The Best All-rounder

Chapter 928: don't mess with me

Outside of ShadowClan.

"It's in front. There is a natural formation as a barrier here. If there is no way for them to enter, it is very difficult to enter, and if they forcefully enter, they will be discovered." Xia Xia clapped his hands on the ground. above.

The method of this entrance has been recruited by the previous Shadow Clan.

He can open it easily.

"Let's go!!" Summer said.

"Just go in like this?" Tie Xin was taken aback.

It's upright to walk in!

"This is just the entrance. It's very big inside. The Shadow Clan is very confident in the natural barrier here. No one is left to guard it, and they all seem to be doing something inside. We don't have to worry about exposure for the time being." Xia Xia said.

"Is my grandfather here?" Tie Xin asked.

"Yes, it's inside, but in a deep place, let's go in first and check the environment here." Xia Xia also understood that at this time, there is no rush.

Now that it's here.

Then you have to be careful.

The other party will definitely not expect them to follow.

I never thought there would be a way to come in in the summer.

So there should be no defense now.

"What do we need to do?" Tie Xin asked.

"Just be ready to fight. When you need to fight, just beat me to the death." Xia Xia said directly.

"That's fine," Tie Xin said.

Xia Xia is not in a hurry to go in. He wants to check more nearby, and it is best to find a few places to escape.

As the so-called cunning rabbit three caves!

It's always right to have a few more ways out.

Moreover, he needs to know the terrain here, which is conducive to his combat.

"What are you doing?" Tie Xin asked in confusion.

"He is digging holes. Although these holes may not be used most of the time, once they are used, in many cases, they can get us the best time to escape." Thirteen has seen many such famous scenes. of.

Also really used it when running away in summer.

"That's fine..." Tie Xin found that the longer he followed the summer, the more he could discover the extraordinaryness of the summer.

It can be said.

Summer is a person with too many characteristics.

"The old man's current position has not moved. I guess they should be doing something. I will sneak over there in a while to see what's going on there." Xia Xia said.

"Be careful!!" Tie Xin reminded.

He didn't want something to happen to Xia Xia. After all, he was helping him get ahead. If Xia Xia had an accident here, the consequences would be unimaginable.


Summer's body disappeared in place.


when he went in.

He found.

All the Shadow Clan people here are sitting there cross-legged, each and everyone injecting their own power into the hood in front of them.

And this time.

old man.

Right in the front cover.



A feather from Hongfeng flew out.

Venomous spider.

Great power is injected directly into the feathers.

Countless spider silks quietly wrapped around the bodies of all the Shadow Clan people. Here, there are as many as thirty or forty thousand Shadow Clan people.

The spider silk entangled them little by little.

at the same time.

The powerful venom began to enter the hood in front of them with their power.

Those ShadowClan people didn't understand what happened, they were still injecting power into it.


The power now is all venom.

Instead of the pure power it used to be.

Boo! ! !

Summer came to the front of the barrier.


Central's finger!

Break everything! !

There was a gap in the powerful barrier.

when he went in.

The shadow inside also opened his eyes.

Eye to eye! !

"You actually found it!!" Ying was obviously a little surprised, he didn't expect Xia to find it, and there was no trace at all.


Xia Xia also walked in directly, looked at the old man in front of him, and then said: "Don't move, the power that just came in is poisonous. If you move around, those poisons are no joke. Although your strength is very strong, I can I can tell you very responsibly, it doesn't feel good."


that's it.

Summer came to the old man's side.



Directly put the old man's body into everything.


Shadow's body moved instantly.

Directly to the summer.

[Tianquan, fight back! ! 】


Shadow's body was instantly knocked out: "Tell you not to move."


It also started to leave quickly.

"Come and help!!" Summer shouted loudly.

He understands.

Although Ying was repelled, Ying was sure to catch up soon.

Thirteen and Tie Xin also rushed over immediately.

at the same time.

Shadow had already come up from behind.


Tie Xin blocked the shadow for the first time.

Thirteen's Haotian Mirror was also the first to attack.

"Done?" Thirteen asked.

"It's smoother than expected. By the way, he is poisoned, and his power will be suppressed. You're welcome, give me a beating." Xia Xia said directly.

Hear the words of summer.

Thirteen and Tie Xin also directly killed the past.

"Let the two of them play with you, don't mess with me." Xia Xia said very casually.

Shadow moves very fast.

He avoided the attack of the two directly, but when he wanted to open up his power, Tie Xin also used his world power to suppress it instantly, not giving the other party any chance to react.


Even though the iron heart will consume a lot of the world, the power of the shadow will not be opened.

Thirteen is not polite at all.

Haotian Mirror.

His Haotian Mirror attack also kept hitting out like this.

Very fast.


Shadow dodged Iron Heart's attack, but was hit on the edge by Thirteen's attack.

He also wanted to fight back.

But they were defeated by the continuous attacks of two people.


Just as the two were constantly suppressing the shadows.

Shadow's figure appeared in front of Xia Tian like a ghost.


Ying is also welcome, it is the ultimate move, as if wanting to kill Xia Xia directly.



Countless silk threads appear directly in front of summer.

Directly blocked the shadow's I seem to have told you, don't mess with me, right? Xia Xia's eyes looked at Ying coldly.

at the same time!

Pull his right hand!

The bodies of 20,000 to 30,000 Shadow Clan members instantly shattered.

Just now, he had wrapped the bodies of those people with gold threads. Coupled with the paralysis of venom and the restraint of spider silk, those people didn't even have a chance to resist.

The owner of ShadowClan's stronghold in the eighth party.

All destroyed! !

Not one left! !


When Ying saw the flying corpses, his expression changed: "Are you provoking me?"

"You are provoking me, right?" Xia Xia asked, looking at Yingying.

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