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Chapter 338: Shui Tianquan

"You don't have to waste time, I tell you, you can't save her, because it's not as simple as she said, and you don't understand the situation at the time, if she dared to stand up at that time, at least she won't have any heart The appearance of the devil, and my existence, means that she will never be able to pass that level, she can live to this day, it is already God's greatest nostalgia for her, this time, she will not be able to pass this level." said directly.

He is really different from other demons.

His destructiveness is too strong.

He just wanted to destroy his mother-in-law.

"Okay, do you think I can't do anything about you? Let me tell you, my sea of ​​consciousness can devour all monsters. Although I can't kill you instantly, but I can digest you little by little, then you will be killed by me sooner or later. Kill it." Summer said.

"Do you think she can carry it to that day? Do you know why she must choose to break through?" A smile appeared on the demon's face.

That's right.

Also found in summer.

The mother-in-law was desperate to break through.

in a hurry.

At that time, the mother-in-law knew that there would be danger, and she was still trying to break through.

There must be a reason for this.

"Has her lifespan reached its limit?" Xia Xia asked.

The demon didn't answer him.

"You think, if you don't tell me, I can't figure it out, right? In this world, there's nothing that I can't figure out in summer." Xia Xia said directly.

"Boy, are you worthy?" Heart Demon said.


Xia Xia ripped open his clothes and revealed his tattoos: "Am I worthy?"

"What?" When the heart demon saw this sign, he was obviously taken aback: "You are..."

"What? Are you afraid now?" Xia Xia asked.

The inner demon was silent for a moment: "I am already a dead person, even just scattered fragments. What else do I have to be afraid of? I will fight with the Xinghe clan all my life, and I am worthy of my life and the Xinghe clan."

"You really are a remnant of Shui Tianquan's soul." Xia Xia said.

The demons stopped talking.

No matter what summer asks.

He stopped talking.

that's it.

Two days have passed.

on the third day.

Shenwu's message came: "Master, the news is back, not very complete, but I have to rest for a while."

Summer understands.

In order to get this news this time, Shen Wu was probably injured.

With the power of his gods, he will be injured, as well as his strength. This shows how difficult it is to get the news back.

"Have a good rest!" Xia Xia responded.

He also opened the information in his hands.

"The battle of the river moat was the battle with the most loss of the four guardian clans. After that battle, the four major guardian clans were torn apart. If the Shui clan did not have some daughters and children who did not participate in the war, the Shui clan would almost be wiped out, and the other three clans were also killed and injured. Exhausted, 400 million people finally left 10,000 people. Except for the strongest people of the three clans who brought some people, the others left alone to create their own guardian clan and continue to maintain them. Their own mission, but the four clans no longer have the previous unity, including within themselves, there is no previous unity."

When I saw this, I understood in the summer that it must be because of the Shuitianquan that the latter things happened.

They must have killed Shui Tianquan together, so they finally distrusted each other.

"Shui Tianquan, the strongest guardian of the Shui clan, is said to be the strongest existence of the four clans at that time. He alone covered the light of all the other four clans. During the battle of the river moat, he led the Shui clan to take the lead in charging, He vowed to fight to the death to fight against the enemy's billions of troops. In order to completely wipe out the enemy and protect Tianhe, they proposed to prepare an ambush circle. He took the lead in taking a stand and took the only remaining 100,000 Shui people out to fight the enemy's tens of millions. In the end, when there were only a few hundred people left, he successfully led the enemy into their ambush circle, but the people in the city did not open the city gate, and in the end, he was wounded all over, along with his own hundreds of people. Brother, who died in despair, everyone in the city opened the city gate for him. The leaders of the three tribes at that time said that he was collaborating with the enemy, and opening the city gate would likely let the enemy enter the Tianhe, so until they died, the city The door didn't open, and no one came out to say a word."

When I saw the news, Xia Xia understood what was going on.

I also understand why Shenwu was injured.

Such information must be hidden in the deepest and most hidden places, and it is absolutely impossible for normal people to find it.

Shen Wu must have paid a great price to get this information back.

at the same time.

He could also feel the situation at that time.


Shui Tianquan must be very desperate in the end.

Such despair is unimaginable.

He struggled all his life, taking the lead in everything, he fought for the opportunity to kill the enemy with spelling, but in the end he was locked out by his own people.

Hundreds of people were surrounded and wiped out by tens of millions of opponents.

Those enemies, when they finally knew that they were in the game, must have killed Shui Tianquan and his hundreds of people frantically, and the death must be tragic.

The main thing is.

The kind of desperation they were abandoned.

"You were really miserable at that said Xia Xia.

"What you see is what is written in the book, what you see in the book, how much can you understand? One tenth, one percent, or one thousandth? No, you can't understand anything. , Do you know how the few hundred people I survived at that time died in the end? Do you know their final despair? I fought for the rest of my life and finally died unjustly, can you understand my feelings?" The demon asked road.

He finally spoke.

"With this hatred, you have never been able to rest in peace, and you have turned into a series of demons, haunting them for millions of years. What kind of hatred, what kind of hatred should be gone?" Xia Xia asked.

"I used to be the most dazzling existence of the four clans, but I fought to the end and ended up like this. These little people, one by one, lived smoothly, they became the pillars of the three clans, each one called the wind and rain, and I, the Became a traitor in their mouths, didn't you always want to ask me why I didn't let He Po go? Let me tell you, if it wasn't for me, she would have died long ago. She was bullied so much that she couldn't even lift her head up. The guy, I helped her, I rescued her, taught her to practice, and gave her hope for a new life, but in the end, she didn't even say a word to let me in. I know she has no ability to open the city gate, but Even if she says a word, I will not embarrass her." The inner demon scolded.

That's why she kept pestering her mother-in-law.

"Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. You were too dazzling back then, and you will definitely be envied by others. Also, do you think it's you who won't let them go? I think it's you who won't let go of yourself. With a wave of Xia Xia's right hand, all the restraints on the demons disappeared: "Don't you want revenge? Go, I won't stop you!!"

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