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Chapter 1155: The power of dual origin

"Just tell me if you know it." Xia Tian didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.

"The Yaqi Divine Sword is one of our top treasures in Dongying. It is a legendary thing, but it has been lost for many years. I heard that after the big change in the Yaqi family, people in the family disappeared with the Yaqi Divine Sword. That's it." The Golden Feather Emperor said.

"Is it much higher than the level of the famous tool?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's not a high-level thing, this kind of thing is not only a weapon, but also a symbol, and I heard that the Yaqi Excalibur seems to be related to some kind of seal!!!" Emperor Jin Yu explained.

"Since the other party is here now, it means that that person is likely to have come to Shenzhou back then." Xia Xia guessed.

"Yes, they must have some news to come here. If a master of this level can be dispatched, it must be related to the Yaqi Excalibur." Emperor Jin Yu believed that this level of expert Experts, don't come to China casually.

China is so big.

If there is no accurate information to run over to find something.

That's really a needle in a haystack.

"It seems that things have become interesting." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"I have to remind you that the bird that came here this time can be judged from the breath. It is of the same clan as me. It is very easy for such a high-level existence to kill you." Emperor Jinyu reminded.

He also knows that he is very decisive in doing things in summer.

Not afraid of heaven and earth.

Dare to do anything.

Can be the same.

The birds that came this time.

But definitely not to be bullied.

If you provoke such an existence, it may kill people.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful, but since I've already met, it's really not good not to join in the fun." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

He was known for being bold.

As the so-called wealth and wealth are sought after, the time for him to go to the Celestial Clan is getting shorter and shorter now.

He must improve his strength as much as possible.

No matter how dangerous it is, he must work hard and definitely improve his strength.

"Using the golden feather inheritance I gave to Hongfeng, I can trace the other party." Emperor Jinyu reminded.

"It won't be discovered by the other party!!" Xia Xia asked.

"Unless the other party is the top king of my family, it won't!!" Emperor Jin Yu said very confidently.

When he heard this, Xia Xia suddenly found out that the identity of Emperor Jin Yu was much higher than he thought. This kind of words cannot be said casually.

"It seems that your status is not low!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Of course, the word "Great Emperor" is in our East, equivalent to the level of the top Venerable on your side. I was at the 99th level of Emperor Venerable back then!!" The Great Emperor Jin Yu said very proudly.

"Then how did you die?" Xia Tian asked.


hear and so on.

The black line on Emperor Jinyu's face: "Hey, there is no way, I was calculated by my two sons."

"So, you have two unfilial sons. After I let you out, you can clean up these two unfilial guys." Xia Xia would not keep Emperor Jin Yu with him.

"When I go out now, my strength is at most to be promoted to the rank of Venerable, which is not enough to do anything at all, and I am a loose immortal, and I will experience transcendence and inner demons in the future. Only in your sea of ​​consciousness can I be absolutely safe. Oh, don't you want to see that you have cultivated a top-level Loose Immortal yourself?" Emperor Jin Yu thought that this was a legend.

The entire fairyland has never had a legend.

In his opinion, this is a feat.

No one can deny such a feat.

"If I can cultivate one of you, I can cultivate the second." Xia Xia said very casually.

There was nothing wrong with what he said.

If he can cultivate a Loose Immortal Venerable, he can cultivate a second one.

Although it is definitely not as smooth as Emperor Jin Yu, it is certainly possible.

"Don't!!" Emperor Jin Yu also understood that what Xia Xia said was true, Xia Xia could train him into a Loose Immortal Venerable, and that Xia Xia could train a second one: "Research and research!!"

He also has a begging look on his face now! !

"It's not that I don't want to keep you, it's that you are already relying too much on me. This is not a good sign, and after more than three years, I will kill the Celestial Clan, and the chance of death will be 99%. I can't take you there either, you have to come out early and get used to the outside." Xia Xia said helplessly.

He is not distressed by his power of knowledge.

It's not even the flower of the sea of ​​​​consciousness that loves her.


Emperor Jin Yu has been cultivating all these years. Although he has seen some things about summer before, most of the time he doesn't know what's going on outside.

"Okay, then I'll sort it out recently to see if I can hit the realm of quasi-immortal venerable." Emperor Jin Yu also understood.

Before, he also wanted Xia Xia to help.

But now.

He also saw that Xia Tian was protecting him.

I want to give him freedom in Hongfeng, try to see if you can find the other party, but you must pay attention, don't be discovered by the other party, we are careful! ! Xia Xia also glanced at the White Dragon King beside him: "If you are in danger, I will bring you into everything, don't resist." "

"Understood!!" It is not the first time that the White Dragon King has entered the world.

So he knows the rules.


Hongfeng sensed the other party's breath.

"Senior Earth Spirit, I've always been curious, the Demon Venerable back then also cultivated the power of the source!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, the origin of the devil!!" said the earth spirit.

"Then what is his rank as a Venerable?" Xia Xia asked.

"Hundred-level Venerable!!!" Earth Spirit said.

"Isn't that saying that the power of the source is very difficult to cultivate to the 100th level of the Venerable?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.

"It's very difficult, but it's not impossible. He is a special case. He is very difficult. Do you know why he can live so long?" Di Ling asked.

"Yeah, he hasn't died after being sealed for so long, why is that?" Xia Xia asked very curiously.

"It's because he not only has the power of the origin of the devil, but also the origin of life. He is the only person in this world who has the power of the dual origin, and he is the origin power of the 100-level dual sage!!" Earth Spirit said.


When hearing this.

Even the shadow was stunned.

"He actually has the source of life!!" Ying said in surprise.

"Yes, having the source of life gives him endless life. However, there is no real endless lifespan in this world. He has been sealed for so many years, but his lifespan is almost reaching its limit, so he is now more than anyone else. Everyone has to be in a hurry."

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