The Best All-rounder

Chapter 869: 3 Bamboo teaching for peace

Tianshuang Palace Master is the kind of person who doesn't talk much, so he didn't talk too much nonsense, but left directly.

his departure.

It also means that he will definitely take action against their team in the summer.

Of course.

Come next time.

I didn't come here to talk nonsense, but to do it directly.

"It's really troublesome to go to war with a Venerable, and someone like Tianshuang Palace Master." Qiong Ying said with emotion, he also knows that if you want to kill someone like Tianshuang Palace Master, you must consider the consequences. .

But it's better now.

For the time being, the Heavenly Frost Palace Master will not directly attack them destructively.

Because they didn't expose all the things of the Tianshuang Palace Master.

This is also the last concern of the Tianshuang Palace Master.

"He will definitely raid us next, but I don't like the feeling of being raided." Xia Xia looked around: "You know this place very well, can you find a very dangerous place that is full of crises? The place."

He doesn't like passively waiting for a crisis.

That state of being vigilant all the time.

This is the most consuming.

Although they are all top experts, if they consume it like this, their spirits will be greatly damaged.

There will be great disadvantages to **** the firefly in the future.

"We are walking on the line of fire, which is already the most dangerous line. All the stars on this line are very dangerous." Qiongying explained.

They were also because of the danger here.

will go here.

"I know that there is a dark spark in front of me. The flame of that star is a very rare ghost fire. For practitioners, it is a very dangerous place." Thirteen reminded.

"Is it a big star?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's a big star!!!" Thirteen nodded.

"From now on, if we pass by the small star, we must divide into two teams to walk, try to only go to the big star, and gather at the dark Mars." Xia Xia said.

Hear the words of summer.

They just reacted.

Venerable masters have already mastered the power of the world.

They can use the world to break everything.

In other words, they all have the ability to destroy a star.

If they got a little star.

The Heavenly Frost Palace Master directly destroyed that star. The explosive power of that star was very terrifying. They were still in the center of the explosion, so they would definitely die.

"The two of them should be separated too!!" Qiong Ying was talking about Shen Wu and Di Bo.

The scene fell silent instantly.

Although they are in a cooperative relationship, but now Qiongying knows that there are big secrets between these two people, if Qiongying takes the other person directly, it will be a big trouble.

"Okay, I'll be with their team." De Bo said directly.

The others all looked at Summer.

Xia Tian nodded slightly: "Go!!"


Summer's words are very simple.

But he made everyone feel very relieved.

Debord was equally at ease.

He also gave those people on the opposite side an invisible pressure.


at this time.

A communication talisman fell into Xia Xia's hands.

"The communication talisman of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect." This communication talisman in the summer was given by someone from the Three Bamboo Sect when he cooperated with the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.

He also gave his messenger to the other party.


The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect also sent a message to Xia Xia.


A person like the leader of the Sanzhu Sect would not casually contact Xia Xia.

After all, their identities are not equal.

And the two of them had a grudge before.

At that time, the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect was killed by Tie Xin.

Summer is also present.

Although it wasn't Xia Xia's direct action, Xia Xia also helped Tie Xin a lot, and the relationship between Xia Xia and Tie Xin was also very good.

Qiong Ying and others all looked at Xia Xia.

They also want to see.

What is the purpose of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect looking for Summer at this time?

"He asked me to cooperate." Xia Xia said.

"Cooperation?" Qiongying frowned.

Everyone is selfish.

They are very happy to cooperate with Xia Xia, but if Xia Xia cooperates with others again, they will feel a little uncomfortable, as if Xia Xian is not their ally.

"The Temple Master of Tianshuang contacted the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect and wanted to join forces to kill us, but the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect believed that I was more valuable to cooperate, so he rejected the request of the Temple Master of Tianshuang." Xia Xia said.


When they heard this, Qiong Ying and others nodded slightly.

"What's your plan?" Qiong Ying asked.

"You can rest assured that I will not go back on what I promised in the summer. Since I cooperated with you first, I will not abandon you, but the Sanzhu Sect has a lot of secrets in the hands, and this secret is useful to us, so I plan to study how to cooperate with them." Xia Xia directly released the messenger: "Let's meet on Dark Mars together."

Qiong Ying glanced at Uncle Di: "Let's go!!"

Deborah nodded: "My name is Ye, you can call me Hui Ye, or you can call me Huiyue, of course, Deborah is fine too."

"It's really troublesome, I'll call you Ye!!" Qiong Ying disappeared immediately after speaking.

along the way.

The Heavenly Frost Palace Master didn't even do anything.

Because they are separate.

What Tianshuang Palace Master wanted was to wipe them all out.

seven days.

They reached Dark Mars.

"Is there nothing on the way?" Xia Xia asked It's nothing, but the Temple Master Tianshuang wanted to do it once, but he left in the end. I guess he wanted to do everything in one go, so he didn't want to do it separately. Worried that one party is dead, the other party will expose all his news. ' said Qiongying.

He also understands.

As a shrewd person like the Tianshuang Palace Master, he definitely doesn't want to make any mistakes in his work.


Xia Xia nodded slowly and looked around: "It seems that the place we want to find is also the place he is looking for."

"Pack up and prepare for battle." Qiong Ying already understood what summer means.

At the same time, he also reacted.

The Palace Master Tianshuang has never done anything to them, isn't he just waiting for a place like this?

Now that they have come to this kind of place, it is exactly what Tianshuang Palace Master needs.

Xia Xia also nodded to Thirteen and the others.

Then everyone started getting ready.

They come here.

The Heavenly Frost Palace Master will soon be able to track it down.

Less than half a day.

The Heavenly Frost Palace Master landed on the dark Mars.

"You really chose a good burial place!!" The Heavenly Frost Palace Master said coldly.


Xia Xia landed in front of the Tianshuang Palace Master: "You know that we deliberately attracted you, but you dare to come. You are indeed the Tianshuang Palace Master."

"What's wrong? You just want to take advantage of the time and place here to fight against me. Unfortunately, you are wrong. Do you think you can compete with me like this?"

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