The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1169: drive away the crowd

He doesn't want to die!

After struggling for so many years, no one knows how much suffering he has gone through, and no one knows how much effort he has put in for the sake of the Yaqi family, if he just died like this.

The Yaqi clan is finished.

his dream.

Everything about him will cease to exist.

"No, I don't want to die. I absolutely can't meet Summer. If I do, I'll be finished." The fear of summer for the people of the Yaqi family is unimaginable.

He would rather test here for a hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years.

He didn't dare to act rashly.

He worries.

If you meet summer, you will die.


Summer is coming together with Thirteen soon.

"In other words, the Great Realm King Pill is also useful to our Venerable." Thirteen's eyes lit up, he grew up relying on the Realm King Pill.

So he knew very well how effective the Jiewang Dan was.

Not to mention the Great Realm King Dan.

"Yes, the first few Great Realm King Pills can tap a person's potential, the latter ones are normal, normal Great Realm King Pills can be upgraded by three levels, and the current White Dragon King is already at the 50th level of the Venerable." Summer explained.

"It's cool, it's so cool, so I'm not afraid that the enemy in the future will be too powerful." Thirteen said excitedly.

for him.

The strength of the enemy is also a pressure. After all, he doesn't want anything to happen in the summer.

But now.

The stronger the enemy, the better, and the more Great Realm King Pills condensed. As long as he can quickly improve his strength, the subsequent battle will naturally become easier.

He can also better protect the summer.

for him.

Summer belongs to a sustenance of his life.


He wanted to prove himself, cultivated to the third transformation of the quasi-exalted master, and wanted to prove himself to the dead master, but he has never had that chance.


His talent was really exhausted.

After summer.

Not only did he break through the third transformation of the quasi-vendor, but he also became a venerable and practiced immortal cultivation.

The whole person is completely different.

all of these.

It's all summer for him.


It's his turn to work hard for Xia Xia. Whoever dares to move Xia Xia will kill him.

"There will be many battles in the future. The Celestial Clan people will not feel my threat for the time being, but in the future, they will feel more and more terrifying about me. However, as long as we take action, we must kill each other, absolutely Don't give the other party any chance to escape and spread the news." Xia Xia knew very well that if the enemy spread the news.

The White Dragon King.

Quxi and Thirteen.

After that, you can only die.

These three people are here to help him.

He definitely didn't want these three people to have an accident with him.

"Actually, your request is very difficult. Even me, I can't guarantee that the other party will not spread any news, unless you can get the mask of our **** guard, that mask, no one can detect the breath behind it, And our masks are different from those in the Tianxian Temple, the masks in the Tianxian Temple only work in the Tianxian Temple, and our masks work at any time!!" Ying reminded.

He was right.

No matter how careful Xia Xia's arrangement was, it was impossible for him not to let Thirteen and the others be exposed.


There is a mask of the gods.

The mask of the guard is very useful.

"I also understand this, but I can't go to the guards and tell them that I want to buy their masks!!" Xia Xia said.

"Why not?" Shadow asked.

"I understand." A smile suddenly appeared on Xia Xia's face, and he finally understood what Ying meant.

"You are a smart person, and there are already rumors outside that you have something to do with the realm king. As long as you take out the realm king pill to exchange, they will definitely agree." Ying said.


With a wave of Xia Xia's right hand, a communication talisman appeared in his hand.

"I can only contact Hunhun, I have contacted him a few times before!!" Xia Xia directly released the communication talisman.

at the same time! !

Xia Xia took out the Earth Spirit Seal: "Senior Earth Spirit, you have been resting for a long time. I will return this pseudo-innate divine weapon to the original owner of Earth Spirit Seal. In addition, I wrapped your remnant soul for three times. A flower of knowledge sea, you can quickly absorb the power of these three flowers of knowledge sea, in this way, you will become the second immortal rank loose immortal."

"I really never thought that in my life, I still have a chance to live!!" Earth Spirit had already prepared the consciousness of death for a long time.

can last.

He has a chance to live.

"The road to loose immortals, no one knows what's behind. You are wrapped by the flower of the sea of ​​knowledge. In the future, you will definitely have an advantage in the aspect of inner demons, but the catastrophe should be experienced once every thousand years. Where can you go? One step is your own business." Xia Xia waved his right hand, and the spirit of the earth appeared in front of him.

"Very strange feeling!!" Di Ling glanced at his body.

Now his body.

It's completely different from before.

"Senior Earth Spirit, I'm sorry for one thing first, because I have extracted all the memories from you about the myriad things and my own secret abilities!!" Xia Xia must do this, not because he distrusts him spirit.

But some secrets can only be mastered by him and his own people.

All kinds of things will also protect themselves.


Although Di Ling remembered the memories of getting along with Xia Xia, he didn't remember Xia Xia's specific abilities.

"Did you feel something when you sent me away this time?" Di Ling thought that Xia Xian had planned to let him leave for the last time, but now he let him leave directly.

This proves.

Summer must have felt the danger.

"It's nothing, I want you to get used to the outside as soon as possible, and the outside world belongs to you. You now have the strength close to Immortal Venerable. It won't take long before you can absorb the power of a flower of consciousness. , you can have the strength of Immortal Venerable, and the remaining two can be absorbed as quickly as possible." Xia Xia knew very well.

Once he died.

The Flower of Consciousness is useless.

"Okay!!" Di Ling nodded and bowed to Xia Tian: "Thank you for your kindness!!"

disappear! !

"You're not going to chase me away, are you?" Shadow asked.

"Well, you should go!!" Summer nodded.

"Did something happen?" Ying felt that the situation was not right. In the past few days, Xia Xia's attitude was not simple. He not only dismissed the Great Emperor Jin Yu, but also drove away Di Ling, and now he is going to drive away.

This proves.

There must be some great danger coming.

"It's nothing, your body is still healthy, you don't need to cultivate Loose Immortals like them, and in my body, you have been cultivated long ago. I originally wanted to give you a few Great Realm King Pills, but now If you don’t have anything on hand, I’ll give you two flowers of the sea of ​​consciousness, with the flowers of the sea of ​​consciousness, your soul will grow, that is to say, you can control your transformed self in the future!!!”

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