The Best All-rounder

Chapter 355: 1 liar [6]

"Tell me about it!!" Summer raised his brows.

"To be precise, I heard my grandma mention him and say that he is a big liar. This person has lied to many people, and also lied to grandma, because of him, grandma died." Shui Linglong said.

"There is such a thing." Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, in order to seek revenge for him, my aunt hasn't come back until now. My father told me that if one day, my aunt can't come back, then maybe my aunt's descendants will come back, and my aunt's descendants will use the same thing as mine. Name back." Shui Linglong said.

"Shui Linglong?" Xia Tian asked.


Xia Tian nodded slightly and said nothing.

"Anything specific?" Xia Tian asked.

"I heard that in the earliest days, my grandmother didn't plan to marry my grandfather. The person she liked at that time was that Tianlong, and that Tianlong was also very good to her, but I learned later that Tianlong was good to her because he wanted to defraud her. I need her help to get close to my grandfather and help him find what he needs. Later, my grandfather was severely punished for this matter, and my grandma felt very sorry for my grandfather, so she married my grandfather, but in the end, my grandma It also ended in depression." Shui Linglong said.

"So, this Tianlong is a big bad guy," Xia Xia said.

"I don't know about this. My father told me that my grandmother never complained about Tianlong until she died. She just felt sorry for grandpa." Shui Linglong said.


Xia Xia also felt very speechless at this time. It was not the first time that he had heard that his father was a man with a heart, a man with a heart.

But in fact, his father is not a fan.

Because his father did these things to save his mother.

His father only loved his mother all his life, but he also hurt a lot of people.

If compared to his father.

Summer is more affectionate.

"Sir, these are the classics and information you need." The Shui Clan Chief personally sent the things over.

"Patriarch Shui, you can leave these things to your subordinates in the future. You don't need to come forward in person for anything, just feel free." Xia Xia said.

"Yes, my lord." Said the water clan chief.

Xia Tian glanced at the information in his hand.

These information did not record the endless Xinghai, because those things are not allowed to be recorded, any guardian family, can not record things about the endless Xinghai, because they are the people who protect the endless Xinghai, not the people who reveal the endless Xinghai, so any information, they will not say.

But here is the record of the battle of Tianhe that year. In fact, the battle of Tianhe was to resist the attack of the Demon Sect. The Demon Sect gathered countless masters to attack the endless Xinghai and cross the Tianhe.

The guardian clan successfully blocked the attack of the Demon Sect.

Since then, no one has dared to cross the Tianhe again.

And Tianhe is the gate of the endless star sea.

As for the introduction of the Celestials.

Much simpler.

The real power ruler on the bright side of China, the absolute hegemon.

There are many more detailed introductions later.

It's all about what the Celestial Clan people have done over the years, as well as what their subordinate forces have done, and so on.

Among the Celestial Clan people, the level is also very strict, but even the lowest level Celestial Clan people can not be killed casually. If the Celestial Clan people die, something big will happen.


After the River Clan mother-in-law returned.

Called the five second-generation people together: "From today onwards, the fourth-generation disciples of the River Clan have all been in seclusion for a thousand years. From today onwards, He Rou is not allowed to remarry for the rest of her life, and no matter what kind of man she falls in love with, she cannot leave. If you marry, you can't recruit a son-in-law, you must guard yourself, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."


Several people were stunned.

They can see it.

Grandma is very serious this time.

"Among all the four generations of children, except He Song and He Rou, all the others will be deprived of their salaries. After a thousand years, the most outstanding of them can continue to be the fourth generation of children, and the others will be demoted to Ordinary people." said the mother-in-law.

"Mother-in-law, I just got the news that Heyang ran away." Heyang's grandfather said.


"I punished him for a hundred years before, but he ran away." He Yang's grandfather said.

"Start the River Clan S-level pursuit, he must die!" said the mother-in-law.

"Mother-in-law, give him a chance!" He Yang's grandfather knelt on the ground.

"If he gets into trouble, are you responsible?" asked the mother-in-law.

"Mother-in-law, he is still young and ignorant, if something happens to him..."

"I tell you, I can't afford it. If he causes trouble again, maybe our River Clan line will be exterminated." The mother-in-law said.

When hearing this.

Everyone understands the seriousness of the matter.

"I see." He Yang's grandfather said.

"I don't have that much time for you. In the event of an accident, we, tens of millions of people, will probably commit suicide," said the mother-in-law.

The patriarch got up: "Don't worry, mother-in-law, one day, one day, I can handle it."

"I don't have so much time for you. As long as you get him at the highest speed, you can avoid unnecessary trouble. I will give you three hours. After three hours, I don't want him to be alive." give them such an order.

but now.

She had to give such an order.

Because she has tens of millions of lives on her body.


She has only a few dozen people left, and it has grown to tens of millions of people today. What a great feat and what an easy task.

She couldn't let Heyang alone ruin so many people.

If something goes wrong in the summer.

Then they would really have to die.

He Yang originally thought he had run away.

But his presence in River Clan is simply too much, and River Clan has the ability and technique to track.

This time.

Not many people started.

Only five of them.

If they follow others, they can let their men do it.

But this time.

It's really out of their control.

One hour.

They found Heyang. Heyang never left Wanxing Yuncheng. He just hid in a hotel. He wanted to take revenge on the summer.

"Grandpa, Patriarch, why are you here?" When He Yang saw these people, his face was also very ugly.

"Why are you running?" Heyang's grandfather went up and slapped Heyang.



He Yang's grandfather slapped again when he went up: "Why are you running?"

"Me!!" He Yang wanted to say something, but he suddenly found out that his grandfather quietly gave him a storage device, and at the same time he quietly sent him a message: "Prepare to escape, never come back."


He Yang's grandfather slapped He Yang out.

at the same time.

He Yang started to run away without looking back.


The patriarch and others looked at Heyang's grandfather in confusion.

"Do you know what you are doing?" the patriarch scolded.

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