The Best All-rounder

Chapter 690: Ancient Ruins

The twenty-one people on the other side just walked out of the formation, and they sensed the change in the formation. The expression of the formation mage changed: "Back up, back quickly, he must be in trouble."

He was also the first to say something like Xia's trouble.

at the same time.

Everyone backed away.

"Be smart, I know that something will happen to him." The magician said very upset.


Soon the situation changed.


They saw with their own eyes that the formation was shattered like this.

"How is that possible?" The face of the magician instantly turned purple.

Very ugly.

He never thought of it.

Summer actually broke the formation.

He didn't understand what was going on with this formation until now, but in the end he was able to break the formation in the summer.


The people around were all stunned.


The formation was broken, and they also saw Xia Xia and Shi Shi.

Thirteen pans are sitting there now.

Obviously, the consumption is very large.

Thirteen and Xia will protect Summer there, not giving anyone a chance to get close.

A person from Hundred Stars also hurried forward: "Thank you Mr. Xia."

"You go first, he should be inside, be careful, if there is someone, you can directly identify as the enemy, I will catch up after I recover." Xia Xia said in a hoarse voice.

this time.

The consumption is indeed a bit large.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia." The Hundred Stars man said respectfully.


Twenty-one of them rushed forward.

Xia Xia handed over the previously condensed Jie Wang Pill to Thirteen: "Keep the Jie Wang Pill first, don't take it casually, there may be a battle next, take it directly, you have no chance to absorb it, it is better to take it when it is dangerous. You can quickly regain strength."

"Then you eat it." Thirteen said hurriedly.

The current summer is very bad.

If you can restore your strength by taking the Kaiwang Dan, you can just take it directly in the summer.

"Jie Wang Dan has an effect on you, but it has no effect on me, it's just a waste." Xia Xia said.

"Okay!" Thirteen also put away the Realm King Pill.

"By the way, the people from Baixing were not in a hurry just now when they wanted to break through the formation. I'm worried that they didn't come to save Baijiaxing. Isn't there a big conflict within Baixing?" Xia Xia said.


They should be very anxious to save their boss.

It is impossible to delay time on the road.

"Inside Baixing, the problem is very big, sitting in the position of Baijiaxing, except for representing Baixing, there is almost no right, and if Baijiaxing has an accident, all the benefits obtained by the team below him will be On the contrary, other forces will share the savings of Baijiaxing’s forces.” Thirteen said.

"That is to say, they came this time only for inheritance, not to save Baijiaxing." Xia Xia said.

"Yes, Baijiaxing's strength is too strong. Although it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand, it has already affected the status of their other forces. If Baijiaxing is allowed to continue to develop, then I am afraid that Baijiaxing can really be completely in the future. Control all the forces of Baijiaxing. Now that Baijiaxing has an accident, it is also a good thing for them. Similarly, finding a new person to replace Baijiaxing will make it easier for them to control this newcomer, that genius, that is what they will control. Object." Thirteen explained.


Summer now understands what's going on.

He took a large amount of medicinal pills: "It's a simple recovery, although it is still a lot worse, the power of medicinal pills will also play a role on the road, let's catch up quickly, after all, Baijiaxing still has a little relationship with us. , I don't want to see him die like this."


Thirteen nodded slightly, and then they moved forward quickly.


They didn't see anyone on the way.

"The situation is not right, there is no trace of anyone here." Xia Xia said.

"Didn't you say before that the formation was arranged by many people? Why is there no trace now?" Thirteen asked in confusion.

"I don't know. There must be a problem here. Let's go ahead and talk about it." Xia Tian didn't know what was going on here, so he could only go ahead and look at the specific situation.

The two kept moving forward.

He quickly caught up with the twenty-one people.

"Have you found anything?" Xia Tian asked.

"There's no one at all, it's so nervous!" The magician said sneeringly.

He finally seized the opportunity to make a mistake in a summer, how could he not take a good look at it.

Xia Tian ignored him, but looked at the twenty-one people: "Did you find anything special on the way?"

"There is no special place, but one thing is very strange, that is, we have been flying for so long, and we haven't crossed it yet!!" One of them said.


When Xia Xian heard his words, he was also stunned, yes.

They have flown for so long without passing through this cave.

This is really a problem.

"It could be a formation within a formation, or a phantom formation!!" said the formation mage.


Summer pointed his finger in the air.

"It's not a formation!!"

"What do you know, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." Seeing that Xia Xia refuted him again, the array mage also made him very unhappy.

He is in Baixing.

It is the first so to speak.

He is respected. If he loses his face in front of so many people today and makes everyone think that he is not that powerful, then his status will not be so high in the future.

Xia Xia had chosen to ignore the magician for a long time, and he also began to check around.

Then he began to compare the vast world with the outside world: "No, we have entered the nano world, that is to say, this should be an ancient cave, ancient ruins!"

"Ancient Ruins!!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"Yes, it is the ancient ruins. To put it simply, we have been shrunk in this ancient ruins, even if this ancient ruins are only the size of a palm, but we are smaller than dust now, so no matter how we fly, we don't actually move too much. A lot." Xia Xia took out a communication talisman, and then let it go directly.

The communication talisman hesitated in mid-air, but did not fly out.

"It seems that the situation on Baijiaxing is not good." Xia Xia glanced around.

There are two reasons why the communication talisman cannot fly out. The first is that Baijia Xing is dead, and the second is that Baijia Xing has been completely sealed, and the communication talisman cannot pass.

"Can you determine the direction?" Thirteen asked.

"Yes, when the communication talisman fluctuated just now, there was a sense of direction." Xia Xia said.

"Nonsense, the vibration of the communication talisman is random, how can there be a sense of direction." The magician felt that Xia Xia was talking nonsense here.

Xia Xia's eyes widened: "Don't force it, you can do it!!"


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