The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1103: than sword

Xia Tian's loud shout was very imposing, and the Tianhan sword in his right hand behind his left hand pointed directly at the other five.

The other five were all smiles, but no one stepped forward.

"If you want one to fight five, you're not worthy." The skinny man said, "Even if Yin Nie comes, we will compete one-on-one."

"Better?" Xia Xia looked at him suspiciously, and then continued: "Then there's no need to compare, you win, I can guarantee that no one is cheaper than you."

"Your kind of measurement is useless to us. We have gone through countless battles, big and small, and encountered everything. Do you think the five of us will get carried away for a word or two of you?" Said the fiery man.

"Didn't you say that you are more cheap? Then I definitely can't, I'm definitely not as cheap as you guys." Xia Xia said solemnly.

Compare swords!

And than cheap!

is different.

If it is compared to swords, then Xia Tian is really not afraid of anything, but if it is compared to cheap, then Xia Xia will be resigned, and he is definitely not the opponent of this group of people.

The five ignored him this time.

The skinny man walked out directly, and then directly raised the sword in his hand: "This sword is called Hook Soul, the sword is three inches long, and there is a blood groove on the sword body, so as long as it hits the opponent, it will be released. Dry each other's blood."

Xia Xia also raised the sword in his hand.

"Tianhan sword, invisible sword."

In the summer, this can be regarded as a courtesy exchange. After the other party introduced his sword, he also introduced his sword, but he didn't say much, but only said the invisible sword, because that was enough. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????

Even if he doesn't say it, the opponent can sense the crisis with the strength of the late prefecture level.

Not to mention these people who have experienced various wars outside all year round.

The Tianhan Sword is used to sneak attack on the masters below the mid-level of the prefecture level, which is of course nothing to say, but when it is used to deal with the masters of the late-stage prefecture-level, the invisible effect is not very big, especially there is a blind man in the five dark guards. He didn't use his eyes to distinguish things.

However, he did not mention the cold attribute of Tianhan Sword. Although the other party will definitely find it, it can also gain a slight advantage.

Head to head!

The other party has already made it clear that they deal with anyone one-on-one, not one out of five, especially the younger generation like Xia Xia, so the skinny guy came first, and the ecstasy in his hand seemed to kill him. The same as the ghost blade.


This sword is a famous sword from ancient times.

"Destroying your soul, Bai Wuchang." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

That's right, this is the nickname of this person. Although he has never heard of the Five Dark Guards of Quicksand before, he has seen such a sentence in the treasure books of Hidden Sect. He guesses that he is describing the person in front of him. .

White impermanence!

In his hand, he held the Soul Evocation Sword to kill.

That's why he got such a nickname.

Destroying the soul, white impermanence!

"You still have some knowledge." After the skinny man finished speaking, the whole person moved, fast, his sword is very fast, his people are not fast, but his sword is fast, just for a moment, his sword It blocked the way for summer.

Soul-hungry swordsmanship!

This is his swordsmanship. His swordsmanship seems to be a soul-sucking technique.

Heaven Strike!

Xia Xia calmly attacked the opponent with the Tianhan sword.


The two people's sword tips were pointed together, and then Xia Xia's body instantly disappeared in place, gossip step, but this time it was not used for sneak attack, but for escape. The power of the opponent's sword was very powerful.

Originally, he had the upper hand in fighting others, but this time he had the disadvantage.

If you lose the opportunity, Xia Xia will naturally not fight with each other recklessly.

This is how he usually deals with the enemy. If the enemy loses the opportunity, then he can attack continuously and then dominate the battlefield, but if he just fought recklessly, the battlefield will be dominated by the opponent.

A super swordsman in the late prefecture level.

Once the battlefield is controlled by him, that summer is almost certain to die.

There was no hope of surviving.

Therefore, Xia Xia must seize the opportunity. For the powerhouse in the late prefecture level, Bagua Bu has too many defects, and it is almost impossible to play the game, but Xia Xia did not use it to sneak attack, but to escape.

This time, the other party has nothing to do, he can't predict.

"It ran very fast." Bai Wuchang smiled coldly, and then he directly attacked Xia Xia's position. At the same time, Xia Xia's left fingers stretched out instantly.

Lingxi's finger is second!

A huge phantom of a finger appeared and slammed into Bai Wuchang directly.

"Hmph, the little trick of carving insects!" Bai Wuchang snorted coldly, and pointed his sword directly on the inner force and the outer release.

For a real master, this summer's internal force is simply not enough to look at, just like the previous Thai master, who directly released his internal force with his knees and smashed it away.

At this time, Bai Wuchang was the same. With a slight tap on the tip of his sword, Xia Xia's internal strength disappeared.

But Xia Xia didn't plan to use this move to kill Bai Wuchang at all. His real killer move was Tianhan Sword.


Summer's body disappeared in place.


At the same time, Xia Xia appeared directly behind Bai The Tianhan Sword in his hand stabbed directly into his back, and Bai Wuchang's Soul Escaper directly blocked, blocking Xia Xia's Tianhan Sword in the back. out.


There was a sound of gold and iron mingling, and then Xia Xia's body turned around, and the blade of Tianhan Sword emerged from the tail of the sword.

"What?" Bai Wuchang's face was suddenly shocked, and his body quickly retreated. Although he could not see the Tianhan sword, he could feel the power of the Tianhan sword. He originally thought that he had blocked the Tianhan sword. , but in such a short time, summer should not have time to return to the sword.

But the crisis actually appeared again, which shocked him.

Seeing Bai Wuchang retreat, Xia Xia directly chased after him. Xia Xia's purpose was to take advantage of your illness and kill you. How could he possibly give the opponent a chance to escape? The battlefield is now dominated by him.

The sky strike technique was swayed by him, and the sword in his hand was originally invisible, but at this time it became more diffuse.

"Damn, you actually seized the opportunity." Bai Wuchang scolded angrily, his combat experience is very rich, how could he be defeated by Xia Xia in a few seconds, so he directly threw the Soul Evocation Sword in his right hand.

call out!

The Soul Escape Sword directly penetrated the shadow of Xia Xia.

"No!" At this moment, Xia Xia suddenly felt that the situation was not good, because a sense of crisis came from behind him.

Gossip step!


Xia Xia's body disappeared in place, and the Soul Evocation Sword also returned to Bai Wuchang's hands.

The opportunity is gone.

The opportunity that Xia Tian worked so hard to hide was gone.

"Hey, it seems that I have to come up with some real skills." Xia Xia said with a sigh.

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