The Best All-rounder

Chapter 457: halloween mage

"How do I know what's the big deal? Every time I walk with your father, he won't tell me what happened and what to do before I arrive at the destination." Spider-Woman complained.

She was always panting when she spoke.

Every time I bring up my summer interest, I will say something useless again.

"Okay." Summer said helplessly.

"By the way, if you want to know more about your father and your mother, then you can go to the All Saints Mage, but I want to remind you, don't let anyone know that you are the son of Tianlong in the future, although I I hope you die too, but once you are discovered by the Celestials, then you will become the weapons of the Celestials to check and balance your father, that is not what I want to see." Spider-Woman reminded.

She really wanted to destroy the relationship between Tianlong and Tianlu.

I also hope that the crystals of the two of them die.

In this case.

Tianlong will have no ties in the future and can be with her.

But she didn't want Xia Xia to reveal her identity, because it would only cause trouble for Tianlong.

"Don't worry, apart from the two of them, you will be the only one who knows." Xia Xia said.

Of course.

Qu Yi also knew.

"I suggest that you kill all those who know your identity, and leave none of them, because they will all become uncertain factors. You don't know the horror of the Celestials, so you don't care now, but once the Celestials find some signs , the people of that day will do whatever it takes to investigate you and everyone related to you. At that time, they will be caught by the people of the heavenly people, and the people of the heavenly people have a lot of methods, and they will use all their means to get them. The news in the soul.

"Don't worry, I believe them." Xia Tian smiled.

"I don't believe it, so you let them protect themselves and don't give me a chance, otherwise I won't let the two of them go, and if there's a chance, I won't let you go," Spider-Woman said.

"You won't have that chance." Xia Xia glanced into the distance: "Where is the Mage of All Saints?"

"How would I know."

Spider-Woman said very naturally.


Summer doesn't know what to say anymore.

This Spider-Woman does this every time.

"Halloween Mage is a very mysterious person. He will not be fixed in one place, but he will definitely be on the way to save people." Spider Woman reminded.

"Thank you for telling me another ambiguous piece of information." Xia Tian had given up hope for Spider-Woman.

Spider-Woman didn't say anything.

"Okay, we're leaving. If you meet my father next time, help me tell him that I will rescue my mother earlier than him and let him speed up." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Hopefully." After Spider-Woman finished speaking, she left directly.

Xia Tian glanced at Qu Xi and Shen Wu: "You two have a new mission."

"The two of us are tired to death outside, but you are making such a big name." Qu Xi complained.

"If you want outsiders, you need to be safe first!" Xia Xia smiled.

"Anne? Who is your wife? Strictly speaking, I am a woman related to your father." Qu Xi responded.

"Everyone, now you are messing with me, then you have to help me solve my biggest trouble, help me find the Halloween Mage, I will ask the question myself, this time I really can't reveal my identity." Xia Xia reminded road.

"I don't know how long this kind of free volunteering will last." Qu Xi said helplessly.

"Come on, when I get everything done, it's ok." After Xia Tian finished speaking, he disappeared directly in place.

"I really know how to be a hands-off shopkeeper, so I'll leave after that." Qu Xi complained.

"Isn't the meaning of our existence to help the master solve all the troubles and problems?" Shenwu slowly got up.

"He is your master, but not mine." Qu Xi also disappeared after finishing speaking.

Shen Wu sat there, and did not get up in a hurry. Looking at the people who left, a smile appeared on his face: "The legend, is it true or false?"

After Xia Xia left, he also went to the Qiankun Seven.

The remaining three.

He won't let him go, so he didn't plan to let go of these three people, and the body of these three people was still missing on his second feather.

"Hongfeng, can you trace it?" Xia Xia asked.

"It's too far, it's temporarily beyond my tracking range, but as long as I get closer, I can sense them, so it's best to go to a big city, a big city with a teleportation array, in this case, even if they want to teleport away, I can also sense their breath." Hongfeng reminded.

"Okay, then first..."

Before Xia Xia's words were spoken, a communication talisman fell into his hands.

"I'm really impatient, Guiyi asked me if I had time." Xia Xia promised Guiyi to meet their boss Hujun.

But wait until he's done.

Now that Guiyi came to him so suddenly, it should be that something important happened.

"There must be a reason for him to look for you in such a hurry. It must be Lord Tiger who has come back and wants to ask you for help with something important. Lord Tiger is a high-level dog of the Celestial Clan people. There are many people like this in the eighth district. Gao's status and status, if you help him, it may bring us a lot of convenience, and it will also play a very important role in our subsequent investigation." Hongfeng reminded.


"There is a city of Caesars in front of is a small town, so let them meet there." Xia Xia also planned to meet this Tiger King.

This Eighth Party legend.


If the Tianshuang City Lord is the decent representative of the eighth party, then the Three Bamboo Sect is the representative of the eighth party's demon sect.

And Tiger King is the smooth existence in the Eighth Party.

And a very smart person.

Caesars City.

It's a small town nearby.

Summer is also coming directly to this small town.

In the small town, there are many people recently.

"Have you heard? It was in our city that summer."


Hearing this, Xia Xia frowned: "Am I exposed?"

"You didn't expose, that person was bragging." Hongfeng responded.


Xia Xia understood that he was a celebrity now, and many people used his name to brag about it.

Some people say they have seen him.

Or meet him, etc.

The most important thing is that someone actually believed it.

"Mr. Xia!!" A man sat opposite Xia Xia.


Xia Xia looked at each other and frowned: "Tiger Lord?"


There were two men standing beside the man.

At this time, seeing Hu Jun in front of him, Xia Xia really felt a little unbelievable. In his impression, Hu Jun should be the kind of rough-looking, very domineering, and decisive person.

But now what he saw was a scholar.

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