The Best All-rounder

Chapter 361: Meet Huli Again


"Shenwu, follow along and see what he's doing here." Xia Xia said.

Shenwu is very obedient.

He will do whatever the summer asks him to do.

He will never overstep his authority.

"Don't you get rid of him?" Shui Linglong asked.

Although she has also gone out, she used to go out as a eldest lady, and everyone is centered on her, so she is still a bit outspoken, although she is for the good of summer.

But normally.

She is now a valet for summer.

She doesn't need to say anything that Xia Tian didn't ask her to do.

"I don't need it for the time being, let's see what he wants to do first. After all, he is from the River Clan. I heard that his grandfather lost his life in order to protect him. I can't bear to kill him like this, but if he doesn't die, Then he should be dead," Xia Xia said.


Shui Linglong nodded slightly.

She also understood what summer meant.

"Linglong, you don't need to be so nervous, you look too excited now, let yourself relax." Xia Tian glanced at Shui Linglong.

Now the water is exquisite.

It's very energy consuming.

If it goes on like this, she will be a little sluggish before she travels for a long time.

"I want to protect the safety of adults." Linglong said very seriously.

before she came.

The patriarch had already ordered that even if she died, she would not let something happen to Xia Xia.

And she also admires summer very much.

Especially the tattoo on Xia Xia's body, that tattoo, represents everything, even if Xia Xia asked her to die now, she would definitely die.

"You don't have to be so nervous to protect me, and you can see the way you are now, as long as you are an old river and lake. If you really want to investigate the surroundings, you have to do something calm, not like you are now. ." Summer reminded.

The reason why he reminded Shui Linglong to come out with him this time.

In fact, that is to teach more water exquisite.

Let Shui Linglong not only be a person with only superficial strength.

"Yes!" Shui Linglong said respectfully.

She has also really learned a lot from Xia Xia recently.

her before.

Doing anything is very direct.

She thinks that if there is something wrong, it can be solved directly, there is no need to go around the bend, and the straight line between the two points is the shortest.

But the summer taught her: between two points is definitely the shortest, but between two points, a straight line is definitely not the fastest.

He also deliberately brought two **** and dropped them on a straight line of defense, a high and undulating place.

As a result of the undulating line, the ball reaches its destination faster.

Although many things.

Now Shui Linglong still doesn't quite understand.

"Aren't we waiting for Shenwu?" Shui Linglong asked inexplicably.

"He can find me," Xia Xia said.

"How did you find it?" Shui Linglong asked.

"There are many ways, these are some means and experience, I can teach you several ways, of course, I want you to find me, you can find it, I don't want you to find me when you find me, you will definitely not find it. , you have to remember in the future, if we get separated and you can't find me, don't rush to find me, just wait, you can also wait in a crowded place, maybe I will Appeared." Summer reminded.


See in summer.

There are still a lot of people in the team.

"Mr. Tian!!" A person ran up from behind.


Xia Tian glanced at each other: "You are..."

"Mr. Tian, ​​I am Hutian from the third generation of the Lake Clan. When you and Miss Shui got married, we had a relationship." The man said excitedly, and then he also looked at Shui Linglong next to Xia Xia, although he felt Shui Linglong looked a little familiar, but now that Shui Linglong had learned Xia Xia's Disguise Technique, he didn't recognize it for a while.


Shui Linglong also breathed a sigh of relief.

Shenwu recognized her so easily before, which made her very depressed, and also made her realize the inadequacy of her disguise technique. In recent days, she has also been studying disguise, but now Hutian does not have any. She was very happy to recognize her.

To know.

Hu Tian knew her.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" Xia Tian asked.

"Isn't this a special situation that happened recently with Tiger Star Group, I also brought four generations of my family out to join in the fun." Hu Tian said.

"You are a guardian clan, and you also want to find Tianlong?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

The guardian clan will not ask for rewards from the Celestial clan.

"No, Mr. Tian, ​​you misunderstood, I don't have that idea, and people like Tianlong are not something we can afford. I came here this time because I heard that there might be some good treasures here, so Come over and bring the little guys in the family to gain insight, open their eyes, and at the same time let them know more about the world, so that we will not cause trouble for our Lake Clan in the future." Hu Tian said.

The matter of the River Clan has dealt a great blow to their other guardian clans.

It can be regarded as a wake-up call for them and let them understand.

Don't be blind.

No matter how strong you are now.

The RiverClan was forced to withdraw from the Guardian Clan because of the summer.

The Lake Clan don't want to experience such a thing, so they also want to take their fourth-generation people out for more walks, let them experience more things, and understand how to be Oh! ! "Summer nodded.

"Mr. Tian, ​​why didn't you bring an **** when you came out?" Hu Tian asked.

Although the Patriarch of the Shui Clan did not inform the Patriarch of the Lake Clan and the members of the Lake Clan Generation Xia's identities, they actually guessed some people.

Because they all knew that RiverClan got into Summer because of it.

The mother-in-law asked the River Clan to withdraw from the guardian clan.

And the attitude of the aquarium towards summer.

Let them understand how difficult the identity of the summer is.

It is precisely because of this. Lake Tian will be so polite.

"I'm an ordinary person, what kind of guards do I bring?" Xia Xia shook his head.

"Well, if Mr. Tian doesn't dislike it, let's go with us. We will be your guards, Mr. Tian." Hu Tian said respectfully.

"No need." Summer said.

"Mr. Tian, ​​I heard that the Tiger Stars are very unsafe this time. There are already many dangers there. In addition, many experts have come this time, as well as many demons and demons. If you intervene, you are just two of you, it's too dangerous, we go together, and it's also a look after." Hu Tian kindly invited.

"Okay!" Summer is also not good at rejecting others.

At the same time, he is going to take the Tiger Stars group now. In the past, there will indeed be some small troubles. Following the team of the Lake Clan, the people of the Lake Clan can also help him deal with those small troubles.


I saw the Lake Clan team in the summer.

A full three hundred people.

And everyone in there is a master.

There is also an acquaintance: Hu Li.

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