The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1064: The situation in the ancient fairy mansion

Tianshuang Palace Master, this is the manager of the eighth party, and the person in power of the eighth party. There are people from the Celestial Clan behind him. It can almost be said that no one dares to provoke an existence.

but now.

His situation was a little worse.


Tianlong has declared war on Tianzu.

They also declared war on the dogs of their Celestial Clan.

The dogs of the Celestial Clan people outside can still hide.

But what about him?

Where can he hide?

They are the leaders of the eight directions.

Must be the first group to be attacked by Tianlong.

And he, the boss of the eighth party, must be the first to be cleaned up by Tianlong.

"Go and have a look, if he can find you, there is really no way." Ying also understands that if such a thing happens to the Tianshuang Palace Master, he should first go to the Tianzu people for help.

But he subpoenaed the summer.

This is enough to prove.

How bad is his current condition.

"En!" Xia Xia also just wanted to see what happened to Di Bo and Shen Wu behind them.

The two have yet to call themselves.

He didn't know if it was safe.

Temple of Frost.

On the surface, it is still very prosperous.

But in fact.

The number of guards was at least ten times higher than before.

There are guards everywhere.

One by one as a formidable enemy.

And even those with tokens are checked one by one.

"Mr. Xia, the hall master is already waiting for you." The guard said very respectfully.


These guards are also very nervous, and their hands are on the weapons.

"It seems that he is really afraid." Ying can see from the situation here that the Tianshuang Palace Master is really afraid of Tianlong.

He didn't know either.

When will Tianlong suddenly appear.

Will it kill him directly?

"Mr. Xia!!" Tianshuang Palace Master came from a distance.

"Why did you dress up as a woman?" Xia Xia was stunned when he saw the Tianshuang Palace Master for the first time. Although he knew that the Tianshuang Palace Master was a hermaphrodite, but now he saw that the Tianshuang Palace Master appeared in a woman's dress, He was still a little surprised.

"It has been decided that from now on, I will live as a woman, and I am not a hermaphrodite." Tianshuang Palace Master explained.


Summer got it.

Tianshuang Palace Master must have finally made his own decision and chose to be a woman.

"What about them?" Summer asked.

"I don't know." Tianshuang Palace Master knew who Xia Xia asked.

"I don't know? Didn't you kill me?" Xia Tian asked.

Although the strength of Dibo Immortal Emperor and Shenwu was not bad at that time, compared with the Heavenly Frost Hall Master, they were definitely a lot worse.

If the two of them were really killed by the Tianshuang Palace Master.

That would be a real revenge.

"Of course not anymore. Back then, we were brought into reverse teleportation by Firefly. To put it bluntly, we have returned to the bridge between the past and the present. Although we cannot change the past, we can choose the present. At that time, we returned to the ancient times. When we are in the Immortal Mansion, we will face the biggest choice, that is, whether to live as a man or a woman in the future, both of them chose a man, and I chose a woman." said the Tianshuang Palace Master.


"And then?" Summer asked.

"After that, we will go to our own life space and go back to the other side. To put it simply, on the one hand, we are to find our memories, and on the other hand, we are also to find ourselves. The channels of the three of us are different." Tianshuang Palace Master said.


"Sounds amazing." Xia Xia said.

"Ancient Immortal Mansion, of course it's amazing, that's what the ancient masters left behind," said Tianshuang Palace Master.

"In the end? What benefits did you get, or was it teleported directly?" Xia Xia asked.

"I have obtained three famous artifacts and a new cultivation method," said Tianshuang Palace Master.

"I understand, the ancient cultivation method, restraining the power of the world, no longer worry about being suppressed by the world class of the Celestial people, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, this is good news for me, but in the same way, if the Celestial Clan people know about it, even if I am their most loyal dog, they will not let me go." Tianshuang Palace Master said.

"So what?" Summer asked.

"You should have also heard that Tianlong declared war on the Tianzu people, and he also said that he would kill all the dogs of the Tianzu people, so I must be his first target, this person, I can't afford to offend, and I also hide I can't afford it, other people can temporarily not earn the fairy crystals for the past few years, find a place to hide, hide for four years, and the dragon can't do anything about them that day, but I'm different, I'm just a decoration in the eighth party, There is nowhere to hide at all, and once I hide, the Celestials will think that I have abandoned their glory." Tianshuang Palace Master said very depressed.

She is now in a dilemma.

"What did the Celestials say?" Xia Xia asked.

"They said that they will not give up on me, they will definitely help me, and are preparing for reinforcements to come, but they also want me to defend myself and find more helpers!!" said Tianshuang Palace Master.

"The meaning here is very Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Yeah, I also understand the meaning of this. To put it bluntly, it depends on how long I can hold on. If I can hold on, they will have reinforcements. If I can't hold on and can't find enough helpers, they will Don't mind me for the time being." Tianshuang Palace Master said with a wry smile.

She worshipped the people of the Celestial Clan for so many years.


When she needed Celestial Clan people, Celestial Clan people gave her such an answer.

"Then what do you mean by looking for me?" Xia Tian asked.

"I hope, you kill me!!" said Tianshuang Palace Master.

"Let me kill you?" Xia Xia frowned.

"That's right, of course, it's not really killing, but it's announced that I'm dead, and then I live in another identity. Anyway, over the years, I've made a lot of money, and I've gotten a lot of what I want. I'll practice in the future. This is a brand-new cultivation method, others can’t tell it’s me, and this is also a very good opportunity to break away from the Celestial Clan.” Tianshuang Palace Master obviously has already thought about the way back.

She had everything ready early.

Next is waiting for this opportunity.

"But have you ever thought about it, if I kill you, then I will be the enemy of the Celestial Clan, and from now on, wherever I go, I may be targeted by the enemy." Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, the people of the Celestial Clan will definitely not dare to come out to deal with you now, unless the Tianlong is dead, so you are also safe, and I will not let you work in vain. I have accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, and I can share a part of it with you. ." Tianshuang Palace Master said directly.

She is the owner of the Eighth Party.

All these years.

No one should earn more than her.

The real land rich man of the eighth party.

"If you say that, I really have to think about it."

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