The Best All-rounder

Chapter 452: a legendary person

"Okay, but don't you want to know who my enemy is?" Huairou asked.

"As long as it's not my friend, it's fine." Xia Xia said very domineeringly.

He doesn't need to know who the other person is.

As long as he promises things.

will definitely go.

"Wait for my news!" Huairou said.

Xia Xia didn't know that he became famous faster than he thought.

The twenty-four people are all prominent figures in the eighth district. They all use the communication signs to notify their own people outside, and the people outside are also the first to note the news of this summer.

At the same time began to investigate.

At the beginning, not many people knew about it.

But more people are asking.

The name also spread.

And the people who spread the news are also big forces, big people.


All kinds of news came out.

first message.

Four of the Qiankun Seven died.

They were killed by a man called Summer.

To know.

The Qiankun Group of Seven fought against the existence of the three gods in those days. Each of the three gods was one of the top ten masters in the eighth district.

The three of them joined forces and failed to kill the Qiankun Group of Seven.

But now.

The Qiankun Seven was actually killed by Xia Xia.


This news has been affirmed by many major forces.

"This is too scary. Who is this new summer?"

"I don't know, but it's too scary. The Qiankun Seven Group is a legend. I always thought that people like them could not die. I didn't expect that four of them were killed this summer."

"What is the origin of this person, and why is he so strong?"

The news out there is now mixed.

The word summer is everywhere.

The first news has just begun to ferment.

The second news appeared: the ancient monster Moruo Ye broke the seal in Juxing Mountain, but was also beheaded by Xia Xia!

This news is more terrifying than the previous one.

What killed last summer was a contemporary legend.

this one.

It was summer that killed the ancient legend.

All of a sudden, the entire eighth district exploded because of these two words.

And the latter two messages were determined to be true.

At first, some people questioned the authenticity.

But later, some people who knew the twenty-four big men, confirmed the truth of the matter from the twenty-four people, and the legends were almost all true.


Come to Juxing Mountain.

I didn't wait for Lin Bingbing.

But he became famous.

This is also a surprise.

Ancient style village.

"Mr. Xia, you are back."

When the masters of Gufengzhai heard that summer was coming, they all ran out, and the scene was very solemn.

"Didn't you run for your life?" Xia Xia was also taken aback when he saw these people.

He thought these people had gone their separate ways.

"Where can we escape? The boss has already sent a message back. Although the above is very angry this time, they also gave us a chance. As long as we complete the new task, the last time will be forgotten." Guiyi said.

"Heavenly people are really kind." Xia Xia smiled.

"Mr. Xia, don't make fun of us, we have prepared a banquet specially for you." Guiyi said respectfully.

"Receiving me?" Xia Xia was stunned, he didn't think he was familiar with these people.

If it is said that the other party is taking care of him because of the hag's face, it shouldn't be such an exaggeration, even a hag should not have such a face.

"Mr. Xia, please!"


Summer doesn't know what to say.

He could only follow along, although he didn't understand what was going on now, but since they had already arranged it, he naturally had to give them face.

on the way.

Summer also inquired and understood.

It turned out that the battle of Juxingshan had already passed.

"Your news is too well-informed. I haven't been there yet, so you know so much." Xia Xia felt very speechless.

"Mr. Xia, the communication talisman can break through the space. It will take you a few days to fly over, but even if the communication talisman flies to the big city in front, it will only take a day and a half at most." Guiyi said.


"Well, there will be a lot of trouble after that." Xia Xia also understood that after he became famous, there would be a lot of trouble.

But he doesn't think it's a bad thing. Since he can't find his wives, he will be famous, so that his wives can find him.

"Mr. Xia, I apologize to you for my previous actions." The tavern owner also said respectfully.

"Small thing." Summer took a sip of wine.

When he drank this glass of wine, it meant that this matter was over.


Summer doesn't care about such trifles at all.

"Mr. Xia is great!!" The tavern owner praised.

"Drink a bar!" Summer said.

"Mr. Xia, are all the legends we heard true?" Although Guiyi felt that it was not polite to ask, he still wanted to ask.

"Those things you said have been exaggerated too much, do you think that I can do so many things alone? In fact, it is the result of the cooperation of twenty-four of I It's just to give them a psychological guarantee. With me here, the twenty-four of them don't need to doubt each other, and they don't need to question each other. Even if there is a conflict, it can be put on me alone. The combined strength of the masters is very terrifying." Xia Xia explained.

He doesn't like to exaggerate his achievements.

Without those twenty-four people, no matter how powerful he was, he would be dead.

He couldn't withstand the attack of the Qiankun Seven.

And no matter how good his eyesight is, it is impossible to find Moruo Ye.

"Mr. Xia is too modest. Many experts passed by us a few days ago. They all said that it was you, Mr. Xia, who saved their lives. If it wasn't for you, they would all be dead." said with a smile.

"Everyone give face." Xia Tian also smiled.

"By the way, Mr. Xia, our Lord Hujun wants to meet you, I don't know when you will have time." Guiyi said.

"Didn't he go to see the Celestials? I don't have time to wait here." Xia Xia said.

"It's natural, Mr. Xia, you only need to say when you have time, and then you can send us the communication talisman, and Lord Hujun will go to see you at your place." Guiyi said.


Xia Xia nodded slightly, and he also took out his communication talisman: "This is my communication talisman, you keep it first, you give me a communication talisman, I have some things to do recently, and I will notify you when I am done."

"My lords, the high-level army of the Three Bamboo Sect is here."

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