The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1047: you shut up

"Stinky boy, what do you mean?" The third-class Celestial Clansman obviously heard the meaning of Xia Xia's words.

Even if he just misunderstood Summer.

But he is a third-class Celestial Clan after all.

An ordinary person, the ants of Shenzhou, dared to talk to him like this.

This is God who is provoking Shenzhou.

"Shut up for me!!" Tianran scolded.

The third-class Celestial Clansman also instantly became quiet.

"Don't worry, he won't talk nonsense in the future." Tianran assured Xia Tian.

what happened just now.

It was his people who were impulsive.

He didn't make a sneak attack as promised in advance, but intercepted it head-on. That's why there was such a mistake. This kind of thing has nothing to do with the summer.



He scolds a third-class Celestial Clan for an ordinary person.

It's impossible for this to happen.

It can be said.

He gave enough face to the summer.

Of course.

He gave Xia Xia this face because Xia Xia really has the ability, and there is a realm king behind Xia Xia. If he wants to make friends with this kind of person, he must show some sincerity.

"Actually, we still underestimate Tianlong. We sent people to sneak attack on him, and he had already expected it. The people in our place have been engraved in his mind by him. As long as there is one less person here, he will calculate it. Where did this person go? There were just over a dozen people missing. He was already speculating, so on the surface he was running away, but in fact, he was running away on the one hand and accumulating energy on the other hand. If it was a sneak attack, he might be able to give him It will cause a little trouble, but it is impossible to defeat him directly, and it is precisely because of this that your people will be instantly killed by him when they intercept him." Xia Xia analyzed.

his father.

It's really hard to deal with.


"It seems that Tianlong is really not that simple. Before, I thought that he was lucky to kill those people from the Celestial Clan, including beheading Tianshi. It was just that he had some small means, but now it seems that he is really lucky. You have the ability." Tian Chao has also become serious.

Although he has not fought against Tianlong for a long time, he has already died a few people.


Tianlong's performance was really terrifying.

"My lord, if we continue to chase like this, we will reach Kunming Cave. Although we are already within the confines of Kunming Cave, we haven't provoke that lord after all, but if we continue to go in and do damage to other people's territory, I'm afraid there will be trouble." A subordinate reminded.


Tian Chao also understands that the owner of Kunming Cave is not something they can provoke casually.

Moreover, when they came here now, it was equivalent to going to someone else's territory to fight. This is very impolite. If someone else went to their Celestial Clan to fight, their Celestial Clan would not be able to do it.

"Ghost Shadow, is there any way to do it?" Tian Chao looked at Xia Xia again.

"If my guess is correct, Tianlong's purpose should be this, he is to make our team anger the owner of Kunming Cave, and then, if we continue to chase, we will either be calculated by him or face the owner of Kunming Cave, But if he doesn't chase, he will definitely escape." Xia Xia analyzed.


"I guessed this too, but now, he is right in front of me. If I let him run away, I will be very unwilling. No matter what, I have to fight." Tianran said.

"Then let these two people from the Celestial Clan lead people to go around first, and then go to the front of Kunming Cave to form a formation. It is to completely stop his formation and not give him a chance to pass. There is the final battlefield, of course, The formation must be firm, don't give him another chance to rush past, and you must send people to guard the Quartet and form a circle." Xia Xia said.

"This method is possible, but his methods are very mysterious and very powerful." What Tianran was worried about was Tianlong's method of killing the people of the Celestial Clan.


these people.

Everyone's world power is very terrifying.

Ordinary people simply can't compete with them.

But Tianlong.

But they can kill their people.

"Leave the rest to me. As long as I don't give him a chance to escape, I can always look for his weaknesses and see what he wants to do next. When I say something, you must let your people listen. And once I speak, he can lock me, and then he will find a way to kill me first, you must protect me." Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, I will protect you myself." Tianran said.

"One person is not enough, he has too many methods, and one person cannot protect me." Xia Xia shook his head.

"Don't be ashamed, my grown-up protects you personally, yet you dare to pick and choose..."

"Shut up!!" Tian Chao's expression turned cold.

Halfway through what the third-class Celestial Clan said, he abruptly held back.

"go on."

"There are two main things, I will let your subordinates attack where, don't hesitate, attack at the first time; second, protect me.!!" Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, there's no problem." Tian Chao also understood.

The matter of protecting Xia depends on the actual situation. If Tianlong really came to attack Xia, it would prove that Xia had already threatened him. In this case, they really had to protect Xia.

But if he can't threaten Tianlong, Tianlong will not attack him.

Naturally, they don't have to protect him.

That third-class Celestial Clan man was also very unhappy at this time.

But he didn't dare to say anything.

The look in Tianran's eyes was warning him just Although he is also a Celestial, and he is a third-class Celestial, but he is a person below Tianran. , let alone two levels bigger.

"Then let's have a decisive battle, I don't want to waste time." Tianran glanced at the two Celestial people in front of him: "The two of you lead people around, remember, the formation must be firm, and it must not be given to Tianlong. A chance to escape."



Tian let out a sigh of relief.

at this time.

He was actually a little nervous.

He is a genuine first-class Celestial Clan man.

The usual him.

No matter what kind of master he faced, he could kill him with a single blow, and there was no one he could take seriously.

but now.

When facing Tianlong.

He was nervous.

But there is still a hint of excitement.


It will be the greatest opportunity of his life.

"Tianlong is very dangerous, and I'm not sure that I will win against him, but I also really want to try to see what kind of ability he can show." Xia Xia reminded.

"You can do your best, and leave the rest to me. I am a dignified first-class Celestial Clansman with hundreds of experts. If I still can't get a Celestial Dragon, then I really don't need to mess around."

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