The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1027: businessman king

No one knew what was supporting him, he was still spewing blood just now, as if he had lost half his life, but now, he actually got up again.

"Do you still want it? Do you want to consider it?" the Celestial Clan asked.

"Do I have the right of first refusal?" Shang Biao roared.

He was yelling at a Celestial.

Under normal conditions.

He absolutely would not dare.

But now, his eyes are red, his body is trembling, and the blood on his mouth has not been removed.

Celestials are also angry under normal circumstances.

but now.

The Celestials were not angry.

He can also understand a person's mood at this time: "There is a video stone here, you are also an adult, your spirit is normal, your spirit is normal, and you have no illusions. I will give you a minute to think about it. After a minute, if you still If you insist on buying, I can let you buy it, and you are eligible to continue to owe."

"I don't need to wait a minute." Shang Biao shouted.

"I said I'll give you one minute, it's just one minute." The face of the Celestial Clan person turned cold. He could understand the other party's mood, but he was a Celestial Clan person after all. If the other party kept talking to him like this, then the other party was considered to be from the Celestial Clan. Young Sect Master, he will definitely not be polite.

Shang Biao also calmed down.

He was really dizzy just now.

Now he has calmed down too.

He bowed deeply to the Celestial Clan people, and then put down the space-time treasure chest in his hand.

"I'm sure not to buy it, then I'll do it." A slight smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

This Shang Biao was spitting blood by him.

The feeling of being pitted to death.

When Ying just saw Xia Xia's cheating, he felt very cool. He was also one of the people who had been cheated by Xia Xia before, and he almost died.

This feeling is if it is a party.

Suddenly it was different.

"I'm already a sinner of the business. I can't continue like this. If I continue, then I'm really not a human being." Shang Biao had recovered his calmness when the people from the Celestial Clan just spoke.

he knows.

I can't go wrong anymore.

"According to probability, there should be good things below." Xia Xia reminded.

"Then I don't want it either." Shang Biao said firmly.

"It turns out that the young sect master of the Heaven and Earth Sect is so easy to be afraid of." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"That's right, I'm afraid, I'm just a coward, that's alright." Shang Biao said.

"Little beast!!" A huge voice came.


with the appearance of sound.

A figure fell behind Shang Biao.


A loud slap appeared.


Tianxian Temple is absolutely not allowed to do anything, but now, the guards here did not stop it, because the person they knew came over, and the person who came here was Shang Biao's grandfather, the merchant king.

The grandfather slapped the grandson, and they would not stop him.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I was impulsive, I brought shame to the Heaven and Earth Sect, and I lost nearly 200 billion immortal crystals." Shang Biao knelt on the ground.


He didn't even have the courage to face his grandfather.

Grandpa is here now.

He also directly admits his mistake.

He really knew it was wrong.

At the time, he actually knew it was wrong, but he wanted to prove himself too much, so he was carried away by the victory.

In fact, the moment Shang Biao admitted his cowardice, Xia Xia was already impressed by him. Now that Shang Biao can recognize his mistakes, Xia Xia believes that this Shang Biao should be unlimited in the future, and although he has been pitted this time The other party, but in fact, it can be regarded as a setback on the other party's growth path, and it can be regarded as a great help to Shang Biao's future life.

"You are indeed wrong, but your fault is not here, but you admit it, you are the young sect master of my Heaven and Earth Sect, and I will send the Heaven and Earth Sect to you in the future, but now, if you admit defeat so easily, Then what if the Heaven and Earth Sect encounters danger in the future?" The merchant king pulled Shang Biao directly, and then walked forward: "Remember, you are not afraid of death, what else is there to fear? The Heaven and Earth Sect is yours, whether it is you Whether you lose the Heaven and Earth Sect, or grow to ten times the size is your life, and this kind of life only grows, not failure."

"Grandpa!!" Shang Biao looked at his grandfather and felt that his grandfather was very tall.

"I don't want to hear this!!" The merchant king scolded.


Shang Biao nodded vigorously, then looked at the Celestial Clan people: "Open, I will continue to open!!"

His grandfather is here.

He had the strongest backing, and he also understood that his grandfather asked him to take responsibility.

"It's amazing." Even Xia Tian gave the businessman Wang a silent thumbs up.

"Of course, the Merchant King is the most outstanding suzerain of the Heaven and Earth Sect in recent years. He is an amazing person, and more than that, don't you have something to do? Keep doing it and you will see His ability as a merchant king." Ying reminded.


Shang Biao also started to open the treasure chest of time and space again.

Moreover, the merchant king has already asked his subordinates to send Xianjing over.

The Celestial Clan people in front were not in a hurry.

Now that the merchant kings have come forward, he is even less worried that Shang Biao will default on his debts.

The people around also admired the merchant king very much at this time.

Although the merchant king only had a few simple words, it showed them the courage.

at this time.

They also wanted to see if Shang Biao could come up with something good.

If you can.

That Shang Biao is really the protagonist of the times.

Of course.

Who is qualified to enter the Tianxian Temple, which one is not the protagonist of the era.


God does not fulfill one's wishes.

This time and space treasure chest once again lost.

It was still worth less than 10 billion immortal crystals, and then the Celestial Clan people replenished 10 billion immortal crystals.

"Grandpa, I understand, let's go!!" Shang Biao said, he already understood what Grandpa meant, and at this time he didn't want to waste any more fairy crystals. These fairy crystals were all built by their ancestors.

It was exchanged by the people of Tiandi Zong with their lives.

Such flowers.

He will be very heartache ~ ~ continue! ! "The merchant king said with an expressionless face.

"Grandpa!!" Shang Biao wanted to say something.

"I said to continue!!" The merchant king said again.

Shang Biao gritted his teeth and stepped forward: "Continue!!"

Before, how much he wanted to open the time-space treasure chests, how much he does not want to open these time-space treasure chests now.

But with such a tough attitude of Grandpa, he could only continue to drive.


A lot of people gathered around.

They are all top players.

Usually, it is difficult to open a top-level space-time treasure chest, but today, it has been opened in series, and everyone wants to see what can be opened in this top-level space-time treasure chest.

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