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Chapter 874: Mighty Heavenly Frost Palace Lord


Although everyone doesn't understand what Xia Xia means, they are all ready to fight. They all understand that Xia Xia is definitely not bragging, he must have found something.


Qiong Ying also took the lead to kill again.

Haotian Mirror!

Thirteen followed closely behind.

The others were killed at the same time.

The spirit of a king.

when they killed them.

The aura of a king exploded instantly.

at the same time.

Xia Xia Zhihai's huge attack was also launched at the same time.


Under the batter of everyone, the body of the Tianshuang Palace Master was directly knocked out. Although these people have not specially practiced cooperation, the cooperation between them is also very good.

Successfully repelled the Tianshuang Palace Master.

They also all understood that all this was due to Xia Xia. At this time, they all looked at Xia Xia: "Mr. Xia, what did you do?"

They are very curious.

Just now, the Heavenly Frost Palace Master, who didn't make a single mistake, why did he make a mistake now?

will be repelled by them.

Although they also know that these people are powerful, if they are the Palace Master of Tianshuang just now, they will definitely be able to see through them.

"He is androgynous, he used to be a woman, but now he is a man. I thought before that he might just have a physical transformation, but I just realized that all the characteristics of a woman in him have been cultivated by him, leaving only the The brain of the woman before, a powerful soul, a perfect soul that can calculate everything, if you don't get this soul, no matter how many of you attack him, he will calculate it, but I just attacked him He really made a mistake." Xia Xia explained.

This is his way.


Everyone was also shocked. Although they all knew that Xia Xia's observation skills were terrible, if it wasn't for Xia Xia's words, they would not have been able to discover the secret even when they died in battle.

"You are really troublesome!" Tianshuang Palace Master looked at Xia Xia and said.

"It seems that we don't need to experience despair. In addition to the power of the world, the most powerful thing in your hand is the famous tool in your hand and your computing power. Now your world power can't be used, and your computing power is also being used by you. I restrained, then you only have the suppression of famous weapons." Xia Xia said directly.

No matter how powerful the enemy is.

Just find the right direction.

Then you can successfully defeat your opponent.

This is the theory of summer.

He will never care how powerful the enemy is.

He will keep calm.

"You think you've won this way? I have more power than all of you combined, and my recovery speed is more than ten times faster than yours. I still have a famous weapon in my hand, and I have a wealth of combat experience, no matter what. Forget it, you can't win against me." The Tianshuang Palace Master didn't think he lost at all.

He is the Lord of Tianshuang Palace.

If he is killed by such a few people casually, then he really doesn't need to hang out in China in the future.

"Your recovery speed is very fast, but as long as we do more damage to you than your recovery speed, you have a lot of combat experience, but we have a lot of combat experience." He waved, and the Tianhan Sword in his hand was also shot directly: "Next, it's time to decide the outcome."


They also directly killed the Tianshuang Palace Master in front of them.


Tianshuang Palace Master also saw the opportunity and directly attacked Xia Xia. In his opinion, the most troublesome thing here is Xia Xia. As long as he kills Xia Xia first, then the other few people will not be afraid.


Countless silk threads directly wrapped Summer's body.

"It's the Thousand Silk Beast again." The Tianshuang Palace Master originally thought that this blow could kill Xia Xia.

But he didn't expect it.

The Thousand Silk Beast saved the summer again.


at the same time.

Others attacked at the first time.

"Slowness?" Tianshuang Palace Master frowned: "No, it's not slowness, it's slowing down, the weapon in your hand is a famous weapon!!"

The red phoenix strikes! !

Xia Xia also seized the opportunity and directly hit Hongfeng out.


The body of the Tianshuang Palace Master also kept retreating, while resisting the damage of Hongfeng's blow.


When he avoided the attacks of the other people, he also left more than ten wounds on his body. Although the wounds were not big, they still made him very unhappy: "I didn't expect you to be able to make I'm hurt."

He is the Lord of Tianshuang Palace.

Now that someone was able to hurt him, this kind of thing was far beyond his expectations.

"No matter how strong you are, you are not invincible." Xia Xia also shot out again.


The Heavenly Frost Palace Master also cast out his own attack instantly.

"Back off!" Xia Xia shouted.

Thirteen's body flashed backwards instantly.

Fei Ling reacted a bit, and his body was directly swept away.


A large bloodstain appeared on his body.

After the meeting when he landed.

The second attack of the Tianshuang Palace Master also came out.

Fortunately, his reaction was also very fast, and he avoided the fatal blow.

The Thirteenth Book of Clear Sky Mirror hit the open space, and the powerful impact sent Fei Ling's body flying, helping him to escape the third attack of the Heavenly Frost Palace However.

At this time, Fei Ling also has no ability to fight again.

The previous air cannon king Ye lost his ability to stand multiple times.

The current fairy of light, Feiling, has also withdrawn from the battle.

"Be careful!" When Xia Xia's attack went out, he found that the Heavenly Frost Palace Master bypassed his attack.

This time.

All of them backed away.

I didn't give the Tianshuang Palace host a chance.

They all already understood that when Xia Xian asked them to be careful, Xia Xia must have discovered that the Tianshuang Temple Master attacked them, so they did not dare to mess around. They had the lessons learned from the previous Air Cannon King Ye and the Fairy of Light Feiling.

They also became obedient.

that's it.

You and I went back and forth for three hours.


Zhou Yu was also seized by the Tianshuang Palace Master and flew out directly.

Although Xia Xia had reminded him, he could no longer keep up. In order to deal with him, the Palace Master Tianshuang had already planted the seeds in his attack, making him unable to dodge at this moment.

"He actually calculated for so long." Qiong Ying also frowned.

If there is no summer, they may not be able to hold on for ten minutes. Although Xia Tian has been reminding them to help them avoid the hidden attack of the Tianshuang Palace Master, the Tianshuang Palace Master is still very terrifying.

His serial calculations, the ability to start laying the groundwork in advance, even in summer, it is impossible to completely predict.

"Summer, how long do you think they can last?" The Tianshuang Palace Master only sees summer in his eyes.

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