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Chapter 1085: Summer VS Lion King [supplement]

"Lord Lion King, we can go to this kind of thing, you don't need to come forward in person." A fairy wolf and a fairy cow got up.


The Lion King nodded slowly: "Bring the live one back, I like to eat the live one."


The two fairy beast kings also flew out instantly! !

Xia Xia and Qu Xi have been on their way all the time. Recently, it has been quiet a lot, and no fairy beasts have come out.

"I feel a little weird!!" Qu Xi said.

"Isn't there a fairy beast coming out to cause trouble, I'm not used to it?" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

They have been running for a day, and no fairy beast has come out to do anything.

This doesn't fit the situation here.

"This is called the tranquility before the storm. We played too well before, so they also understand that ordinary fairy beasts are useless to us, so the next one is either very strong or very large. ." Summer has been able to guess what will happen next.



Two fairy beasts appeared!

The strength of these two immortal beasts is very strong, and they have entered the ranks of the quasi-exalted.

after they appeared.

Hundreds of thousands of immortal beasts directly surrounded this place.

"Humans, this is the Lion King's territory, you shouldn't enter here!!!" Xianlang said coldly.

"I've already come in." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Then what awaits you next is death. What the Lion King likes most is the dantian in the body of you human immortal cultivators. That kind of power is very memorable."

Obviously, the fairy wolf also devoured human immortal cultivators.


He was very familiar with that feeling.


The purpose of their siege here is very simple, that is, to capture the two of them in summer.

"If you want to deal with me, these fairy beasts don't seem to be enough!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"The immortal cultivators were just as wild as you before, but in the end, they even chewed their bones to pieces." The face of the immortal wolf was full of bloodthirsty expressions.


Qu Xi took a step forward: "You guys, make me very annoyed!!"

She has endured it for a long time, and Xia Tian kept telling her not to do anything casually.


Now she's not going to endure it anymore.


Between her hands, a small black ball appeared, and the ball flew directly to the opposite fairy wolf and fairy cow.


The two of them also felt a sense of danger.

Then retreat quickly.


The immortal beasts behind them didn't have time to retreat at all.

The body was instantly swallowed by the black ball.


this moment.

There is only destructive power around.

The powerful **** power directly swallowed hundreds of fairy beasts in front of them.


In summer, the toes are a little above the ground.

Everything around was frozen in an instant.

Red Phoenix strikes!

The black and red wings flew out at the same time.


Summer has also moved to kill.

"Humans, you are courting death!!" Xianlang shouted loudly.

"Let me see who is courting death!!" Qu Xi killed him instantly, slapped the immortal wolf directly on the chest, and slapped the immortal wolf directly out.


The fairy ox collided.

Directly blocked by Quxi.


Easy attack!

This is Qu Xi, her strength has skyrocketed recently, and her laws of **** are getting stronger and stronger.

Summer stands still.

The surrounding immortal beasts that rushed towards him were also frozen one by one.


Hongfeng is also constantly harvesting these fairy beasts.

"Come together, kill them both." Xianlang shouted loudly.

"No, the lion king wants to live!!" Immortal Niu shouted.

"Then go up and try it!!!" Immortal Wolf responded.

Xian Niu also wants to avoid Quxi and rush towards summer.


Just as his body was halfway through, he was blown away by Qu Xi's attack: "I'm here, do you want to go too?"

Qu Xi would not let these two fairy beasts disturb Xia Xia casually.

Summer there.

Now it has entered a realm of quick kill.

As long as there is no prospective Venerable to disturb.

His killing speed will be very fast, and it will become very ruthless, but if there is an attack by a quasi-exalted immortal beast, then his state will be released.

puff! puff! puff!


The surrounding fairy beasts died one by one.

Immortal Niu was also anxious, and rammed into Qu Xi with all his strength.


Qu Xi's body jumped and smashed the attack directly on the back of Xianniu: "A fool will fight you hard!!"

She will not directly pick up the power of the fairy cow.

Instead, he chose to attack the weakest part of the Immortal Niu's body, that is, the waist.

The power of the laws of **** is very terrifying.

It also caused very large scars on the body of the fairy cow.

Summer there.

The whole person seems to be the Shura God from hell.

The endless slaughter smashed those fairy beasts around.

"All use the body, his killing is too fast!!" Xianlang shouted loudly.

As his voice fell, the heads of the immortal beasts around them suddenly became larger, more than ten times larger in an instant, and even some immortal beasts became hundreds of times larger.

They do.

It is to reduce the damage of the law to them in the It is completely different to wrap a fairy beast that is more than ten feet tall and wrap a fairy beast that is more than ten thousand feet tall.

That's what they're going to spend the summer on.


Xia Xia directly bit the recovery elixir in his mouth.

Is he afraid of a war of attrition?

Their approach will not consume summer at all. Instead, their stature has become larger and their weaknesses have become larger.

Hongfeng can find their weaknesses more easily.

puff! puff!

One after another, the beasts began to die.

Summer's attack is also entered to the maximum!


Just when more fairy beasts began to die.

A huge figure fell from the sky.

Straight to summer!

Xia Si appeared immediately and blocked the opponent's attack.

"Lion King!!" When Xia Xia saw the figure of the other party, he already knew who this guy was. He must be the king of this area, that is, the legendary Lion King! !

"Human, since you've heard my name, you can't do it without your hands!!" The Lion King's voice was very loud.

"I also heard about it on the way. They all said that you are the king here, so I came here to see what skills you have as a king." Xia Xia said directly.


The lion king snorted heavily, then opened his **** mouth.

A loud roar appeared.

Everything around it started to shatter.

Xia Si also stood in front of Xia Xia.


The sonic attacks were blocked again and again.

"Eh? Thousand Silk Beast!!" The Lion King had seen the world, but when he saw the Thousand Silk Beast standing in front of Xia Xia, he was stunned.

"That's it?" Xia Xia looked at the Lion King with great disappointment.

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