The Best All-rounder

Chapter 948: Golden Knife Breaks Defense


At this time, Xia Xia's gaze made Ying suddenly feel very terrifying.

He couldn't figure it out.

what on earth is it.

Why was Xia able to block his attack.

"How is that possible?" Ying's face was full of incredible expressions.

His blow.

It was actually blocked by Xia Xia's defense.

The red phoenix strikes!

Xia Xia's attack hit Ying.


Ying didn't mean to dodge in the slightest, and just resisted Hongfeng's full-strength blow like this. Now Ying is no longer a fake defense, but a real defense.

He simply didn't believe anyone could break his defenses.


He didn't need to dodge at all.


at the same time.

The four surrounding people's attacks also all smashed on Ying's body.

Their attacks still did not cause any damage to Shadow.

"It's useless, it's impossible for you to break through my defense." Ying's eyes were still on Xia Xia's body, he didn't mean to dodge in the slightest, and let the attacks of those people hit him.


at this time.

Summer shot.

The purpose of Xia Tian letting the four of them shoot is very simple. On the one hand, it is to numb Ying's defensive habits.

Expose Shadow's physical defense.

Shadow is the most confident in his physical defense.

He also blocked the attacks of these people with a strong physical defense.

"I said, it's useless..."

King's air.

Golden knife.



Before Ying's words were finished, he felt something strange on his body, and blood was flowing from his body.

"Successful?" Seeing that Xia Xia really broke Ying's defense, the other four also lit up.

at the same time.

They all saw it.

The phantom behind the shadow is gradually dissipating.

"Sure enough, as I thought, after unblocking the beast, whether it is his attack or defense, it will become very terrifying, but on the one hand, this time will not last too long; on the other hand, as long as his defense is broken , the beast sealed inside will not be able to achieve a perfect fit with him." Xia Xia had been thinking about this from the very beginning.

He does not believe that there is true invincibility in this world.

no matter what means.

There are flaws.

As long as you catch the flaws, you can defeat the opponent.

"I really didn't expect that a shadow that is already invincible can be defeated by Xia Xia." Hu Ye also sighed at this time.

"Don't be stunned, start now, fight back in an all-round way, and kill him!!" Xia Xia shouted directly.

Hear the words of summer.

The four also began to counterattack directly.


at the same time.

Summer's body disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Nakata Monyama, one of the candidates for the divine guard.

At this time, Wenshan Zhongda was fighting against the White Dragon King, and he was originally suppressed by the White Dragon King very seriously.

Summer came suddenly.

Let him not have time to react.


The red phoenix strikes.

Tianhan sword.

Heavenly Light.

King's air.

Tianhan sword!


Summer's attack directly pierced Nakata Monyama's body.

However, Manshan Zhongda's ability is also very strong.

Abruptly avoided the key point.

"What?" Wenshan Zhongda never dreamed that Xia Tian would suddenly kill him, and for a moment, he had no ability to resist.


at the same time.

The attack of the White Dragon King also came.

The second round of attacks in the summer also went down.

Wenshan Zhongda collapsed across the board.

His body was also knocked out one after another.

Originally, although it was difficult for him to fight the White Dragon King, he could still fight, but now, the appearance of Xia Xia has completely collapsed him.


With a twitch of the White Dragon King's tail, he was directly drawn onto the Tianhan Sword in the summer.

"No, it's impossible, I'm a candidate for Shenwei, and I'm only half a step away from Shenwei." Wenshan Zhongda's face was full of horror.

Just a little bit.

But now.

He was going to die.

"Come here, haven't you made up your mind to die?" Xia Xia waved his right hand.

"No, I won't die, the power of my bloodline is enough to resurrect me!!" Wenshan Zhongda shouted.

He also gave up the place directly.

Although the cost of resurrection is very high.

But he can be resurrected.

Don't be afraid of death.

"Really?" A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

All kinds of things!


The moment the opponent gave up his resistance was when he used Sen Luo Wan Xiang to put away the opponent.


In fact, he already had this idea.

Before, he wanted to destroy the shadow.

Just thinking.

If you kill the shadow directly, the shadow can also be resurrected.

It will still be troublesome.

It takes too much time to seal the shadow, he doesn't have that time, and the guards won't agree.

Then there is only one way.

It is to throw the opponent into everything.


Monyama Zhongda was thrown in by him.

"Success." Hongfeng's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, it was successful. It seems that we have no chance to deal with Ying." They have been fighting for a day in the summer, and his Wuji and Tianquan are beginning to recover.

Of course.

It doesn't have to be used every day.

But to use it when it is most critical.

"What?" King Iron Spirit was also very surprised when he saw the situation

Back off hastily.


It's too late.

Xia Xia and the White Dragon King had already flanked from behind.

Two venerable masters and a summer, together to deal with the Iron Spirit King.



When King Iron Spirit first started, he still wanted to escape, but after several sneak attacks in the summer, he had no chance at all.


Baichuan's sword first penetrated his body.

"You are courting death!!" King Iron Spirit shouted angrily.

"Even your boss said something like this to me, but it didn't come true. Do you think that you can shock us by saying such a thing?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.


The attack of the White Dragon King hit the Iron Spirit King.



The attacks of the three hit the King of Iron Spirit together: "Xia Xia, I swear, after my rebirth, I will do nothing in my life, and I will find a way to kill you and everyone around you."

"Unfortunately, you don't have the chance to be reborn." Xia Xia's expression turned cold.

All kinds of things!


For this kind of person who has given up resistance, everything is still very useful.

at the same time.

The three disappeared together.

The three of them went to support Thirteen.

Thirteen felt the moment of summer.

Haotian Mirror!

He also no longer escaped, but attacked these three people head-on.

The three had been chasing Thirteen dozen, and now that Thirteen suddenly started to fight back, they were also the first to fight, but they never thought that three people had already killed him quickly.

these three people.

But there is no reborn bloodline.

They are not polite in summer.

kill! !

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