The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1089: star strike


in the sky.

A big star appeared endlessly.

The moment the star appeared.

There is endless gravity all around.

These gravitational forces seem to want to **** everything around them onto the stars.

Qu Xi also blocked that suction with the power of his own law.


Those flying fairy beasts can't hold such a large suction force, and they are all adsorbed on the huge star.

Before the star was smashed down, it had already sucked up all the immortal beasts below.

At least hundreds of thousands of immortal beasts were sucked up at this moment.

at the same time.

The other powerful immortal beasts are also struggling to attack the star.

can last.

Their attack just hit on top of their comrades!

Star strike!

Summer shouted.


The huge star smashed straight ahead.

The dense space ahead.

Directly hit by this blow.


in the sky.

Light was restored.

Light shines down.

A huge star fell in front of them in the summer.

All the flying fairy beasts there have disappeared.

"Although the flying fairy beasts are very big, the gravitational force on the star, coupled with this smash, at least destroyed millions of flying fairy beasts!!" Qu Xi said in surprise.

She also knew what it means to be strong.

rise! !

After one hit is over.

Summer also wants to lift the star up again.

One more hit!

"Can you still play?" Qu Xi looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

The destructive power of the blow just now was so terrifying, and now the summer can still play such terrifying power.

"It consumes a lot." Xia Xia also had to admit that the consumption of this blow was very large, but he now has a lot of recovery elixir, and he can continue to take recovery elixir.

In this case.

His strength can also be restored all the time.


A powerful force instantly flowed into his body.

The star in front of you.

Also rising.

Endless power flew into the stars.

at the same time.

The surroundings collapsed again.

Those flying fairy beasts that didn't die were also sucked in again.

The light in the sky shone down on a large area.

Just when summer wanted to use Starstrike again.

Ten rays of light flew from afar.

These ten rays of light directly penetrated the summer stars.

The huge star also shattered instantly.

gradually dissipated.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Xia Xia's mouth.

"Are you all right?" Qu Xi hurried forward.

"It's just a backlash. Some experts have come over." Xia Xia's eyes looked upward. The ten attacks just above were very terrifying, and they already had the mighty power of a Venerable.

But he understands that it is not the Venerable. If it is the Venerable, there is no need for ten powers at all, and the power of a broken star is enough.

call out!

at the same time.

Ten rays of light hit Xia Xia and Qu Xi directly.


Countless silk threads block the summer and breath.

Directly blocked the ten attacks.


Qu Xi also counterattacked instantly.

The Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia's hand stabbed out at the same time.


The forces of both sides collided.

Xia Si also hurriedly protected Xia Xia and Quxi.

boom! boom! boom!

After the ten rays of light hit a few times, they also stopped: "It's a thousand silk beast!!"

"It's like ten guys!" Qu Xi said with emotion.

"Ten are all in the realm of Half-step Venerable, and their attacks are very strong and very fast, but their existence is generally not strong!!" Xia Xia is very aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these flying fairy beasts.

Immortal beasts generally major in one kind of power.

For example, there are special training defense.

There are special training speed.

There are also special training powers.

If they mainly cultivate one, they can maximize their abilities. The attack of these ten flying fairy beasts just now is very terrifying.


They are majoring in attacking.


They are definitely weak on defense.

"I'll give you a chance, you raid!!" Qu Xi said.

"Okay, Xia Si will protect you. After attracting their attention, come back as soon as possible!!" Xia Tian reminded.


Qu Xi's body rushed out instantly.

at the same time!

A powerful force was also smashed out of her hands.

The law of hell! !


The ten flying fairy beasts were still thinking about how to attack the thousand silk beasts, but when they saw Quxi, they also killed them instantly.

"It's now!!"

The king's air! !

The law of the day! !

The Law of the Stars! !

The Law of Light!

Red Phoenix strikes!

Tianhan sword! !

Summer's attack is also played in an instant.


puff! puff!

All kinds of power play.

Xia Xia's attack also penetrated the bodies of the ten flying fairy beasts.


Kill the flying fairy beasts of ten Half-step Venerables with one blow.

"That's awesome!" Qu Xi said excitedly.

"Their defense is weaker than I thought. I just feinted the others and planned to kill one first, but when the feint hit them, I found that their defense was very weak. "Xia Tian actually didn't expect that he could kill all ten of them directly.

At that time, he wanted to kill one of but the news that Hongfeng quickly passed on to him was that they were very weak.

The defensive power of these ten flying fairy beasts is not as good as that of humans with 80,000 points of ordinary law.

such an opportunity.

How can summer be missed.

"It seems that they have only cultivated their attack power. It is no wonder that the attacks they launched just now are almost the same as the attacks of people at the venerable level." Qu Xi also understood what was going on.

"This is a surprise, how has your law power improved?" Xia Xia asked.

"It's still digesting, but if there is no accident, it will be fixed at 299,000." Qu Xi said.


"For the time being, the Realm King Pill can only help you with this, and the rest depends on your own perception!!" Xia Xia said.

"Only a life-and-death struggle is the real perception. Let's continue. There must be a lot of powerful flying fairy beasts ahead. I'm going to fight with them." The reason why Qu Xi dares to work so hard now is also because she is too good for the realm of the Venerable. longing for it.

She also wants to rely on her hard work to make herself break through to the realm of the Venerable.


She is too far from the realm of the Venerable.

So she didn't dare to reach that realm at all, but now, she is only half a step away from the realm of Venerable.

It can be said.

She was born out of the summer.

When she first started teaming up with Xia Xia, the power of immortality only exceeded 100,000 points, and the power of law was only 80,000 to 90,000 points.

Know summer these years.

Her power of law has increased by 200,000 points! !

"Okay, I also want to see what kind of power it will have if the law of **** breaks through to Venerable, but have you decided whether to cultivate the power of the world, or to cultivate other powers?" Xia Xia asked road.

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