The Best All-rounder

Chapter 902: it's time to end

Now the five hundred people from the Xing family are all surrounding Xia Xia's position. Their first round of attacks is to buy time for their second round of attacks, and not to give Xia Xia any chance to escape.

Link seamlessly.

The strongest self-destruction.

This is not an instant self-destruction.

And it is the strongest self-destruction of five hundred masters.

There are no dead ends.

They're just here to kill summer.

"No, look, what are the people of the Xing family doing? They are starting to attack themselves." All the scattered cultivators around were dumbfounded, although they all knew that the people of the Xing family had faith.

And for the star family, they are all very ruthless.

But they didn't expect it.

The star family actually started such an attack.

Behind the five hundred people in the first round.

There are five hundred more.

The five hundred of them are accumulating strength, and they are preparing for their strongest attack.



The self-destruction of the five hundred people in the first round exploded directly around Xia Xia, and the attack in the second round also killed them directly. They did not care whether the people in the first round were successful or not, even if the people in the first round of attacks were successful. , they too are here for the suicide attack.


They just want to completely destroy the summer and not give the summer any chance.

They all understand.

This kind of opportunity will never give them such a good second chance in the summer.

If they can't seize this opportunity, they will be killed by the summer.

They can't blame anyone else.

"This is the belief of our Xing Family. You mortals don't know what a real immortal is, and you don't know the beliefs of our Xing Family." Xingwangmu shouted loudly.

At this time, he and the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect in front of him were also fighting fiercely.


The second round of attacks came up.

"No, it's not an immortal, it's an emperor, that's an emperor thousand silk beast, I actually saw an emperor thousand silk beast, isn't this a legendary thing?"

"In our eighth party, there is absolutely no second emperor-grade Qiansi beast. Even those people from the Celestial Clan would dream of an emperor-grade Qiansi beast, but I didn't expect that the emperor-grade Qiansi beast beside Xia Xia."

"I'm not dreaming, I actually saw the emperor-grade Qiansi beast. According to legend, if you see this thing once, it will be a great opportunity in your life."

Those scattered cultivators all widened their eyes one by one.


Only the Tianshuang Palace Master knew that there was an Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast in the summer.

At this time, the other people were also extremely shocked.


When the Tianshuang Palace Master just found out about this, he was also very surprised. It can be said that his appearance at that time was no better than the people here.

Even him.

It was also the first time I saw the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast.

for him.

The Emperor Pin Qiansi Beast is also a legendary existence.

"No matter what kind of beast he is, the glory of our Xing Family cannot be trampled on by anyone. Brothers, let us show them the attitude of our Xing Family." The surrounding leaders shouted.

at the same time.

They lead by example.

One by one rushed up first.

After the second round of attacks smashed down.

The explosive force of the second round also appeared directly.

"No, this kind of attack is too dense. Although Xia Si's defense is very terrifying, they are all the strongest attacks, plus the strongest self-destruction. If this goes on, Xia Si's momentary critical point will also be reached." Hongfeng reminded.

"Master, I can handle it!!" Xia Si said firmly.

"Xia Si, come back when you can't bear it." Xia Xia also knew that the situation was critical, but his Wuji and Tianquan could only block two attacks, and the next attack was not something he could withstand.

Third round!

Fourth round!

These people began to continuously accumulate their strength to enlarge their moves.

They have completely blocked the summer here, so they don't need to blow up 500 people at one time.

The self-destruction just now directly reduced them by a thousand people.


Their tactics are.

In a group of five hundred people, groups of people began to charge up to attack, and the powerful attacks continued to smash into the summer.

Of course.

They attack like this.

There are also vacancies.

They run away to prevent summer.

A team of fifty.

Keep blowing yourself up!

that's it.

In less than an hour.

Two thousand of them died.

They all die by suicide.

"No, going on like this will do too much damage to Xia Si, and they have learned shrewdly. If there are fifty people in a group, they can hold on for a few hours." Hong Feng reminded.

He also knew that Xia Si's defense was strong.

But now Xingjia's suicide attack.

It's also really outrageous.

"Master, I can do it!!" Xia Si said.

"Xia Si, hold on, I've already hollowed out the bottom, the next step is to find an opportunity, an opportunity for us to leave here directly, when you come back directly, I will resist their impact, and then we will run from below. "The digging in the summer is also very careful.

There is a formation nearby, and he needs to deceive the formation here first.

And then deceive the surrounding laws.

And avoid being undetected.

This kind of thing is very difficult.

Otherwise at his burrowing speed.

Already dug out.

that's it.

Xia Si persisted for another hour.

There are only 3,000 people left in the Xing family.

"Continue to attack, don't stop, Qiansi Beast's defense has reached its limit, as long as Qiansi Beast's defense is broken, Xia Xia is sure to die." Those captains also shouted one by one.

"Xia Si, it's alright." Xia Tian also said directly.

For a moment.

All the threads around it disappeared.

See the moment when the silk thread disappears.

The faces of the people from the Xing Family were all excited.

Those loose cultivators all held their breaths.

They all want to see what happens next.

"Wuji, defense!!"


Summer's body instantly disappeared in place.


The moment when the surrounding attacks smashed down.

The location of the summer is instantly annihilated.

Total destruction.

But the people of the Xing family haven't They are still attacking constantly. Although they can almost be sure that the summer is dead, they are still attacking.

ten minutes later.

The Xing Family's attack gradually stopped.

"No, he's not dead!!" Xingwangmu shouted loudly.

at the same time.

His eyes turned to the sky.

All the people around looked at the sky. They never thought that Xia Xia didn't die, and they were still standing on it.

"How could this be?" Those people in the Xing family were almost desperate now.

They are such suicidal attacks.

Still can't get summer.

"The full moon!" Xia Xia's eyes turned to the sky, and the huge full moon hung there: "It's time to end."

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