The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1137: only destruction

above the sky.

Only the spirit of summer.

"Just a bunch of dead guys!"

At this time, in Xia Xia's eyes, all the immortal beasts around were dying, and his ivy ring was ready.


From the very beginning he made such a big noise.

Just to attract more fairy beasts to come.


He can destroy a large number of fairy beasts with one blow.

After the fairy beast died.

There is no way to escape.

He can use the traceless teleport to escape for the first time, and then use the source of the earth to teleport the second time.


It's all in his calculations.

He has thought of everything.


It's time for him to unleash his ultimate.

"Human, you are still so arrogant when you are about to die." Those quasi beasts looked at Xia Xia with disdain.

in their eyes.

Summer is already a dead man.

"Who's dying?" Xia Xia's eyes widened.

The moment when the surrounding fairy beasts saw Xia Xia's gaze.

They felt as if they had fallen into the endless Senluo hell.

Sweat all over the back.

the same moment.

Thousand eyes!

Xia Tian directly activated the ability of Thousand Eyes.

no time.

It is more suitable to activate Thousand Eyes than now.


The light flashed.

Summer fingers pointed forward.

Ivy Strike! !

When his finger pointed out the moment.

The originally imagined Senra **** around him suddenly turned into a real hell! !

"Not good!" The beastmaster suddenly had an ominous premonition, and he also hurriedly killed Xia Xia.

The huge attack hit the summer directly.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】


Destructive forces emerge at this moment.

The endless power seems to be able to swallow everything.

This is summer.

The most powerful existence.

Can kill all existence.


The black rattan rose from the ground, this time, not splitting from the tree, but emerging from the ground.

within tens of millions of miles.

All have sprouts.

The rattan grows very fast.

In five seconds, the rattan grew to a height of 10,000 feet, and on top of the rattan, the rattan branches continued to split! !


Here at this time.

Only destruction.

Nothing else.

All they can see is death.

The fairy beasts around.

Not even a chance to escape.

was killed.

The eleven quasi-beast venerables around Xia Xia were already hit by thousands of eyes. Coupled with the surprise attack of Hongfeng, they had no chance to escape at all.

The entire Fire Leopard Mountains.

There were millions of fairy beasts just killed around.

this moment.

Only a sea of ​​corpses! !

Blood is flying! !

"So strong!!" Qu Xi was dumbfounded, all she could see was death.

Even the beast venerable was wounded all over by the devastating attack. If he hadn't chosen to fly up the first time, he would probably have an accident now.

"This is the power of the ancient magic weapon." Ying's face was also full of excitement.

Ancient magic.

That's something that can't be found.

Even if he is a guardian.

There is no treasure of this level.

"That's natural, it's because he doesn't have the power of the ancients in his body, otherwise, the power would be more than that!!" Inspiration said.


Only he is the most aware of the power of the ancient magic weapon.


Flowing from the corners of summer's mouth.

this moment.

Summer also suffered a backlash.


There were smiles all over his face.

Originally, he was thinking of leaving here before using the source of soil.

But now he found out.

Nowhere is safer than here.

The origin of the earth!



Summer's body disappeared directly in place.

At this time, above the sky of Fire Leopard Mountain, there were two or three thousand figures standing there, all beasts and quasi-beasts.

The entire Fire Leopard Mountain.

still alive.

It's just them.

Everything else is dead.

"Damn, human, I must kill you!!" The injured beast lord also quickly gathered his own devastating attack and hit Xia Xia's position.


There was no one there.

The expressions of these beasts and quasi-beasts in the sky are very ugly.

It was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

own base camp.

was attacked by a man.

And nearly destroyed everyone.

what's going on.

"Find it for me, be sure to find that human, no matter where he escapes, he will be destroyed!!" When did the boss of Fire Leopard Mountain suffer such grievances?

The base camp was destroyed.

If he doesn't take revenge, he won't have to mess around in the future.


Summer had left there by this time.

"Finally left." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"I think, otherwise I'd better not go out first." Qu Xi said with emotion.


Xia Xia raised her head when she heard Qu Xi's words.

at this time.

in front of him.

A pair of big eyes were staring at him.

"That... If I said I went the wrong way, would you believe it?" Xia Xia said very embarrassedly.


A giant bear king looked at summer like this.


Xia Xia said nothing, turned around and ran.

at the same time.

The bear king slapped it.

escaped by summer.

But the palm wind has a strong impact, and it directly rolls Xia's body I rely on it, what level of things is this! ! ! " Xia Xia scolded angrily.


Summer hastily used the attack of the Ivy Ring!

Rattan sprouted from the surrounding trees.

But the canes were quickly shattered.

immediate destruction.

The red phoenix strikes!

Xia Xia also hurriedly hit a powerful blow.


at the same time!

The giant bear roared.

All the impact of Hongfeng instantly disintegrated! !

"Run quickly, it's not a level!" Hongfeng is very confident in his own impact, even if he encounters an ordinary Venerable, he is not afraid.

But now it's different.

The other party let out a loud roar, which completely dissolved his impact.

It can be seen from this.

How strong the opponent is.

A slap shot.

Countless threads directly blocked the opponent's blow.

"You're still reliable!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"No, Master, let's go, I can't take it for a while." Xia Si also hurriedly said.

Ever since Xia Si grew up, he had said such a thing once again.

[Tianquan, fight back! ! 】

Summer is also not dare to be the slightest sloppy.

this time.

Only use knockback.

This giant bear is not only powerful, but also very fast.

I don't have the ability to procrastinate at all.


The giant bear's body was instantly knocked out.

The giant bear in the middle tried to stabilize his body, but was knocked back again.

Summer has not looked back.

Just keep running away.


An angry roar came from behind.

"Damn, this guy is too strong!!" Xia Xia said very depressed.

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