The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1182: That's called counterattack


The top three and top four went to the summer.

Both of them launched a star-shattering strike.

This time.

They won't give summer a chance.

Countless threads appeared, directly blocking the blow of the two.

"Their attacks have weakened," Shas reminded.


There is no nonsense in summer, and the body turns.

[Tianquan, fight back! ! 】

This time.

His attack is still the top four.

The last time he used this method to attack the top four, this time he used the same method to attack the top four.


Ding Si's body was also instantly knocked out.

"Damn, it's this trick again, are you trying to deceive me?" Ding Si didn't resist this time. He had already tried it before. The more he resisted, the more serious the attack he suffered.


Just when he wanted to give up his resistance.

A sense of crisis emerged.

"Those two helpers!!" He also understood what was going on.

Don't allow him to think too much.

Instant resistance.

At the same time, his body was knocked flying again.

Not enough to escape the fatal blow just now.

at the same time.

A second sense of danger arises.

"There are still people!!" Ding Si also remembered that last time, two people raided him, but this time, the two people's raids turned into two different positions.

threat to him.

The destination has already been calculated by the other party.

He could only hold on and resist Xia Xia's attack again.


A big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth: "No, there are too many injuries accumulated in the body!!"

at this moment.

Although he escaped the sneak attack of the other two.

Can be knocked back three times.

It also caused old wounds in his body.

Let his recent fatigue and pain all burst out.

Thirteen and the White Dragon King had long expected such a situation, and they also immediately chased after Ding Si's third foothold.

Under normal conditions.

Even if you stare to death, you can still stand up now.

But now the old wounds in his body are attacking.

Let him simply not be able to withstand this kind of damage.

Couldn't even stand up.

"Good opportunity!!" Thirteen also killed him immediately. How could he miss such a good opportunity.

He just wanted to take this opportunity.

Break through this top four defense.


The top four's defense is also the first to appear.

But Thirteen's attack is also very fast.

Don't give the top four any chance at all.


The defense of the top four directly broke a layer.

"It's really hard to deal with!" Thirteen said with emotion.

However, his next attack was also a bombardment like a violent storm.

The constant attacks smashed into the top four in front of him.

call! call!

Ding Si was also gasping for breath. His venerable defense was still able to persist. He wanted to take this opportunity to recover his physical condition. Only in this way could he face the next battle.

Thirteen over there.

As soon as he saw the top four give up the defense and get up, he also wanted to break the defense of more venerable top four as much as possible.

"I'll see you soon!!" Ding Si understood that as long as his body could recover, the next thing would not be a problem. He was still very clear about his abilities.


at this time.

He suddenly felt a powerful force coming.


The White Dragon King had been accumulating energy just now.

He wants to charge up to the fifth floor.

Unleash all your power.

It happened that the thirteen side was consumed, dragging the top four.

"Not good!!" Ding Si's expression changed.

This kind of attack is not something she can easily withstand.

The other party is also a fifty-level expert of the same Venerable.

This time, the power was stored for five layers.

And he felt that the other party was not cultivating the power of the world, but a beast cultivator, a high-level animal cultivator.

such an attack.

But he can't take it easily.


He is also at an important moment of cultivation now. He was suddenly attacked like this, and he couldn't move at all.


His right hand turned.

Two jewels were thrown out.


This time, instead of unleashing the power of Zunbao, he directly used Zunbao to self-destruct, shattering the space in front of him.


The attack of the White Dragon King was directly penetrated into the space.

"You can still do this!!" The White Dragon King was obviously also very surprised. He didn't expect that his opponent could still fight him like this.

This way of fighting really made him very speechless.

He directly involved his attack in the turbulent flow of time and space.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Ding Si's mouth. He just thought that although Thirteen was attacking himself, Thirteen's attack could not break his defense for the time being, so he only needed to block Thirteen's attack.

You can recover quickly.

But the White Dragon King's attack is different.

It made him unable to bear it at all.

He also has no time to rest.

He could only bear the impact in his body and got up quickly.

This also puts a huge load on him.

"It's really the most troublesome opponent I've encountered for so long." Thirteen said with emotion.

He had fought against Summer for so long.

What kind of experts have come across.

Celestial people have also seen it.

But the top guards of these Celestials are completely different from what they have seen before.

With this combat experience and a calm and judgment on the battlefield, even Thirteen is not as good as himself.

this time.

He fought with Summer.

It can be said.

The combat experience is much richer than before, and the whole person has been growing, but now, the gap between him and the top four in front of him is not only in realm.

"There are people outside people, there are gods outside the sky!!" The White Dragon King said with emotion.

This is the second time the two of them have raided the top four.


Didn't get top four twice.

They were all very confident before, thinking that they could show their strength this time and help the summer.

But the summer gave the two of them two chances.

They all failed.

This makes them feel very frustrated.


The other side!

Xia Xia has already been fighting with Ding San. Although Ding Si's side is in a very big crisis, Ding San has no intention of saving Ding Si at all. In their eyes, only completing the boss's task is the most important thing.

If Ding Si died in battle, that would be his honor too.


He believed that the top four would never happen.


It's hard to catch up with summer.

He will not miss such a good opportunity.

"His combat experience is too rich, don't think about attacking him in a short time, it is impossible to succeed." Hongfeng also found out, although the other party was very anxious.

But the opponent's fighting philosophy is still very calm.


Several raids in the summer were resolved by him.

"Now we can only bet on Thirteen's side."


at this time.

A black hole suddenly appeared behind Ding Si.

"Hell Reincarnation!!!"

The black hole is in the middle of the retreating top four.

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