The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1117: Hei Tianya's decision

"Above, it's above!!" Xia Xia said hurriedly.

He didn't expect it either.

These immortal beasts controlled by blood worms actually began to have their own consciousness. The immortal beasts that were controlled before only knew instinctive killing, but now, they have undergone a second mutation.

Start to be wise.

With wisdom.

They started to use their brains to attack.

at this time.

They attack from above.

Although there are also guards and formations above.

But the formation method has a height limit after all.

They just flew to the height limit of the formation and rushed down from there.

From there, the devastation begins.

"Defense, the first brigade guards listen to the order and kill me. They must not be allowed to destroy the formation from above, nor let their blood and corpses be mixed into the sky water." Hei Tianya's response was still very fast.

After he heard the words of summer.

I understand what these mutant beasts want to do.

He absolutely cannot let this happen.

There are blood worms in the bodies and flesh of these mutant beasts. If they are killed directly, their blood will contaminate the Tianshui, and those blood worms can also be mixed into the patio from the Tianshui.

And if the above formation is completely destroyed, the mutant flying fairy beasts can be killed: "The second brigade is divided into ten squadrons, intercepting the Tianshui, temporarily closing the patio, and preventing any drop of water from falling down, guarding the entire Formation foundation."

Hei Tianya issued one order after another.

Those subordinates did not hesitate to do so without hesitation.

Originally, they had to listen to Hei Tianya's orders.

In addition, Hei Tianya's orders have always been very correct, which made the guards on the scene more convinced of him.


Hei Tianya has already fallen by the side of the ten warriors in the courtyard: "Everyone, the other party's purpose has been determined, that is, under the courtyard, and we found that these mutant beasts have begun to have their own thoughts, they began to attack from above, I Let the guards cut off the landing of Tianshui."

"Master is wise."

"Don't say these are useless now, the ten of you must not leave here, I have told the reinforcements from other places to rush over, and it will not be long before a large number of masters will rush over, and the immortal beast clan in other places will also start to deal with these The mutant immortal beasts are intercepting, but they have already thought, so I am worried that there will be a change, if there is a change, I will lead people to rush here, and I hope that the ten will not mind." Hei Tianya said Came here to say hello.


Even if he came here, he was not allowed.

Not to mention that he brought people here.

"Don't worry, my lord, we all understand, but we only recognize the adults, and we can ignore the people brought by the lord, but not the others, not even those with the token of the lord." These ten people still know their own tasks. what is.

They are now.

Also very cautious.

at this time.

They also think that Hei Tianya is really out of blue.


They are also willing to cooperate with Hei Tianya.

"Sir, over the teleportation black hole, the major forces have come to fifteen beasts and three hundred quasi beasts."

"Tell them to come and gather!!" Hei Tianya nodded slightly.

The price of black hole teleportation is too expensive, so it can only be used to teleport these masters.

when he sent the message out.

All the bosses around will send experts over.

Someone from his father's side will come over soon.

The master is sent directly over, and the most direct guard here.

As for the enemy army of 30 billion.

That would be a bit of a siege.

30 billion.

But a very large number.

Even if it is to kill, at least a few years, it will not be enough to kill.

"See your lord!!"

Those beast venerables and quasi-beast venerables said respectfully.

"From now on, the fifteen of you will directly obey my orders, and the three hundred of you will obey the Black Eagle King. No matter what happens next, you can't let any mutated fairy beast enter the patio, understand?" Hei Tian Ya said very seriously.

The surrounding beasts and quasi-beasts also nodded.

Summer did not expect.

Hei Tianya actually gave him such great power.

He directly gave him three hundred quasi-beast venerable subordinates.

"Boss Ya, so many people..."

"If anyone doesn't listen to you, kill them directly. Whoever dares to resist, I will destroy his entire clan." Hei Tianya's words were not only for Xia Xia, but also for these quasi-beast venerables in front of him.


"I'll give you a task." Hei Tianya looked at Xia Xia.

"Boss Ya, please order!!"

"You take three hundred of them, kill me, kill them inside, kill them at the center to investigate the situation, I don't know what to ask you to investigate, but you should know exactly what I want to know!!" Hei Tianya said it very clearly.

Summer knows him well.


He doesn't need to say.

Summer should also know what he wants to know.

In this case.

He just let the summer play freely.

Investigate the most useful information for him and come back.

This information can be anything for example.

Who the **** is the enemy, and who sent the blood worms.

How to deal with bloodworms fast.

How to rescue these 30 billion mutant immortal beasts and so on.

"I understand!" Summer said.

"You are my most trusted brother. In the future, you will stand with me in the king's position in this area. I believe that you will not disappoint me." Hei Tianya said firmly.

He has long regarded Xia Xia as the last person with him.

He thinks too.

It can be done in summer.

He didn't know where that trust came from.

But it's a confidence.

"Everyone obeys orders.!" Xia Tian raised his hand.

The three hundred quasi-beast venerables also all looked at Xia Xia: "I don't like nonsense, this time I issued a military order, if we don't get anything, I will not come back if I die, but if you don't obey me and don't carry out my orders, you make mistakes. , I will definitely report your matter to the boss."

He has to stand up.

These three hundred quasi beasts must know his attitude.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to want only three hundred quasi-beast venerables.

This is the first time in the summer that so many masters have been commanded to fight.

"Didn't you hear it?" Hei Tianya scolded.

"Yes!" Three hundred quasi beasts shouted loudly.

"Okay, our chance to make a contribution has come. As long as we succeed, Ya boss won't treat us badly." Xia Xia glanced at Hei Tianya.

"I am ready to wait for you at the celebration feast. I will remember the appearance and name of each of you. I hope you all come back alive." Hei Tianya said.


Directly lead the flight in summer.

Quickly disappeared in place! !

behind him.

Follow the three hundred quasi beasts.

The scene is very spectacular.

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