The Best All-rounder

Chapter 971: Treasure Vault Location

"A dead person!!" Although Xia Xia admired such a person, he couldn't understand what a dead person could do.

"He is the symbol of the guardian deity of the Celestial Clan. It's not that simple, but I don't know what it is. It is recorded in the ancient books of our divine guard that there are many unimaginable statues in this world, and those statues can even It is said to be an unimaginable existence, but over the years, I may not have enough fate, so I have never investigated the news about the statue, and I have not seen any statues." Ying explained.

Shenwei knows a lot about this world.

It is precisely because of their understanding of the world that they will know what the world is like.

How many things are scary to them.

"En." Summer nodded slightly.

"The battle of the immortals, after all, happened hundreds of millions of years ago. Although there are many records from our guards, I can't guarantee that it is completely correct." Ying reminded.

He didn't want to be discovered by Xia Xia later because what he said was wrong, thinking that he deliberately lied to Xia Xia.

"It's okay, as long as you tell me everything you know, I will tell the truth by myself. As long as you don't want to lie to me subjectively, I won't embarrass you." Xia Xia said directly.

Both grace and grace.

is required.

You have to give the other party hope, but also let the other party understand that his life is in your hands, don't play tricks with you.

"The battle of the immortals back then was actually an attempt by everyone to better unify the human race, but back then, what everyone was after was the secret of longevity. In the end, very few people obtained this secret, but they were either crazy or just. Tie Xin's father died later. Tie Xin's father bought it back with his life, but in fact, Tie Xin's father himself didn't know why he was able to live forever, and it was because of this that he participated in Tian Ye. He wanted to find the answer from the Celestial Clan people, but unfortunately, when he stepped into the Celestial Clan, he himself was going to die. The Celestial Clan people didn't move him before because they were worried that something special would happen to his grandfather. , but he went to die himself, the people of that day would naturally not be polite, and they wanted to kill this kind of existence that was out of control."

Shadow thinks.

Tie Xin's father killed himself.

If he doesn't go to the battle of day and night.

If the people of the Celestial Clan want to move, he will also think about it carefully.

After all, Tie Xin's grandfather is still alive, although Tie Xin's grandfather is no different from dead.

But they are still very careful.

And in the battle of the immortals, everything in the end should be in the hands of the Celestial people.

"The purpose of the Battle of Immortals, I probably know it all, but does it really have immortality?" Xia Xia asked.

"Perhaps, our guards have a lot of information. Although the information is shared, in fact, our personal research is different from the path everyone takes. Over the years, my strength has not improved significantly. , and there is still a certain gap with other top guards. For example, after I completely unblocked the beast, I lost myself and could only set a task for myself at the last minute, and destroy everything, but our gods Among the guards, there are people who can completely control the unsealing beast and give it bonuses, but that is very difficult to do." Although Ying is very confident in his own strength, he is also a very arrogant person. .

But he is very clear that among the guards, there is a more powerful existence.

"When you took Tie Xin's grandfather away, did you want to study longevity?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, I don't want to study longevity, but in the true sense of longevity." Ying said.

"Have you researched it?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Not yet, but I want to give it a try. Since Tie Xin's grandfather can live forever, and he can make his son live forever, then maybe the power in his body and everything about him are the source of his longevity. Because of this, I want to absorb all his power, try it out, can I live forever, of course, I am betting, because I found an important information from the guardian, that is, this lifespan increase will There are several situations, first, entering the empty state of grandfather Tie Xin; second, becoming like Tie Xin's father, the strength is difficult to move in the later stage; third, in the true sense of longevity, everything needs to be sublimated, then My strength will change drastically." Shadow is greedy.

The more he gets.

He is also more greedy.

He is greedy for everything in this world.

He is greedy for power.

For strength.

He could even risk his own life.

"It's really a crazy idea. In my opinion, you have a high chance of failure." Xia Xia believes that if Ying really wants to unlock all the secrets of this power, it must be done step by step, not directly To swallow a fat man in one bite.

"When people are madly pursuing a thing, they will enter a misunderstanding and even be manipulated by their inner demons. At that time, I was in that state, and I could do whatever it takes, so for me, maybe losing to You are my chance!!" Ying has calmed down completely recently.

He also understands.

Nothing is more important than being alive.

"Let's talk about other things slowly. Recently, I came to this earth spirit clan and found that this earth spirit clan is not easy, and they seem to have a treasure trove. How much do you know about the earth spirit clan?" To ask for information.

However, the information that can be inquired outside is really very little.

"Have you heard about it?" Shadow asked.

"I've inquired about but it's too common," Xia Xia said.

"How can a force that has existed for hundreds of millions of years be ordinary." A smile appeared on Ying's face.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm curious about." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"What do you think?" Shadow asked.

"I don't think it's easy. Normally, they still have a treasure trove of secrets. They should have been targeted long ago. They might even be arrested and interrogated in secret by the whole family," Xia Xia said.

"They have all experienced what you said, but they can't ask anything, and the Earth Spirit Clan has a rule that all the core children are scattered, so even if one Earth Spirit Clan is destroyed, other children will also Create a second earth spirit clan and a third earth spirit clan. In this case, they will live endlessly, and the treasure house they said is also true. The ancestors of the earth spirit clan participated in the battle of the immortals back then. , and is also one of the survivors of the Battle of Immortals. He hid all the secrets he obtained in that treasure house, but the location of that treasure house has always been very difficult to find. Of course, our guards The location of the treasure house has been found, but the treasure house requires a password, and once the wrong input is made, a very terrifying power will erupt, so it is difficult to get it!!"

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