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Chapter 711: Just 1 click

"I still have ten Realm King Pills left on my body. The battle with the Dragon House consumes too much, but now I don't need to consume any more. After I go out, try it and see if I can have a chance to break through the Venerable." Thirteen now Also very excited.

Because he is really not far from His Holiness.

He had just escaped from the dead, and he was even more eager for the realm of the Venerable.

If it's not summer.

It is absolutely impossible for him to block the blow from Qianyu Dragon House.

No matter how powerful he is, no matter how the Qianyu Dragon House is consumed, the opponent's blow is still not something he can contend against, but if he is also a Venerable, it will be different.

The collision of worlds.

He will not be afraid of Qianyu Dragon House.

"Let's talk about it after you go out, but don't hold out too much hope. Although the difference between you and the Venerable is only 10,000 points of law power, but this is a change in quality. Power, but you can't make your power directly transform, and to enter the Venerable, to truly open the world and become the creator of a world, there are many problems in it." Xia Xia reminded.

If the Realm King Dan can directly help people to be promoted to Venerable.

Then he still has to worry about being unable to deal with the Celestial Clan?

He can quickly cultivate a large number of Venerables.

Such a team.

Who can resist?


The two directly found the source of the earth. This summer, there was no nonsense, and they directly absorbed the source of the earth.


The two clearly felt that the origin of their soil had undergone a qualitative change.


Because Baijiaxing lost the power of the source of soil, the source of soil controlled by Xia Xia and Shisan was also more.

When the people of Baixing left.

To their surprise.

The magician didn't die.

Because the people outside the Flywheel House didn't come in at all.

After questioning, the Array Master also knew what happened inside.

"Does it consume that much?"

"Yeah, the tragic victory, Mr. Xia and Mr. Thirteen are not very good, let's go, let's go back to Baixing first," said one person.


The array mage nodded slightly: "By the way, I just set up the array in it, I will destroy it, otherwise there will be misunderstandings, you go out and wait for me first!"

"Alright, let's quickly remove the formation. Mr. Thirteen and Mr. Xia are not something we can afford to provoke. If there is any misunderstanding, it will be bad." Those people were also anxious to go out at this time.

All of them consume a lot now, and all of them are injured. The current situation is very bad.

They all want to go out and recover their physical condition as soon as possible.

The array mage also turned back directly.


This time, his eyes were full of vicious expressions.


Almost killed him, and humiliated him so much, how could he let Xiaxia go? If it was the heyday of Xia Xian and Shisan, he would not dare to provoke him, but now, the situation of Xia Xian and Shisan should be very bad. , for such two people, he is not afraid.

He can just use the array to kill these two people now.

"Summer!!" The face of the array mage was full of vicious expressions.

Summer and Thirteen are on their way.

The two are also talking about this battle.

This time against the Flywheel House, the two of them gained a lot.

This is the first time they have collided with such a top power in the true sense, giving them a very good strength comparison.

"Wait!" Summer stopped.

"What's wrong?" Thirteen asked.

"That guy is haunted, he is courting his own death," Xia Xia said.

"Who?" Thirteen asked in confusion.

"The Array Master of Baixing, he has arranged a lot of formations nearby, and he is hidden in the formations, and the two of us will be caught if we continue to move forward." Xia Xia's eyes can see through everything.

It is impossible for that Array Master to use the Array to attack Xia Tian.

Summer will definitely not make such a mistake.


Summer fingers a little forward.

Central's finger.

Break everything.

The surrounding formations shattered instantly.

critical point.

He found the critical point of these formations.


That Array Mage just appeared in front of the two of them.

"What?" The array mage was still thinking about how to sneak up on Xia Xia and Shisan, but now, such a thing happened here, and what happened here also shocked him very much.

He didn't expect it.

Those formations that he had worked so hard to arrange were destroyed by Xia Xia.

"It seems that you are really looking for death. You don't know how to cherish your life." Xia Xia looked at the magician coldly.

The array mage also took a step back involuntarily, but he quickly reacted: "What are you pretending to me, do you think I don't know? You have no power now, and inside, your power is exhausted. , and one by one is also very bad, and now you are not my opponent at all."


The Array Master waved his right hand.

The five-headed fairy beast appeared in front of and had such ability. Xia Xia was also stunned when he saw the other party release five immortal beasts.

"Otherwise? I'm an array mage. It is very normal to raise a few immortal beasts to protect me." The array mage looked at Xia Xia and Thirteen very willingly: "The two of you should have no power now, right? , I'll see how you deal with the fairy beasts in my heyday."

Just as Shisan was about to come forward, Xia Xia stopped him: "Your physical load is too serious, let me do it!!"


Thirteen nodded slightly, but said nothing.


An immortal beast in front of the array mage killed Xia Xia. Obviously, he wanted to use this immortal beast to test Xia Xia, and then let the other four immortal beasts surround and kill Xia Xia.


In summer the toes are a little on the ground.


The immortal beast that rushed up was frozen in this way.

Red Phoenix.

Countless golden feathers flew towards the fairy beast instantly.


That fairy beast was smashed by Xia Tian like this.

"What?" The face of the master array changed. He originally wanted to let his fairy beast try Xia Xia, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Summer should no longer have the ability to fight.

"No, your power is long gone, you must have used some special power, that's why you did it." The magician also let a fairy beast attack again.

Xia Xia looked at the magician in front of him: "Now mine is no longer the summer with only fifty thousand points of law."


The light flashed.

The Law of Light! !

The Law of the Stars! !

In an instant, the light shone on the body of the fairy beast, and at the same time, countless small stars exploded around the body of the fairy beast.

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