The Best All-rounder

Chapter 454: find spiderwoman

Can a third-generation chief be called a son?

Of course not.

"Brother Xia, there may have been some misunderstanding here. If my people are reckless, I will apologize for them." Qing Zizhu said.

"It's fine," Summer said.

"Shadow Demon, I'll give you one day to escape. Run for your life now. After a day, the Three Bamboo Sect will hunt you down." Qing Zizhu glanced at the Shadow Demon and said.

Shadow Demon also bowed his hands, bowed slightly to Xia Xia, and then turned to leave.

"Okay, Brother Xia, I know you have very important things to do, so I won't waste your time. Next time we have a chance, we will talk about the old times again." Qing Zizhu said.

"You'd better find a way to get rid of the demonic energy in your body first," Xia Xia reminded.

"Don't worry, there are so many reliable seniors here, I won't have an accident." Qing Zizhu was talking about these people around him.


The people from the Three Bamboo Sect also left.

"Mr. Xia, thank you very much." Guiyi said respectfully.

"It's just a little effort." Xia Xia is not a person who likes to be greedy.

It's not a big deal for him to help.

"Mr. Xia, shall we continue?"

"No, I really have something very important to do, so I won't bother. I will invite you when I have a chance in the future." Xia Xia left after finishing speaking.

"Respectfully send Mr. Xia!" These people also directly sent Xia Xia out of the area of ​​Gufengzhai.

The world is very real.

When summer is coming, a guard here sees summer with his nostrils turned upside down. The tavern owner even wanted to kill him and throw him into their dungeon.

But when the summer left, all the big figures in Gufengzhai came out to send each other, and they sent them all the way out of the area of ​​Gufengzhai.


Summer is famous this time.

It really affects a lot of people.

"You really know this summer?"

"Well, I'm not a friend, but I definitely know each other," said the main hall master of the Star Palace.

He can be considered to have fulfilled his lifelong wish and returned to the family. Although his current position is not very high and his status is also very low, he still feels excited.

Listen to the legends about summer.

There was also a smile on his face.


He and Xia Xia are also legends of the Three Rivers and Six Vessels.

but now.

He could only listen to the legends about summer.

"It's really not low-key. Wherever you go, it will cause such a big sensation." Qu Yi looked at the information in his hand with a smile on his face.


This man belongs to him.


Later, he threw the man away with his own hands, like throwing away garbage.


Such is life, there is no turning back, no regrets.


He can only acquiesce to all of this.

"As expected of an adult, it's amazing."

When the guardians of the family heard the news, they were all very excited.

"Master, Miss has arrived at the destination."

"Well, she is the future of our aquarium, and she has a little relationship with that adult. If she can get tempered there, maybe she will have the opportunity to become that adult's follower in the future. In this case, It's really our Shui clan's accumulation of great virtue, and it is also the most glorious moment of her life." The Shui clan chief said excitedly.

The other guardians of the clan were also very excited.


In the River Clan, there are many people who are not in a good mood.

Especially Ha Roon and his father.

"Hey, he used to be my husband." He Rou sighed, she felt that she had missed the biggest opportunity in her life.

And he destroyed it himself.

Looking at his daughter.

Her father could only keep shaking his head. His daughter made such a decision as a result of his fueling the flames. If it weren't for him, his daughter would not have made such a decision.

It can be said.

It was he who destroyed his own daughter with his own hands.

"Tianlong, your son is famous again." Yin Nie looked at the information in his hand with a smile on his face.

"That's your apprentice too." Xia Xialong responded.

"I've said it a long time ago, I'm not worthy of being his master. His future achievements will be much higher than mine." Yin Nie said.

"Who can say what will happen in the future, and if it weren't for you, he wouldn't be alive today, he would have died in the hands of the quicksand back then." Xia Xialong said with emotion.

"That's all in the past."

"We must respect the past, and we must respect the future. I don't know if it's my speed or this kid's speed." Xia Xialong said.

"I don't know, but I always feel that without this kid, it would be impossible for us to shake the flower of China."

There are many people who read the news of Xia Xialong.

When Qu Xi saw the news, he didn't say anything, but continued his own affairs, because in a few days, Xia Xia would join her.

When Shenwu heard the news, he had been thinking about something, as for what he was thinking.

Nobody knows.

"He was looking for me, but unfortunately, now is not the time."

There was a happy expression on Baihua Fairy's face.

The entire Eighth Party is full of news about summer, UU reading www.uukanshu. When com was on his way in the recent summer, the name he heard the most was also him.

"Hey, have you thought about it?" Qu Xi looked at the Spider Woman in front of him.

"If you want to threaten me, you're not worthy, so let's spend it and see if you die first or I die first." After Spider-Woman finished speaking, she returned to her cave.

Qu Xi also shook his head helplessly: "Shenwu, how long will he need?"

"A few hours!" Shen Wu said.

"Fortunately, if he doesn't come again, I'll be the one who will die first." Qu Xi glanced at his hands. Now they have completely turned black, and they are all covered with spider-like tattoos. These tattoos even look like As if alive.

that's it.

After a few hours.

Summer arrives in this death-filled canyon.

"Master." Shen Wu said respectfully.


Xia Tian patted Shenwu on the shoulder: "It's hard work."

"Hey, I'm also working very hard, don't you know how to comfort me?" Qu Xi said very upset.

"You are an old woman, what can I comfort you." Xia Xia walked to Qu Xi's side.

His hand was on Qu Xi's body.


All the poison in Qu Xi's body was sucked away by him.

So sucked into the body of summer.

"What a monster." Seeing Xia Xia's actions, Qu Xi could only use the word "monster" to describe Xia Xia.

"Senior, my name is Xia Xia, the son of Tianlong, I have some questions to ask!" Xia Xia shouted to the cave.

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