The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1143: enter the city


Xia Ying was called back from the beautiful fantasy: "What's wrong?"

"Even the Four Heavenly Kings, they dare not teleport casually, because they all know how many dangerous places there are in Shenzhou. If they accidentally fall into a dangerous place, then they will die. Normally, when they arrive People of their level have such powerful abilities as they do, so as long as you are careful, you will never die in your life, but if you really kill yourself, you can't blame others." Ying explained.

people at this level.

They are all very afraid of death.

They don't do things that kill them casually.

Of course.

It's not just that they are afraid of death. The relationship between them is intricate. Once they die, many people behind them will die.

their family.

their power and so on.

will cease to exist.

Therefore, they will never put themselves in a dangerous place easily.

"The place of human beings and the place of immortal beasts are actually very easy to distinguish. Unless there is a war between humans, otherwise, the suffocating qi of the place of human beings will be very low, but the place of the immortal beast family will be very strong and blood qi will be very strong. ." Shadow reminded.

"It's true that you said that. When I was in the territory of the immortal beast family, I could feel the evil spirit all the time. Although this kind of evil spirit has no effect on me, if ordinary humans come over, it will not take long for me to be killed. Affected by the evil spirit, it becomes a slaughtering monster." Xia Xia also understood that this evil spirit had a great impact on human beings.

It will stimulate the potential magic of a human being.


Quxi was also released by the summer.

"Finally back to the human area, then let's find a human site and inquire about the news. It's best to get the map of Baidi." Qu Xi believes that it is better to have the map of Baidi. of self-preservation.

In a place like China, there is no sense of direction.

I don't know what's going on ahead.

Still very dangerous.

"Don't think about it so much, Bai Di has lived in the fifth party for so long, and he spent countless thoughts to come up with that kind of map, that kind of map is hard to come by, if you want to get the fourth party At least one of the same level of existence as Emperor Bai must be found, and even if it is found, it is impossible to be as accurate as Emperor Bai!!" Xia Xia also understood that a map like Emperor Bai, even if it was the entire fifth Fang, I'm afraid I won't be able to come up with a second one.

"Okay!!" Qu Xi shook his head helplessly.

"However, the fighting supplies still need to be stored. I have materials worth 5 billion immortal crystals. I will arrange them for you. You can run around more. Don't change too much in each city." Xia Xia reminded.

"En!" Qu Xi was very resistant to doing this kind of thing before.

Because of the need to run back and forth.

Also have to fight wit.

very troublesome.

But since she discovered the importance of these combat supplies during the battle, she didn't care about the fatigue of exchanging supplies.

In her opinion.

This is also a kind of enjoyment.

"First determine the direction, and then use the source of soil!!" Xia Xia and Qu Xi also began to fly forward.

This is the dividing line between humans and fairy beasts, and few humans appear.


During their half-day flight.

I still meet people.

"Brother, I'm lost, which direction is the city?" Xia Xia asked.

"Front left!!" The people in that team looked at Xia Xia vigilantly.

They are all like this when they are outside. They have to be careful about everyone. Even if there are only two people in Xia Xia and Qu Xi, they have to be careful.


most of the time.

It was someone who took advantage of the opportunity to ask for directions to raid.


They have to be careful.

Xia Xia also spent a long time outside, and naturally understood the road, so when he asked for directions, he deliberately raised his hands and gave the other party a safe distance.

"Thank you." Xia Xia and Qu Xi also disappeared in place.


Those people breathed a sigh of relief.

Every time they meet others in this kind of place, they will be very nervous: "Those two people seem to have come from the land of fairy beasts."

"Recently, your lunatic is really getting more and more, and there are still people who go to the land of fairy beasts. It's really enough to live." Other people around said with emotion.

After summer determined the direction.

It was also sent to the direction of the city with Quxi.

But because there are no exact coordinates.

So he can only teleport a small distance.

In the end, it flew for about half a day.

to the city location.

This is a small town.


Summer's Wanted didn't end here.

The reason why there are so many wanted orders in the fifth party, so wide, is because someone met the summer in the fifth party, so everyone thinks that the summer is in the fifth party, so they spent 10,000 times the resources to spread out the first time. Wanted.


They have strictly guarded all teleportation formations, so they don't think summer can come to the fourth party.


In some small and medium-sized cities here in the fourth party there should be no wanted orders.


After entering the city.

The name Summer is not discussed here.

Not like being in a fifth party.

Go anywhere in the summer to discuss things about him.

Available here.

Everyone talks about anything.

Qu Xi came back not long after he went out.

"This small town is too small, and there are too few resources to buy. Let's go to other cities!!" Qu Xi said.

"You can take the teleportation array, I can't, no matter what kind of teleportation array, it will leave breath, although there is no wanted order here for the time being, but if my breath is collected, it will expose my affairs in the fourth party. "Summer will only use the source of earth to teleport, not those teleportation formations.

Even if it is used.

Nor can it be found.

But he was afraid of what would happen.


Qu Xi nodded slightly.

"Let's do this, we will act separately, you go to buy supplies, go to more cities, don't be afraid of consumption, and try to spend as much immortal crystals as possible to jump in the queue." Xia Xia reminded.

"I understand!" Qu Xi nodded.

Then leave.

In the summer, he continued to stay here. He wanted to rest here now and then hurry.

"Have you heard? Something strange happened to the ancient tribes recently!!"

"What's weird?"

"The statues there are said to have come alive, turning many excellent warriors of their clan into stone."

Many people around are talking about this.

When I heard this in the summer, my eyes lit up.

Then he picked up the wine on the table and walked over: "Several brothers, what place are you talking about the Digu tribe?"

"Why, are you also interested?"

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