The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1172: enemy appears


Thirteen and the White Dragon King were also very nervous.

The performance of the summer also made them feel how difficult it is for the people who will come next.


A communication talisman fell into Xia Xia's hands.

"Quxi's communication talisman, the Celestial Clan suddenly released news that I was in the fourth party, and their masters had already dispatched, and they would kill me within three days!!" Xia Xia understood.

The enemy is the Celestials.

Moreover, the seven Celestial Clan people who came this time released this kind of news in advance, which is equivalent to setting a military order in advance.

Dare to issue such a military order.

enough to see.

How difficult the enemy is.

"Since we have determined who is coming, shall we start running away?" Thirteen asked.

Before they didn't know who the enemy was, so they didn't know which way to run. Now that they knew who the enemy was, they could start running now.

"I just ran away like this, and I'm going to be chased. I want to find out how he found me." Xia Xia believes that if he runs away now, it will only cure the symptoms and not the root cause.

If the other party can find him once, he can find him a second time. No matter where he runs, others can find him.


He can figure out how the Celestial Clan people found him. In this case, he can find a way to solve all this.

By the time.

Things just got easier.

"This is very dangerous!!" Thirteen said.

"Well, the two of you will pick me up in the back, I will try to find a way for them to track me, no matter what the result is, I will run away to the territory of the fairy beast clan, you will pick me up on the route we set, if there is an accident , remember, you must use the places prepared in advance to escape, don't hit it hard." Although Xia Xia has not yet fought against the enemy this time.

But he can be sure.

The people from the Celestial Clan who came this time.

Absolutely not simple.

Because the people from the Celestial Clan who came this time gave him a very big sense of crisis.

"Okay!!" Thirteen didn't talk nonsense. He had cooperated with Xia Xia for so long, so he naturally understood Xia Xia's ability. Under normal circumstances, Xia Xia himself could escape.

If he is smart and deliberately wants to help Xia Xia delay time, it will hurt Xia Xia instead.

Xia Xia, who might have escaped, was also unable to escape because he was worried about him.

"I still want to have a big fight." The White Dragon King is just in strength now, just when he wants to fight a good fight.

He also wanted to show off his strength.

Hone in on your own ascension.

"It's not the time yet. If you want to fight, you must know yourself and the enemy. Now we only know that the other party has seven people, and the specific strength of the other party is still unclear. First of all, we need to understand how he found me, and then understand the strength of these people. What is it, I will calculate them later, but I still say that, when you meet me, you must not reveal it, and now the mask has not arrived, if you reveal your identity, from today onwards, you will be with me It's the same, they've all started to be hunted down." Xia Xia and Hook Soul have already decided to make a deal.

But these people came here before the ghosts.


He couldn't let the two of them be exposed.

"I understand, waiting for your news!!" said the White Dragon King.

"Don't worry, with Xia Si here, it is impossible for normal people to defeat me!!" Xia Xia said very confidently.


The two simply disappeared in place.


A communication talisman fell into Xia Xia's hands at the same time.


Hunhun is behind the Celestials, and he can't reveal himself for the time being, so he hopes that Xia can get away first, and then trade with him, but he also provided Xia with an important piece of information: this time, the Celestials dispatched seven, bringing The people in the team were one of the high priests of the Celestial Clan, His Holiness was at the 99th level, and the six people he brought with him were all the top guards of the Celestial Clan, and the Venerables were above the 50th level.

He is letting the summer be self-sufficient.

seven people.

All of them were Venerables above level 50.

The leader is a person of the ninety-ninth level of His Holiness.

Now summer finally understands where his crisis comes from.

He came to China for so long.

This is definitely the strongest opponent he has ever met.

And the seven people are all powerful people.

They are all cultivating advanced world power.

The strength of any one is very strong, and if you just take out one, no one else can afford it.

Not to mention seven.

Even the seductress didn't want to provoke these people.

It can be seen from this.

How troublesome the seven of them are.

"It seems that this time is really difficult!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"Although the people of the Celestial Clan are chasing and killing me, they won't send so many strong men to deal with me!!" Xia Xia was actually very incomprehensible. He understood that people like the High Priest belonged to the Celestial Clan.

Absolutely the best.

People like him.


You shouldn't make a trip for a small person like yourself.

But now! !

The high priest actually appeared.

"It seems that we can only wait for them to appear." Hong Feng said.


This is how summer stands here.

The crisis is getting Well! ! Xia Xia nodded: "Xia Si, six people above level 50 and one person at level 99 are very challenging." "

"Don't worry, as long as I don't die, no one can hurt the master!!" Xia Si said very firmly.

The seven figures turned into seven rays of light.

directly in front of summer.

When seven people appeared there.

All the surrounding law power collapsed in an instant, and their world power was directly shrouded in Xia Xia's body. The powerful world power seemed to devour everything.

destroy everything.

The sky seems to be splitting apart.

Great momentum! ! !

"Didn't run?" A slight smile appeared on the head of the high priest.

"Can I run away?" Xia Tian asked rhetorically.

"That's right, I came forward in person, if I can still let you escape, then I'm not worthy of the high priest of the Heavenly Clan!!"

"If you die, let me die and understand!!" Xia Xia said.

"Speak!!" The high priest said very casually.

in his eyes.

Summer is already a dead man.

"First, how did you find me? Second, a small person like me shouldn't be worthy of a big person like you to come forward in person!!" Xia Xia asked directly.

This is also the main reason why he stayed here and did not run away.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, a smile appeared on the face of the high priest: "Little Slick, if you want to tell me, it seems that you have the ability to escape."

He is very clear.

People who normally want to die will now only be unwilling and begging for mercy.

Available in summer.

But he was asking these two questions, these two questions about his escape.

That proves.

There must be some ability to escape in summer.

"kill him!!!"

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