The Best All-rounder

Chapter 916: Integrate

"Is it rare?" Xia Tian asked.

"Sacred materials, there is no such thing in Shenzhou now. If you want to pick them, you don't need the fairy beasts, or the depths of the demon clan's territory, but those things are the treasures of the fairy beasts and the demon clan, and they are reluctant to use them themselves. Yes, if you want to pick it, it will definitely kill you; as for the divine medicine pill, it is only found in the classics, something that does not exist in reality." Thirteen said.

The biggest feature of these two things is that they are rare, very rare.

Normally impossible to encounter.

"Breaking Zun Pill is said to be a divine elixir used when breaking through Venerable, and the effect is very good." Thirteen explained.

"It just happens to be used for you, let's give it to you!!" Xia Xia said.

"I can just use one. Not all medicinal pills are the same as the realm king pill, and can be used all the time. Po Zun Pill can be taken when I feel that there are signs of breakthrough, which can greatly increase the probability of my breakthrough. , one is enough." Thirteen only took one.

at the same time!

Thirteen looked at the God Protecting Pill: "This is a life-saving pill, if a person's soul is defeated, as long as one uses the God Protecting Pill, the soul can be pulled back, stabilize the soul, and gain a new life. The effect is very outstanding. It can be used at any level, I heard that even a dead person who has been beheaded can still use it as long as the death has not exceeded half an hour."

"This is against the sky." Xia Xia said in surprise.

"Yeah, the Guardian Pill is something that can bring people back from the dead, so it's very anti-sky, and it can play a key role at critical times. To put it simply, a very important person dies with a huge secret. In this case, when the other party died within half an hour, crushing the guardian pill in the place where the other party died, the soul of the other party would be reunited, what a heaven-defying thing it would be." Thirteen said.

"One person per person!!" Xia Xia handed the guardian pill to thirteen one.

"The function of the last life-protecting pill is actually a kind of medicinal pill to protect your dantian. For example, if your dantian is severely damaged and you take the life-protecting pill, your Dantian's recovery speed will increase tenfold within half an hour. The surface forms a kind of protection, and it is not so easy to break open." Thirteen took the guardian pill.

At the same time, Xia Xia also handed the Thirteen or Two Lifeguarding Pills again: "It's really good things!"

He also feels now that these medicinal pills are really good things.

"God-grade medicinal pills: four Pills of Destruction, two Pills of Protecting Gods, and four Pills of Protecting Life, all of them are top-notch items. If you take out one of them, you can not only sell it at a good price, but also set off in China. There is a lot of wind and waves, so try not to take it out easily, as for the divine medicinal materials, if you can get it in front of those top alchemists, I can guarantee that he will hold you like an ancestor." Thirteen said.


"So, my forty things are all things that defy the sky." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Of course it's against the sky. Every piece is the most precious thing. If you use these things to invite a team of Venerables, you can sweep any force, even if you destroy the Tianshuang Palace Master. " Thirteen said with emotion.

Summer is really developed this time.

He got treasure.

The number is really very large.

And it's the worst thing ever.

Other venerables dreamed of obtaining the famous tool, and he obtained so much at one time.

To know.

If the three magic soldiers did not get three magic weapons, the three of them would not be able to become the top ten masters at all, and although the three of them are the top ten masters, only when the three of them join forces can they be called the top ten Master, if they were separated, the other top ten masters would not care at all, and at most they could only be a little bit stronger than Xingwangmu.

It can even be said that Xingwangmu's swordsmanship is excellent, and if he is singled out, he may not necessarily be Xingwangmu's opponent.

"I'll first find a way to refine the pseudonym and Zunbao." Xia Xia said.


"I also want to refine the pseudonymous armor. This thing is a good thing. After having this thing, it will not be so easy for the Venerable to kill me in the future." Thirteen is also very happy now.

He has the Haotian Mirror as a weapon.

Zunbao has night.

Now the defense has the famous armor, Tiangang!

It's the thing he lacks the most.

After meeting with summer.

Not only is his strength improved, but all kinds of treasures are also top-notch.

[Famous Armor: Earth Demon!

The power of the law of defense, the impact of defense, and the suppression of the force.

Self-defense is increased by five times.

Need to recharge.

Full energy can passively release absolute defense three times. 】

"It's a heaven-defying thing. Although the first three attributes seem to be very simple, they almost mean that the power of the law hitting the surrounding can be completely offset. In this case, Xia will not have to let Xia do anything in the future. Xia Si's damage is not small." Xia Xia said with emotion.

Xia Si was really hurt a lot this time.

Need to rest.

"With the Earth Demon, we can be more flexible in defense in the future, and we have more opportunities in this level of war," Hongfeng said.

"By the way, there are four Zunbao and ten quasi-zunbao. Can you combine them on feathers?" Xia Tian asked.

"You can try it!!" Hong Feng said.

"Okay, then let's act together." Xia Xia said.


He looked at his two famous bracelets and rings.

He directly recognized the famous bracelet and ring as the master.

at the same time.

A large number of news flowed into his sea of ​​consciousness.

[Famous Weapon Bracers: Tiangang! !

Power increase, the law of annihilation.

Self-strength increased fivefold.

Need to recharge.

With full energy, you can hit three times the attack, (the specific increase depends on the backlash the body bears.)]

[Famous Weapon Bracers: Earth Demon! !

The power of the law of defense, the impact of defense, and the suppression of the force.

Increases own defense by five times.

Need to recharge.

With full energy, you can actively multiply your own defense three times (the specific increase depends on your own defense decision). 】

"I The fame I obtained this time is the Tiangang and Earthshade suits. Tiangang is the main attack, and the defense is the main defense. That is to say, the armor obtained by Thirteen should passively reflect the opponent. hurt." Xia Xia already understood what was going on.

But he thought of one thing, that is: since it is a suit, the effect must be superimposed.

He also looked at the ring on his hands.

activation! !


In his sea of ​​consciousness, a piece of data appeared!

"Obtain the three-piece set of Earth Demon, increase your own defense by 15 times, activate the three skills of Earth Demon!!"

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