The Best All-rounder

Chapter 405: 0 Flower Fairy

If Tianshuang Sanjie dares to beat his wife's idea, then he will make Tianshuang Sanjie unable to return to Tianshuang Temple alive.

Although these three are powerful.

But Xia Xia never cared about the strength of the enemy.

Tiger Star City.

"It's been really lively here recently." Hong Feng said with emotion.

"A person from the Celestial Clan died here, and my father also appeared here. Although I have already obtained the treasure chest, many people have just heard the news of the treasure chest, and some people think that there are treasures here, and the small town has been destroyed, With so much news gathered here, it will definitely attract a lot of experts." Xia Xia said before.

The Tiger Star Cluster, I am afraid that it will not be able to calm down for decades.

There will be a steady stream of people here.

"My lord, I have bought the information about Fairy Hundred Flowers that you asked for. The immortal crystals you gave me were not used up, and I bought them back after only using more than a hundred immortal crystals." The tavern's second said respectfully.

"It's so cheap." Xia Tian was taken aback.

"My lord, this is normal. If you want to buy information from a top expert, the price is very expensive. People like Baihua Fairy are generally only heard of, but no one has seen them, so the information is naturally very cheap. That's it." The second in the tavern handed the information to Xia Xia and the remaining fairy crystals.

Xia Tian also gave Xiao 2,000 fairy crystals.

"Thank you for the reward, sir." The second said respectfully.

Summer also looked at the information.

"It is said that when the flowers are in full bloom, a fairy will appear. Her face is as cold as ice, but it can make the flowers more beautiful, as if they are connected to the sky. No one has really come into contact with her, and no one knows where she is. Everyone only knows that she is the Baihua Fairy of Shenzhou."

Here is some more illusory information.

are some legends.

It is said that it was left by some people who had seen the appearance of Baihua Fairy.

It's all about how beautiful Baihua Fairy looks.

In fact, a lot of the news is fake.

"It seems that the information I bought here is not very good." When Hongfeng saw this information, she was also very disappointed.

Such information is of no use at all.

"Don't worry, since you already know that she is in the eighth party, then the problem is not big." Xia Xia has seen hope now.


He also has a goal.

That is Tianshuang Sanjie.

The news that these three people can get is definitely more reliable and more authentic than the news that he can get, so if they can find it, they can follow their direction in the summer.

"The three heroes of Tianshuang do not have my golden feathers. If you want them to lead us, you must leave golden feathers on them," Hongfeng reminded.


"There is no chance now, these three people are too strong, if you want to leave Jin Yu on them, you must approach them, but their vigilance is very high, it is impossible to give me a chance to approach them, I can only slowly Wait, but it is impossible for them to find Bingbing for the time being, the main purpose of their coming out this time should be to find Bingbing, and revenge for that day should be secondary." Xia Tian started from the conversation between Tianshuang Sanjie and Shadow Demon at that time. can be seen.


The three of them are the kind of people who have to complete the task. No matter what happens, they will not take the initiative to let the Shadow Fiend go.


They have more tasks they want to accomplish.

It makes sense to give up secondary tasks for the main task.

"In this case, they should not leave for the time being. These two tasks have not been completed, and there is no way to go back." Hongfeng said.


"Hey, have you heard? All the nearby teleportation formations are temporarily in a semi-closed state. Everyone must undergo strict inspections. If you do not cooperate with the inspection, they will not let you ride the teleportation formation."

"I heard that, and it seems that there are quests released in the Temple of Frost. There are two quests in total, one is to find the Baihua Fairy; the other is to find a man called Shadow Demon. For clues, you can directly reward 100 million immortal crystals, and you can give you a letter of introduction to Tianshuang Temple."

"I also heard that the small city that was destroyed before was made by the Shadow Demon. The Tianshuang Temple has sent experts this time to kill people who casually destroy the city."

The people around were talking.

What they say is true and false.

But one thing is for sure.

Most are true.

"If the teleportation formation is closed, the Shadow Demon will not be able to leave in the teleportation formation. The Shadow Demon is now in a great loss of strength. If there is no natural treasure to recover, I am afraid that it will not be able to recover within a hundred years. Shuang Sanjie has severely injured his body and your soul. It is very difficult to recover, and now they have released such a reward, which will definitely attract countless people to look for it. It is impossible to find Bingbing in the eighth district. But relying on these people, you might be able to find the Shadow Demon." Hongfeng analyzed.

Shadow Fiend is in a very bad situation right now.

If he is not allowed to ride the teleportation array, it is almost difficult for him to leave the vicinity of the tiger star belt.

By flying, I don't know how long it will take.

His current physical condition is also not suitable for a long flight.

If he keeps, he will definitely be found by those who search for him.

By the time.

He will also be caught.

"If he has the strength he has now, he should also have some skills. Although a large number of people will start to search him right now, he should also have a way to avoid the search. What I want to focus on now is how they will find it. Bingbing." Summer still wanted to find Lin Bingbing quickly.

Just find Lin Bingbing.

All that happened.

"Look, isn't that person the one we chatted with before?" Hongfeng reminded.

At this time in the corner of the tavern.

A long, dark man sat there.

The man was the man who told Xia Tian about the three heroes of Tianshuang before, and he was the man with a particularly beautiful hand.


"When did he come?" Xia Tian asked.

"I don't know, but he doesn't seem to have seen us, and he has never looked over." Hongfeng said.

"This tavern is not big, normal people will definitely see what the people around them are like at first glance when they come in. This is instinct, it is impossible for him not to find me, he has never looked at me, he can only say that he took advantage of it. Observe me with a special technique." Xia Xia knew very well that some people deliberately concealed themselves, but instead exposed themselves.

Everyone has an instinct.

Especially those who are away from home.

If Shui Linglong came out, she didn't go to see the people around her, Xia Xian would still understand, but the last time that man contacted, Xia Xia found out that he was an old Jianghu.

"Friend, I heard that you want to buy information on Fairy Hundred Flowers!!" A man sat in front of Xia Xia.

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