The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1098: That's interesting

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! When he was about to leave in the summer, he suddenly found people from another team. There were many people in this team, and all of them They are all masters, and the most important thing is to be familiar with that person's breath in summer. Read the latest novels on TripAdvisor

This person is Xia Xia's old enemy, and Xia Xia almost died at his hands.

At this time, these people were fighting against a wild boar. The wild boar was not small, but they were able to deal with it with ease. The strength of this group of people was very strong.

Their battles were very regular, and facing this big wild boar at this time, only two of them were slightly injured.

"I didn't expect to meet an island country's shadow-level master so quickly." Xia Xia was the second time to encounter an island country's shadow-level master. The last time he met him, he almost died.

At this time, he met this island country movie master again, and he naturally wanted to entertain these island people.

huh huh

Two silver needles shoot out in summer.

The two masters of the Jōnin level died in an instant, and the timing of Xia Xia was very good, so the other party did not find it, and their attention was now all on the wild boar.

This group of people is not far from summer, and they are fighting against wild boars, so now is the best time to attack in summer.

"There won't be many opportunities." Xia Tian instantly threw dozens of silver needles.


When dozens of silver needles were shot out, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

"Be careful." The shadow-level expert shouted loudly, but Xia Xia was too close to these people. Although the person reminded him, it was still too late.

In just a split second, more than 30 masters at the Shangnin level died in the hands of Xia Xia.

The distance is so close, and it is still a sneak attack, it is impossible to miss in the summer.

Those at the Shang Nin level were concentrating on dealing with the wild boar, so this gave Xia Xia such a good opportunity to sneak in. Xia finally sneaked in front of him, so how could he miss such a good opportunity.

Puff puff

The silver needle pierced the heads of those Junin, and their bodies fell in a pool of blood.


That shadow-level master instantly killed Xia Xia's hiding place.


With the instant body technique, Xia Xia's body instantly disappeared in place, and then he used the instant body technique again.


After three consecutive body instants.

Xia Xia escaped from the pursuit of the shadow-level master.

"Damn, stop fighting, chase after me." The shadow-level master roared angrily, and then those people chased in the direction where Xia Xia fled.

Xia Xia's escape direction is exactly where the Korean master is, and he used to shoot a big silver needle.

Then he returned to the island master.

Another pile of silver needles shot out.

Coming and going, Xia Xia shuttled between these two groups of people, constantly carrying out sneak attacks, and every time he shot a lot of silver needles, shooting from all directions, pretending that there were many people.

The people on both sides are getting closer, and Xia Xia is the tractor of both sides.

"Don't let them escape, kill me. Whoever dares to offend our Great Island Empire must die." The shadow-level master shouted angrily, how could he be reconciled after so many of his people were killed by surprise attacks.

It was a shame for him to kill people in a very easy battle. When he was personally present, the other party was able to kill his people, and he killed so many people.

Normally, dealing with that wild boar would not kill people, but this time they killed a lot of people.

The wild boar was still chasing after him.

He had to kill the person on the other side to relieve his anger.

At this time, the leader of North Korea was even more angry. He did not expect that the other party would attack them again and again.

This is simply that they are playing as monkeys.

Now this King Kong is almost under control, so he plans to kill these sneak attack people first, so that these juniors know how powerful their Korean masters are, so he wants to kill them.

"Follow me everyone, this bear can be locked up for a while, let's kill it first and kill all the **** who attacked us." The South Korean leader shouted angrily.

So they started chasing in that direction too.

The two met soon.

"It's actually your archipelago dog, kill it for me." The leader of South Korea directly killed it. The grievances between South Korea and the island country are very deep, whether it is the war of resistance a few years ago or the current political conflict.

It never stopped.

And those island masters on the other side were all very disdainful when they saw the Koreans.

"Hmph, kill these Korean pigs who can only sneak attack," the shadow-level master shouted.


The two sides fought together in an instant, and the wild boar also caught up. Originally, the island country had an absolute advantage, but when the wild boar caught up, they had to assign some people to deal with the wild boar.

So the battle froze in an instant.

In the war between the two sides, you come and I will not give in to each other, and no one is afraid of the other. The two of them are mortal The kind of mortal enemy who will be divided between life and death when they meet, and at this time, the enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

Soon, the masters of both sides were completely fighting together.

"Let's fight, let's fight" Xia Xia, as the instigator of this incident, was lying on a tree branch watching the play.

Take it easy.

Very relaxed.

ah ah

The shouting and killing sounded everywhere, Xia Xian sat up, but he looked into the distance, because the shouting and killing did not come from here, but from the surroundings, he closed his eyes, and his hearing opened instantly.

Lots and lots of shouting.

The whole island is fighting, and everyone seems to be in danger. They are all fighting hard. These people are not weak, but they seem to be fighting very hard.

In other words, the monsters on the entire island have joined forces to deal with humans.

"Monsters without intelligence can actually unite. It seems that some kind of drastic change has really taken place on this island, but what is it?" Xia Xia became more and more curious about that thing, although he was not sure about this kind of thing. Useful, but for Huaxia, it may become a secret weapon.

So summer can't let this thing run out even more.

"Honey, although there are a lot of human masters, if they are all monsters of this level, then I'm afraid no one can rush to the center, not even me." Xia Xia frowned.

If the monsters here are as terrifying as this giant bear, it will probably take a few years to conquer this island in the summer.

"Impossible. If this island were all creatures of this level, they would all have rushed out long ago. Now it seems that monsters of this level of giant bears should be one of the most powerful creatures on this island." Xia Tian guessed.


Just then, a loud roar came.


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