The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1179: failed counterattack

Although Ding Si is mentally prepared, it can even be said that he is fully prepared. No matter what attack in the summer, he will find a way to resolve it.

But this sudden irresistible force was something he had never imagined.

This powerful force directly swept his body into the air.


at the same time.

He sensed danger.


He wanted to control his body, but a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he couldn't control his body at all now.

He wanted to rebel against this force.

Can be knocked up again.

"No, my placement was calculated by them." Ding Si also reacted.

He clearly sensed that someone next to him was attacking him.

at the same time.

He also found himself being bounced back by the force.


He also wanted to control his body again.


The body was once again hit by a powerful force, and the speed of the hit was faster than before.

Body hurt again.


By doing this, he also escaped the blows of Thirteen and the White Dragon King.

"Sure enough, he is a troublesome guy, withdraw!!" Thirteen did not expect that this guy would react like this in the first place.

Although it's a pity.

But they still have to go.

Talked to them before the summer.

Regardless of whether the attack was successful or not, they had to leave as soon as possible.

There is absolutely no hesitation.

"This guy would rather take a layer of damage and use this method to defuse the attacks of the two of them. Although the damage caused him a lot of damage temporarily, it was not enough to damage his life, but if he didn't do this, He may die, so he chose the first point." Although Hongfeng already knew that these people are very experienced in combat and are not easy to mess with, he did not expect these guys to be so difficult to deal with. .

"The combat mind is very calm, we are not wronged this time!!" Although their counterattack failed in Xia Xia, Xia Xia believed that this was also an experience for him.

If the opponent is very easy to deal with, it will give him a bad habit.

This time.

The opponent is not only strong, but also has rich experience and a calm mind in combat. Such an opponent can be a good helper to help get rid of bad combat habits.

"Let's go, other people are surrounded!" Hongfeng reminded.


"Tianquan is exposed this time, and the next time it is used, the effect will be much worse!!" Xia Xia also understood that this time he used Tianquan, and he wants to use Tianquan next time.

There will be no unexpected effect.

Moreover, since the other party already knows a few paragraphs of Tianquan's damage, the other party will not resist forcefully next time.

As long as the opponent does not resist forcefully, the repelling effect of Tianquan will be much worse.


Xia Si blocked the top three's attack.

at the same time.

Summer starts to run wild.

No matter how many means he has, he will not continue to raid the top four.

Because once he makes a move, the top three at the back may be killed, and several other people around will also be killed.


Summer is also using the ivy ring to start procrastinating these people around.


Summer's body disappeared directly in place.

"Ancient magic weapon!!" Ding San frowned.

Ding Si also dragged his injured body directly to Xia Xia.

Very fast.

"It's really courageous, if it weren't for the fact that there were too many enemies around, I really wanted to take the opportunity to turn around and kill him." Xia Xian sensed that when Ding Si was chasing after him, he also wanted to turn back and kill him.


Now is really not the time.

Don't waste time now in summer.

Otherwise, the people around him will be surrounded, and he will become a living target.

No matter how strong Xia Si's defense was, he couldn't bear it being bombarded by those six people.

"Xiamen, you can't run away!!!" Ding San appeared in front of Xia Xia.

The attack hits instantly.


Xia Si's defense also appeared at the same time, blocking the top three's attack.


Summer's escape direction changes.

Now he's in a bad situation.

The two people in front of them are not a problem, but there are four people around, and the four of them are the big trouble.

"It's really slippery, your two helpers are running very fast, they won't come to meet you." Ding San said with great disdain.

The raid by those two people just now was something they didn't expect.


Those two people didn't succeed once and ran away.

I don't care about summer at all.

"Are you sure you can kill me in two days?" A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.


His body disappeared in place again.

"The Law of Water!!" Ding San frowned.

There are so many ways to escape in summer.

He has studied the escape methods of various laws very thoroughly, and is simply an escape expert, and various escape methods are also emerging one after another.


The top four attack also hit the foothold in the summer.

disappear! !

Summer's body disappeared again in place.

"The Law of the Stars!!" Ding Si was taken aback.


The top three also saw Xia Xia's The attack directly hit Xia Xia's body.

But Summer's body turned into an ice sculpture.

crush directly.

"The law of ice? No, this is the law of the sun!!" Ding San was also very surprised at this time: "The power of the three laws can be used freely, and he is really a difficult guy to deal with!!"

"Oops, there are two people in front of you, change direction!!" Hongfeng reminded.

Summer is also an instant turn.

"I only reacted now, don't you think it's too late?" Ding San said with great disdain.

at the same time.

Top four and top three have blocked two directions.

at this time.

Summer can only run back.

But when he ran for a while, he found that there were still two people in front of him.

That is to say.

He was surrounded again.

"These six people work so well together. The six people are like one person in control!!" Xia Xia didn't expect that they calculated all their routes so accurately.

"It takes years of cooperation to have such a tacit understanding." Hong Feng said with emotion.

"No way!!" Xia Tian glanced at the ivy ring on his hand.

In this case, only the Ivy Ring can be activated.


He is because of the existence of ancient power.


This trick.

Still usable.

Although he still has Thousand Eyes and Samsara, those are the abilities he finally used to kill these people, and he will never use them casually.

"Xia Xia, you have no way out. This place is now surrounded by us. No matter how you escape, you can't escape from here." Ding San shouted loudly.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have that ability!!" Xia Xia said very rudely.

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