The Best All-rounder

Chapter 660: go out 1 fight

"Junior Brother!!" Thirteen's face became very ugly when he saw that the person rushing over was Shunjin Ah Guo.

He never thought of it.

This time, it was A Guo.

They understand.

Ah Guo appears here.

This proves.

This time, the person who took over the mission of the divine guard was Aguo.

Summer also looked at Thirteen.

Thirteen just told him about Ago.

Before Shisan's master died, he asked him to take care of his younger brother.


Teacher's life is hard to violate.

No matter how good his relationship with Xia is.

That is filial piety.

He this person.

I am very concerned about this kind of filial piety.

But he also cares about loyalty.


A Guo killed him all the way like this.

rushed to the face of summer.

"A-Guo, why are you!!" Thirteen looked at A-Guo in front of him in surprise.

He couldn't say the words "Divine Guard Mission".

Once said.

Even him.

It will also lead to murder.

"Senior brother, do you want to intervene?" Aguo looked at Thirteen with a blank expression.

Although Thirteen is his senior brother, and Thirteen has taken care of him, he has no feelings for Thirteen. He believes that Thirteen is a loser, and it is precisely because Thirteen failed that his master will find him.

He also believes that his talent is better than that of his senior brother.

As long as you give yourself enough time, you can easily surpass your senior brother and achieve the top level of the Venerable in the future.


In his heart, he even looked down on his senior brother.

"Brother Xia!!" Thirteen looked at Xia Xia.

"You know, my shots are all killing techniques. It's almost impossible for me to keep my hands." Xia Xia shook his head.


Summer only has the ability to kill.

without the ability to defeat the opponent.

for him.

Killing a person is much easier than defeating a person.

"Let's go!" Thirteen glanced at Xia Xia.

His meaning was simple.

Let summer not be challenged.

at this time.

If others come to challenge, Xia Xia should not fight, it will be very damaging to Xia Xia's reputation.

"En!!" Xia Tian glanced at Thirteen.

The two immediately disappeared in place.


Seeing Xia and Shisan leave.

Aguo also hurriedly chased after him.

However, he was also stopped by the people in the City Lord's Mansion: "A Guo, even if you want to challenge Mr. Xia, you should let him rest, right? He just experienced a battle between two people against hundreds of thousands of people. Killing a few quasi-venerables must be very expensive, are you trying to defeat a stateless Mr. Xia?"


A-Guo snorted heavily: "Nosy!!"

Although he said so.

But he did not pursue.

There are so many people here.

If he continues to chase Xia Xia like this, it will definitely make these people look down on him.

He is also a person who loves fame.

these years.

He broke into a lot of fame.

Naturally, I don't want to lose my reputation here.

Inside the city!

"There are very few people." Xia Tian smiled.

"Everyone is watching the fun outside. Although our battle is over, the battle outside is not so easy to calm down, and there are certain benefits inside. There are definitely not a few people who take advantage of the fire." Thirteen said.

"What about your junior brother? I can hide from him for a while, but I can't hide from him forever." Xia Xia looked at Thirteen, but he didn't care about losing his reputation, but Thirteen's junior brother would bite him sooner or later. a hassle.

"Fifteen days, didn't you say that their mission is only fifteen days. As long as fifteen days pass, nothing will happen." Thirteen said.


The duration of the Shenwei mission is fifteen days.

In summer, as long as he hides from Aguo for fifteen days, then Aguo's mission will fail.

For thirteen.

Summer doesn't care about being a coward again.


No matter what kind of enemy, Xia Tian has the ability to give it a try.

But now.

In the face of Thirteen's junior brother, he is yours and can't help.

"Thank you for your hard work." Thirteen said.

"Tell me what this is for, by the way, I have gathered two realm king pills here, and I gave them to you. I'm very curious if I can cultivate a Venerable." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"I'm curious too." Thirteen also smiled.


This is the opportunity.

Everyone's opportunities are different. He thought before that if he didn't have any great opportunities in his life, his strength should not be able to improve any more.

But it's summer.

This is his chance.

The existence of summer.

became the guiding light of his life.

The greatest opportunity of his life.

"Should we go to the City Lord's Mansion to thank you?" Xia Xia asked.

"No credit, this kind of thing is not very good, after all, they dealt with the Great Sword Palace, although the Great Sword Palace was planted this time, but such a big force is not over, and there is still an old guy. Sit at home." Thirteen's meaning is very simple, the family did not perish directly, you go directly to the city lord's mansion, and all fools know that there is a problem.

And even if the family has already been destroyed, your passing like this will damage the reputation of the City Lord's Mansion.

It's enough to remember this kind of affection, and there will be many opportunities in the future to repay it slowly.

The city lord takes action.

It was precisely because the city lord saw their potential that he was not afraid that they would die suddenly, and that he would not pay the favor.

in the tavern.

It's already overcrowded.

Everyone came to see summer.

Now summer and thirteen.

Apparently he's already a celebrity The boss even brings wine and food.

Because Xia Xian and Shisan are here, his business is much better than usual.

"He's here again." Xia Xia glanced at the entrance of the tavern.

at this time.

At the entrance of the tavern.

A figure walked in.

This person.

It was Aguo.

It was very easy for him to find Summer in the city. Just ask anyone, and he would know where Summer is.

Summer is simply too famous now.

And there is no intention of hiding his identity at all.

"Get up!!" Aguo came to the table opposite Xia Xia.

"Who are you calling..." Just as the people at the table were about to get angry, they saw that it was A Guo, and the people next to him pulled him, and then they left directly.

Aguo was also sitting there, watching the summer like this.

"It's really troublesome," Xia Xia said.

"Forget it, don't be like him, young and ignorant." Thirteen also said helplessly.

that's it.

Aguo watched Summer all day.


at last.

Aguo stood up and walked in front of Xia Xia: "Is it almost time to rest? Can we go out for a fight?"

Drinking his own wine in summer.

There was no reply. .

The eyes of those around were all focused on Xia Xia.

They are all waiting for Summer's reply.

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