The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1194: Defeat is set

Under the double attack of Xia Xia and Ying.

Top 2's last layer of defense was also broken.

However, Ding Er's response was also very fast.


He avoided Xia Xia and Ying's three ultimate moves.

"Xia Xia, do you think you won?" Ding Er's face showed a bloodthirsty look: "No, you are wrong, this battle, you will lose from the very beginning, from now on, you can't If you go to the human world again, on the side of the immortal beast clan, you will also be hunted and killed endlessly, and the entire Shenzhou has no place for you."

"Really?" A slight smile appeared on Xia Xia's face: "Unfortunately, you can't see it!!"

Summer's body moved.

The Law of the Sun, Moon and Stars!

The Law of Light.

Ivy Ring.

Tianhan Sword.

The red phoenix strikes! !

Thousand eyes, reincarnation! !

There are all kinds of things, take it! !

Xia Xia wanted to live with him, because this person had too many secrets.

"No, I can't catch the live ones!!" Ying also hurriedly reminded.

Although now summer has completely controlled the top two.

But now Ying has found the problem.

Hear Ying's words.

Summer does not dare to hesitate.

Instantly hit his attack on the top two's dantian.


A master of the 60th level of the Venerable was killed by Xia Xia and the others together, although a lot of methods were used here, and there were more people bullying less people, the other party was not in the state and so on.

But this is already a feat.

Two realm king pills appeared in his hands.

"This time, not only have two realm king pills been condensed, but the power of realm king pills is almost full. Next time, even if a person of this level is caught, it will be enough to condense three." Hongfeng reminded.

"The harvest is not small, but it's a pity, these guys have a lot of treasures, so I can't grab them all!!" Xia Xia likes to grab these guys' treasures together.

But for a person of this level, after death, the treasures will explode directly into the crack of time and space. Even if Xia Tian's ability is strong, he would not dare to go to the crack of time and space to **** something.

"There is no chance to investigate, then we can only kill these guys first." Xia Xia looked into the distance.


His only hope had failed.

These guys are too tough.

And everyone has one-tenth of the power used to stabilize themselves in keeping secrets.

"Forget it, don't force it. Get these guys first. The immortal beasts are coming soon. If you don't get everything done, there will be more trouble later." Ying reminded.


Summer and Shadow also disappeared in place in an instant.

They came to Ding Yi: "Ding Yi, you lost."

Ding Yi's face was also very ugly at this time: "What's going on? What's going on?"

He didn't understand at all how they did it in the summer.

Although in the summer they have one more master in their team.

But a master can turn the situation around.

And is it so fast?


He forgot something.

That is summer itself.

Xia Xia's own lethality is very high, but he needs others to create opportunities. If no one creates opportunities, his overall attack is almost useless.

But once someone gives him a chance, his lethality is enough to kill anyone.

Especially the angle of his attack and the powerful appeal of Kaijutsu.

It is also the nemesis of these Venerables.

"Ding Yi, this is how the world is. To win the king or lose the bandit, there are three paths in front of you. The first one, if you flee, we will kill; the second one, kill us; the third one, you hand over and you find My way, I'll let you live!!!" Xia Xia looked at Ding Yi in front of him.

He has already given Ding Yi a choice.

Next, it's up to you to choose.

"Xia Tian, ​​do you underestimate how many of our brothers are?" Ding Yi said with great disdain: "That's right, garbage like you naturally won't understand the meaning of our existence."

Even if they die, they will not surrender.

Even if there is any chance, they will not miss it.

"Brothers, are you ready?" Ding glanced at the two people beside him, and they also understood that this was their last attack time.

After this time, they have no chance at all.

Because the people from the immortal beast family are coming soon.

Finally, the tracking method he mentioned before can't be told to the immortal beast family.

On the other hand, Ding Er is already dead, so it's useless to say it.


The three of them did not separate this time.

They went straight to the summer.

They don't care about any tactics. Now they only care about one thing, which is to kill them head on.

Silk thread.

Shasi's defense instantly appeared.

At the moment his defense appeared, the attack of the three also hit him.

"You three, this is the only thing you can do in your life." Ying thought it was very funny.

These three people.

Really stupid.

The three of them, just because of an order from the high priest, completely gave up life and death, and even now, gave up defense, and the three of them had to fight Xia Xia to the last death.

It is to use this opportunity to fight the summer one last time.

Before Ding Er died.

These people still hold a glimmer of hope, thinking that they can leave alive.

But now.

They have a real mortal determination.

From this Even if there is a chance, they will never look back. Their best plan is to die with the summer.

"Be careful!!" Thirteen hurriedly shouted.

"Don't worry about Summer, just attack them." Ying had already seen the thoughts of these people.

These three people.

All gave up defense, this is a good opportunity.

A chance to kill these three people.

As for summer.

There is a thousand silk beast defense.

It shouldn't be a big problem.

summer now.

It's the bait.


"Listen to him, attack these three people!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

Indeed, there is no better opportunity than now.

These three people.

Completely gave up defense.

A single-minded attack.

It is to maximize one's own attack.

"Xia Si, can you handle it?" Xia Xia hurriedly asked.

Now these three people are bombarding so wildly.

"Pediatrics, before the upgrade, the problem was still big, but now, the problem is not big at all. I used to show my weakness to them on purpose. Now, they have seriously underestimated my strength and are ready to take over the Internet cafe!!" Xia Si is very confident said.

An imperial grade nine thousand silk beast.

Defense is already an invincible existence.

"Why, why hasn't it been broken open? Even if it is an emperor-grade Qiansi beast, it is impossible for it to be broken for such a long time." Ding Yi shouted angrily.


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