The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1197: see ecstasy

To kill?

Hearing this, several other people also began to prepare.

"Kill someone, Yook Hun and I have had a few encounters. Even if we start a fight, we can't bully him more while we are here!!" Xia Xia had traded with Hun Hun several times.

When he was weak before, Hunhun didn't take the opportunity to deal with him.

Now if he wants to kill so many people, if he wants to kill one.

That's a bit unimportant.

You can go to war.

but not now.

Of course.

Friction may still occur.

after all.

Shadow is here in summer now.

After all, it is necessary to give people an explanation.

There are too many secrets about Shenwei on Ying's body, and he was also a Shenwei person before.

This thing has to be done.

Earth Spirit has been making breakthroughs wholeheartedly.

The power of the four Great Realm King Pills still takes a long time to spread.

"He's here!!" Xia Xia brought everyone to the agreed place.

Gouhun glanced at the people in front of him, and finally landed on Ying's body: "You are not dead, why don't you tell everyone, Shenwei will not abandon you!!"

He meant it very simply.

Just shadow back.

Shenwei will never say that because someone takes his place, he will not be ignored.

There will still be a place for him.

"I'm already dead!!" Shadow responded.

Hunhun looked at Xia Xia: "I know, they all listen to you now, so it's time to talk to you, right!!"

Summer is the leader of this team.

Although these people are all kinds of strange, there are all kinds of them.

But they all have a special feeling for summer.

"Speak!!" Xia Xia didn't wear a mask and just looked at the ecstasy in front of her.

"Let's put it this way, the shadow's problem must be explained to us by the guards!!" said Hunhun.

"Explain?" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face: "In my entire life in Xia Xia, I only explain to my brother, not to others!!"


Summer's answer is that simple.

His attitude has also been very clear.


Hunhun's brows wrinkled: "This is not your attitude to talk about things!!"

"What's there to talk about, he doesn't want to be in Shenwei anymore, and now he's coming to my side, is there any problem? As for you worrying about him leaking the news of Shenwei, this kind of thing is impossible, you yourself I know, it's impossible for him to reveal those things, even if he wants to say it, he can't say it." Xia Xia believes that it is meaningless to talk about these things.

Because the shadow will not betray the news of the guards.

Xia Xia won't let Ying do that kind of treachery.

After all, he was once a member of the guards.

"More than that!!" Hook Soul said.

"Then tell me, what else is there," Xia Xia said.

"He will follow you in the future, that is to fight against the people of the whole Shenzhou, and he will be recognized by others sooner or later, especially if he uses the animal solution, people outside can see at a glance that he is a person of our Shenzhou guard. If we think that our guards will join hands with you, it will cause a lot of trouble for our guards. Although our guards are not afraid, we still don’t want to be affected by the things that can be avoided!!” Hun said.

What he said this time was very clear.

at this point.

Also definitely a big problem.

No matter what other things summer says.

In the end, this summer has to give him an explanation.

"I'm not the kind of unreasonable person in Xia Xia. Since Ying is already ours, from now on, our masks will have the Xia word logo on them." Xia Xia said.

"I'm afraid there will still be some inevitable problems!!" said the soul.

"Since you said it's inevitable, what else can you do? Could it be that I forced Ying to go back to you, or that I won't let Ying participate in the battle when I fight in the future?" Xia Xia asked.


The soul was stunned for a moment: "Xia Xia, for so long, you have killed a lot of my divine guards, I didn't make it difficult for you!!"

He began to talk to Xia Tian about human feelings.

What Xia Xia is most afraid of is this: "The people I kill are all here to kill me. Your guards have made a mission to let them kill me to pass the level. It's good that I didn't go to you. As for the last movie It's also because of Shadow's attack on Tie Xin's Golden Sword Gate that I was forced to fight. From the very beginning to the present, I have never faced your guards directly, and I also have Mr. Jie Wang's Jie Wang Dan. Sell ​​it to you, exchange it for you, this should be considered a love!!”

The soul is thoughtful! !


Shadow took a step forward: "Euhun, we are old acquaintances, I don't want to meet you, but I will not return to Shenwei, because I and Shenwei can't see tomorrow, can't see hope, But with summer, I can see the world more clearly!!"

Since he entered into the vastness of summer.

He has already begun to deny his previous life.

Shenwei's status in China is very high.

There are also many secrets in it.

But life here in summer is completely different.

"Ying joined the guards for so many years, thanks to your guards for taking care of you." Xia Xia waved his right hand, and a small bottle appeared in his hand: "Here are 20 realm king changing him freedom of!!"


Hun Hun was stunned when he saw the Realm King Pill in Xia Xia's hands.

"I don't owe Shenwei!!" Yingyao said hurriedly, he knew the preciousness of the Realm King Pill.

But he was stopped by Thirteen, who shook his head at him.

Hunhun took the small bottle in Xia Xia's hand: "Okay, let's forget about this matter, but in order to avoid misunderstanding, we will still announce to the public that Ying has joined your camp, which is necessary!!"

"Okay!!" Xia Xia also understood that if Shenwei gave in at such a time, it would have given him enough face.

As for the question after the identity of the film was revealed.

He also thought about it.

Before he goes to the Celestial Clan, he will definitely help Ying become at least a ninety-ninth-level master of the Venerable. In this case, Ying will also have the ability to protect himself in the future.

"Since Ying has joined your team, you must know about the mask, but don't worry, our guards will never hand over this information." After the ghosts finished speaking, the figure gradually disappeared.

"You shouldn't take so many realm king pills!!" Ying said very depressedly.


He can't wait to kill him and fight the soul to the death.

"Twenty realm king pills are taken, they can't trouble you for a lifetime, if they dare to trouble you, then I have a reason to fight them, but if they don't take it, I'm more worried, because in that case, they What you want is your life, although you won’t say the secrets of your body casually, and there are many restrictions that prevent you from speaking out, but in the eyes of anyone, only dead people can really keep secrets!!” Xia Xia said .

"I'm digested!!"

When everyone was in a bad mood, Di Ling spoke up.

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