The Best All-rounder

Chapter 527: I know you

He Rou ignored the three people.

The three people saw that He Rou had no intention of retreating, and they themselves also retreated. In their opinion, it was a very unwise choice to confront each other head-on at a time like this.

Now the opponent is obviously stronger than them.

The other side is the local guard.

If there is any contradiction, then they can't justify it.

"That's why you're causing trouble?" The captain of the guard looked at Xia Xia.

Xia Xia didn't speak, just looked at the captain of the guard with a blank expression.

When the captain of the guard was seen by Xia Xia, he was also worried: "Aren't you going to explain it?"

He is also a well-informed man.

He always felt that the summer in front of him should not be an ordinary person.

So he didn't mess around directly.

"That fat man over there is yours, and you should be the one he called, right? Since you both know each other, why do you need to ask me?" Xia Xia said directly.

That's right.

As long as you're not stupid.

can be seen.

This captain of the guard is in the same group as the fat man over there.

It's just that normal people won't break it directly.

"What's your background?" The captain of the guard frowned. He had already given Xia Xia steps, but Xia Xian was so disrespectful.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake.

Although Xia Xia may be a person of high status, he may even be the son of a nobleman.

But locally, it shouldn't be so disrespectful to him.

"I'm a nameless person, you're going to use your status here to kill me, right? If I'm a person with status and status, then you don't dare, right?" Xia Xia looked at the captain of the guard in front of him. asked.

at this time.

The captain of the guard looked at Xia Xia as if he were looking at a mad dog.


He would definitely not let someone like Xia Xia go casually, but now he always feels that the Xia Xia in front of him is not easy.


He also pointed at Xia Tian: "Remember, don't fall on my hands in the future, and I don't like people talking to me like this."

"I don't like people pointing at me either," Xia Xia said.


The captain of the guard led people away directly.

in the eyes of the three people behind.

That's how the summer fooled the captain of the guard.

Several times among them, they hoped that the captain of the guard would take action and directly destroy Xia Xia, but the captain of the guard did not do that, which made them very disappointed.

"Xiaorou, why didn't you come here just now, the captain of the guard was going after him..."


Summer's eyes widen.

The three were taken aback by his words.

"What are you going to do?" One of them also became hardened. In their opinion, the momentum of summer was just pretending.

They are afraid of the fat man and the captain of the guard, they are not afraid of people like Xia Xia.

"I'll let you go!" Xia Xia walked in front of the three people.

One of them wanted to say something, but the other two pulled him and left.

"If the two of you don't pull me, I must make him look good." The man was still very upset.

at the same time.

Inside an alley.

"Uncle, did you just let him go?" Fatty said very upset.

When his uncle passed by before, he thought that this summer would suffer, and his uncle would not let it go.

But he didn't expect it.

His uncle didn't say anything at all.

"This person is not simple. If I usually do it, I can do it, but today is different. Tonight, there is a very important dinner in the City Lord's Mansion. I was selected as one of the guards of the dinner. This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime for me. At that time, I can show my face well in front of the high-level officials of the City Lord’s Mansion and leave a good impression on the people above, so that I will have more opportunities to improve my status in the future, so I don’t want any mistakes.” The captain of the guard said directly.

even though.

There will be tens of thousands of guards by then.

He is just one of them.

But in his view.

This is also a very important opportunity for him, an opportunity that can change his destiny.

"Uncle, if you say that your status can be improved again, wouldn't my life be better in the future?" Fatty said excitedly.

He didn't hear the words behind the captain of the guard at all, he heard the words that the captain of the guard can improve his status. This kind of thing really made him too excited.

"It's just a small fight now. When my status can be improved again, there will be more opportunities to earn immortal crystals." The captain of the guard also began to look forward to a better future.


"Uncle, then I'll wait for your good news." After the fat man finished speaking, he left.

"Well, you also take the opportunity to recruit some more men, and we will have a big fight in the future." The captain of the guard seemed to be able to see what his future life would be like.

"Don't worry, uncle, I will prepare everything. When the time comes, I will arrange for some prominent people in the city to come to celebrate with you. I will also make some special new clothes for you, so that it will match your identity." Fatty said.

Ha ha ha ha!

"You can arrange it." The captain said very excitedly.

Night falls!

"Two I am the Young City Lord of the City Lord's Mansion. I'm here to pick up the two adults for a dinner party in the city." A young man said politely.


Summer and Thirteen went out.

After going out.

There are also two sedan chairs, and the two of them are not polite.

The captain of the guard is also in high spirits now. As a guard in the city lord's mansion, he feels that he has a lot of face.

"Brother, I heard that there is a big man tonight, right?" the captain of the guard asked.

"Well, it's a few very big people. The young city lord will go to greet two of them in person, and the city lord will go to greet one in person." The man whispered, then glanced around: "Remember, be careful for a while, don't Make a mistake, don't provoke the guests tonight, or you will die."

"That's nature, that's nature," said the captain of the guard hurriedly.

He also understands.

The status of the person who can be invited by the young city owner and the city owner in person is definitely not simple.


"Young City Lord is here." A voice appeared.

Then the young city lord led the way.

Two distinguished guests came in behind.

The captain of the guard also secretly looked at the two distinguished guests. He wanted to see what kind of distinguished guests he was, and he even asked the young city master to greet them in person.


When his eyes looked over.

The whole person is stupid.

Because one of them he met.


Xia Xia stopped when he came to him: "I know you!!!"

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