, there is no guarantee that the same style will appear.

By the time.

It would be a shame if you were bumping into shirts.

People will think that your RiverClan is nothing, and that your clothes are the same as everyone else's.


In the summer, he chose white clothes. He prefers this clean color, and there are blue horizontal bars on it, which looks fresh and refined.

"Uncle, you can't change your clothes by yourself, even if you can refine weapons, you are not allowed to change it yourself, and this is a custom-made dress by our River Clan, with the badge of our River Clan on it, don't let the badge get stained with foreign objects, this The blue horizontal bar represents your level. In our RiverClan, only the mother-in-law can wear all blue clothes, the second generation can wear half blue clothes, and the third generation can wear interspersed blue clothes, and you are It's the fourth generation, so you can only wear clothes with simple horizontal bars." The housekeeper reminded.

Summer remembered.

The jade slip that the housekeeper gave him before seemed to say it.

Blue is the guardian color representing the RiverClan, so it should not be worn casually.

"Okay!" Summer nodded.

"Uncle, my mother-in-law will also go. Remember, you must treat your mother-in-law with respect and don't look at your mother-in-law. This must be observed. If you are disrespectful to your mother-in-law, then anyone at the scene has the right to directly kill you." The housekeeper again reminded.

Although these things are documented.

But he still wanted to remind.

The recent summer has caused a lot of trouble.

He didn't want Xia Xia to have an accident because he didn't understand the rules.

"The first-generation mother-in-law this time.

There are five people in the second generation, the person sitting in the middle is the patriarch, and the person sitting first on the left is the grandfather of the young lady.

There are ten people in the third generation, seven men and three women, and their seats are sorted by age.

The fourth generation of seven people are the people who participated in this competition. "

The butler explained patiently.

This time.

In the summer, you can also see all the managers and all the core staff of the entire RiverClan.

"The fourth generation of martial arts, once a hundred years, the first few times, the first place is almost always the eldest son, the second son has won the first place twice, the third son has won the first place once, and the best place for the young lady is the first place. Four." The butler explained patiently.


Summer nodded.

"This time in the martial arts meeting, on the one hand, the above is to let the above see the growth of the four generations of disciples. On the other hand, the family will also offer ten businesses as rewards, and the first place will receive these ten rewards. The young master has the support of the fourth son and the second young lady, so there are also the most transactions. There are 230 companies in total. The eldest miss has the support of the second son, and the number of sales is now 100. The third son has the support of the fifth son, and the sales are now 80. Now their In buying and selling, the eldest son does the best, the overall profit is the highest, and the third son’s transaction has the highest average profit. Although the eldest young lady’s sales are more than the third son’s, in fact, whether it is the average profit or the total profit , it's a big difference." The housekeeper didn't know why he was talking to Xia Xia.

But he still said it.

He just wanted to let Xia Xia understand the difficulties of the young lady.

How much pressure does Miss have right now?

He didn't want Xia Xia to continue to cause trouble for the young lady.

If the lady is so worried outside and has to deal with trouble when she comes back, it will be really tiring.


Xia Xia agreed very The key point was that he could only shake his head when he saw Xia Xia's bland appearance. He also understood that it seemed useless to say this.

"Uncle, tomorrow is very important. No matter what happens, for the sake of the young lady, please be patient. Once you..." The housekeeper did not say everything: "Then the young lady is really finished."

"Don't worry!" Summer smiled slightly.

"I'm here to thank my uncle," the butler said.

"I promise you." Summer said.

He will never make promises to others easily, but if he promises, he will definitely do it.

RiverClan will fight!

Although it looks very simple on the surface, in fact, this is also a provincial capital of the River Clan. In the past hundred years, these people have gathered once, and it is difficult to see such a scene usually.

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