The Best All-rounder

Chapter 681: The second source of power

Golden knife!

Destroy everything.

When the golden knife cuts on the thin line, the thin line is cut off instantly.


The summer goes forward step by step like this.

Thirteen and Shas followed behind him.

At this time, Xia Si was also very vigilant.

He follows Xia Xia like this. If there is any danger, he will defend it immediately. He heard Xia Xia's words just now, and I am afraid that the attack here cannot be stopped by His Holiness.


He still has to be careful.

that's it.

Relying on the convenience of his own eyes, Xia Tian was also cutting all these thin lines bit by bit at this time.

These seemingly simple tasks are actually very troublesome, because cutting these thin lines is regular in summer. Once cut wrong, a thin line can trigger a chain reaction, and all the thin lines behind will explode with it. ,

that's it.

In summer, it took three full days to cut all the thin lines.

"This is too dangerous, even you need so long." Thirteen feels very strong now.

He believes that Xia Xia's ability in this regard is definitely the most powerful.

But now.

It actually takes so long to get it done even in summer.

If he was allowed to come by himself, I'm afraid he would die here.

"Yeah, this time is indeed more dangerous than last time. If you hadn't been careful, there might have been an accident." Xia Xia is also a little scared now. Fortunately, he is used to being cautious, so he was so careful just now.

If it is a normal person.

It must be hit instantly.

that's it.

The two of them went in.

"Humans, this is not the place you should come!!" A deep figure came from inside.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm here to find you. I found the source of the soil in the eighth party, and he asked me to find your clones back, so now you come with me." Summer said directly.


He waved his right hand.

The source of a mass of soil appeared in his hands.

He was also letting the other party see it. He didn't just talk about it casually, but he really had the ability.

see this scene.

In addition, when Xia Xia spoke out the origin of the earth so accurately, the origin of the earth nodded: "It seems that what you said is true."

"Of course, I'm not joking, let's go!!" Xia Xia said.

"No, go and bring him here!!" said the source of the earth.

"What do you mean?" Xia Tian asked.

"Didn't he tell you? The eight of us are all clones, but the eight of us already have our own independent consciousness. If I go with you, I will be absorbed by the other party willingly, and the other party will become Ontology, and my consciousness will be obliterated, so I can't go with you." The source of soil explained.

When he heard this, Xia Xia looked at Thirteen.

He really didn't expect that there is such a thing here.

It turns out that the origins of these soils are also calculating each other.

"If the eight of you keep separating, you will all perish." Xia Xia said.

"I know, but at least it won't perish now." The source of the earth said.

"Then is there any way to keep all of your consciousness?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, it is to cultivate into a demon. The eight of us, we cultivate separately, become demons separately, and then combine to form an eight-headed demon, so that the eight of us have our own consciousness." The source of soil explained.

Thirteen shook his head at Xia Xia, and then said, "No, this method won't work."

"What's wrong?" Xia Tian asked.

"If they cultivate into demons separately, the source of the earth will be disintegrated. Although the eight of them say that they can form an eight-headed demon in the future, it will not work if no one is in charge. They will not listen to anyone in the future. It's more troublesome, so there can only be one consciousness for something like the origin of the earth." Thirteen said.

"Yeah, you eight, no one will listen to anyone in the future, it will only cause more trouble." Xia Xia said.

"Then there's nothing to talk about," said the source of the earth.

at this time.

They are also in a deadlock.

If it goes on like this.

It's true that no one obeys anyone.

"Since I have promised the origin of the earth from the eighth party, I must take you back. If you don't agree, then I can only use force." Xia Xia glanced at the origin of earth in front of him.

"Then you can try it out." The source of the earth said.


Thirteen took the lead, he wanted to attack the source of soil.


The power of the source of the earth entered directly into the stone wall.

The stone walls are extremely hard.

Thirteen's attack had no effect.

Haotian Mirror!

Thirteen was not polite, and directly took out the Clear Sky Mirror to attack.


But there is still no damage to the stone wall.

"It's useless, I am the origin of the earth. Although I am not a complete body, unless it is other origin power, it is impossible for you to break my defense." The origin of earth said.


With a flick of Xia Xia's right hand, the golden knife cut directly into the stone wall: "What about now?"


The source of the earth has just finished the installation, and the residual warmth is still there.

As a result, the summer was directly slapped in the face.

He went up to cut the defense that he thought could not be broken by Xia Xia.

"How could this be?" The source of the earth obviously couldn't believe all of The eight of you were originally one. I believe that no matter who is the main body, the other seven consciousnesses will not be directly obliterated. It's just that I don't have the right to speak, so I will still take you back. "Xia Xia needs power very much now, and the power of the source of the earth is still very useful to him.


He must bring back the source of the earth.


The avatars of the eight sources of soil were originally one, and Xia Tian helped them restore oneness, and he was also helping them.

"Go ahead!" Thirteen said.

In summer, I have to cut the stone wall directly.

"Wait, wait, let's talk!!" The source of the earth said hurriedly.

"What else do you have to say?" Xia Tian asked.

"We cooperate. I can give you the strength he gave you. You bring him here, and I will give you more benefits." The source of the earth said.

"Impossible. The thing I talk about most of my life in summer is credit. Since I have promised the origin of the eighth party's soil, then I will not give up my reputation because of interests." Xia Xia is not the kind of casual will be bought by people.

In his opinion.

No matter what kind of benefits the other party gives them, he doesn't care.

"Heavenly Clan, I'll give you the secrets about the people of the Heavenly Clan." The source of the earth said hurriedly.

Thirteen stopped Summer.

Xia Tian glanced at Thirteen, and then said, "Although I am very interested in his words, do you think if I let him go, would I still be qualified to be your brother?"


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