The Best All-rounder

Chapter 932: Summer VS4 master

When they heard the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast, everyone's faces showed surprise. They didn't expect that there would actually be Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast in the summer.


at this time.

Xia Si also blocked Lord Tiger's attack.

Sky King's body instantly appeared beside Xia Xia.

Spotted where Xia Si's defense was weak.

He directly seized the opportunity and broke through Xia Si's attack.


The attack hit Summer.

Earth Sha: Absolute Defense (Passive!!)

"Famous weapon armor?" Sky King was taken aback.

"I'm coming!!" Tiger Lord's second attack came over.

Although the two of them had never cooperated before, they cooperated very well at this time. They were all chasing after the gap in Xia's defense.

Earthshade: Counterattack (active!!)


Tiger Lord's attack was blocked again by Xia Xia, and at the same time the powerful attack was bounced back.

at the same time.

Xia Si's defense enveloped Summer again.

Heavenly Light.

Xia Xia's attack was also directed at Tiger Lord!


When Lord Tiger blocked this attack, his hands went numb: "Pure power attack."


At this moment, White Hammer also stood up again, and his attack directly hit Xia Xia.

【Promise, attract! 】

at this time.

His body lost his balance in an instant, and he was caught by Xia Xia.


Although White Hammer did not understand what was going on.

But he still knocked out his attack.

In his opinion, this should be able to handle the summer.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】


White Hammer's attack bounced back directly, but fortunately, White Hammer kept his hand, otherwise the rebound force would have caused his own body to collapse instantly.

The White Hammer who just stood up was knocked out again.

Tiger Lord and Sky King's attacks hit Xia Si at the same time.

Leave a gap for Shath's strongest defense.

call out!

at this time.

Baichuan's attack also came directly.


Baichuan's attack broke above one point.

[Wuji, defense! ! 】


Baichuan's attack was blocked by Xia Xia.


Xia Xia's body turned over, his right hand waved, Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand, and Hongfeng appeared on his body at the same time.

As if ready to fight back.

"Okay, okay, I called you here, not to deal with Xia Xia." Tie Xin also hurriedly shouted.

If it goes on like this, these people will really fight.

And it was four Venerables who dealt with Xia Xia alone.

Of course.

He also understands.

These four people have all shot, then they will be convinced, and next, they will also cooperate with the summer battle.

Xia Xia also bowed his hands: "How offended."

"It seems that the legends are all true." Tiger Lord said with emotion.

"Yeah, you are not his main target, you don't know, I am not feeling well now." White Hammer said with emotion.

"Who made you so anxious, the first one to shoot." Sky King said.

"It seems that you will be the first to shoot casually in the future. It's too easy to be targeted." White Hammer said with emotion.

"There are so many means." Baichuan said with emotion.

"Last time there was Xia Xia's information, Xia Xia should only have 50,000 points of law!!" Tiger Lord said.

"Yes, I sold it with Baijiaxing at the time, but now my power of law is 80,000 points." Xia Xia explained.

"It's a bit scary to increase from 50,000 points to 80,000 points so quickly, but I am more curious about how a person with 80,000 points of law power can withstand the attacks of the four venerables." White Hammer said.

"It's just luck." Xia Xia said.

"Baijiaxing he..." Baichuan glanced at Thirteen.

"It won't last long. Although we saved his life, his realm was ruined, and his lifespan has reached its limit. It is precisely because of him that we almost destroyed the entire flywheel house." Thirteen said with emotion.

"It's a pity, he is also a hero of a generation, but it's a pity that he has too many ties." Baichuan shook his head.

"I think this may also be a relief for him!!" Xia Xia said.


Everyone nodded slightly.

The fall of people like Baijiaxing is still very emotional.

"The gears of this era have begun to turn. We have been at ease for so long, and it is time to move." Tie Xin said.

their venerable.

It has always been an invincible existence in China.

There is no death.

Since the battle of night and day.

It is almost rare to hear of the death of His Holiness.

But in places like Shenzhou, there is no real immortality at all.

"My request to everyone is very simple. If the shadow is killed, then our goal this time is to kill him. Of course, I'm not talking about killing him to give him a chance to be reborn, but to find a way to kill him. He, the kind that can't be reborn." Xia Xia said directly.

The crowd did not speak.

But they all understand.

This is not so simple, if Ying stood there motionless and asked them to seal, they did have some solutions.

But that's a god.

That's a shadow.

This is not so simple to provoke.

"Our tactics are very simple, once a battle occurs, you four, Tie Xin, Tiger Lord, White Hammer and Sky King, temporarily hold the shadow for me, and force his means out to me. His power will destroy the power of your world. So you can't rely too much on your own world power, and I have to tell you in advance that a powerful fairy beast is sealed in his body, so he still has this big hole card in the end." Xia Xia reminded .

"Seal a fairy beast!!" Tiger Lord frowned.

"Yes, this is a method, but before the immortal beast is forced out, as long as you are careful, he should not be the opponent of the four of you, after all, no matter how strong his power the four of you They are all famous venerable masters, but if the immortal beasts are forced out, you must step back as soon as possible, you can't take it hard, and you can't give the opponent a chance to raid you." Xia Xia said again.

"En!" Several people nodded slightly.

"Baichuan and Thirteen, as well as the people from the Golden Sword Sect, the candidate to kill the guard, the Iron Spirit King, and the three outsiders of the guard, I don't know who he has for the time being, so prepare some more people. It's fine," Summer said.

"En!" Baichuan nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!!" Thirteen said directly.

"Since these people are here, we can't give them a chance to escape and kill them as much as possible, but poor thieves don't pursue them," Xia Xia said.

"It seems that the hardest part is going to be given to you." Tie Xin looked at Xia Xia.

"Yes, Ying hates me very much, so he will definitely find a way to sneak attack on me, but I have Qiansi beast guarding me, and the White Dragon King by my side, he has no chance, I will find out his weakness as soon as possible and tell me You, and think of a way to kill him."

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