The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1386: he killed himself

Grass Vulcan nodded slightly.

He did not deny Summer's conjecture.

"You said that you are here for revenge, that is to say, your enemy is here too!!!" Xia Xia remembered that the third brother of Xiao Huoyu also came here for revenge.

And the target is the king of the first level.

"Here," said the God of Grass and Fire.

"Who?" Xia Tian asked.

"Golden Flower!!!" said the God of Grass Vulcan.

"Jinhua?" Xia Xian was stunned. He came here to find Jinhua, but he didn't expect that Jinhua was actually the enemy of Caohuoshen who killed his father. Caohuoshen, the third-ranked master in the Hall of Fame, was actually Killed by golden flowers.

This kind of thing really surprised him.

"Yes, it is Jinhua, I have already investigated, his apprentice is in the third level, and I went to the third level because of this, but he was hidden in the third level, although I and the third level Temporary cooperation, but still haven't found him!!!" said Caohuo Shen.

He has already investigated some information.


has not yet succeeded.

"I caught it!!!" Xia Xia said.

"What's the situation?" Caohuo Shen asked inexplicably.

"I've caught that guy, but he doesn't know where the golden flower is. He only knows that the golden flower will appear in the Blood River Valley." Xia Xia said.

"No, the golden flower must be here!!!" Caohuo Shen took out a small crystal clear bottle.

There is a breath in the small bottle.

"Is this the scent of golden flowers?" Xia Tian asked.


"Yes, it is the breath of Jinhua, but this breath is very difficult to extract and it is incomplete. If you want to rely on this breath to search for him, it is impossible to succeed!!!" Caohuoshen shook his head, although he was sure His enemy is here, but he can do nothing.

"Actually, I have a few questions!!!" Xia Xia looked at Caohuo Shen.

"Mr. Xia, please!!" Caohuo Shen said respectfully.

His respect for Xia came from the bottom of his heart.

in this world.

There are really not many people who can make him admire.

"First, I heard that the strength of the people in the Hall of Fame is very terrifying. Everyone is not simple. Then their descendants should be very strong, but I have seen some descendants. , Including you, although the strength is indeed very good, and you have the ability to fight with ordinary Venerables, but overall, it did not give me too much surprise!!" Xia Xia also understood that it was the sky that he had seen. .

If a normal person sees a scene where a prospective venerable can defeat the venerable, their jaws will drop to the ground in surprise.

But summer thinks.

Even Haotian can only rank low in the Hall of Fame, which is enough to prove how many masters have appeared in the Hall of Fame.

"Actually, this is very simple. First, the people in the Hall of Fame are not only powerful? They have also done some earth-shattering things in the Scarlet Forest; second, and most importantly, that is almost the people who died in the Hall of Fame. ? They were all killed, although they left an inheritance? But what is left is only the fur? The real inheritance is in the hands of those who killed them, my father is one of them." Caohuoshen explained road.

That year.

his father.

He was killed by Jinhua? And his father's real inheritance? It is also in Jinhua's hands.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "I understand? But with your current strength, let alone Jinhua himself? Even Jinhua's disciples are not something you can easily defeat, and they still have a lot of scientific experiments in their hands? Power? Mighty, how do you get revenge?"

In his opinion.

want revenge.

Then you must at least know your own strength first, and then know the strength of the other party. Only when you know the strength of both sides can you have a chance to take revenge.

"In the inheritance my father left me? Is there the last hole card? This hole card is used to kill Jinhua. As long as I find Jinhua, I will find a way to find an opportunity to kill him!!!" Grass Vulcan did not say what the hole card was.

Summer didn't ask.

After all, such a thing as a hole card.

It's everyone's biggest secret.

If you ask.

On the contrary, it is very impolite.


"This breath is too weak, it is certain that it is related to Jinhua, but I guess it is the breath of some kind of weapon of Jinhua, not Jinhua herself, but as long as Jinhua takes out that weapon, I can rely on it. Find him with this breath!!" Xia Xia reminded.

Caohuo Shen also handed his breath to Xia Xia: "Mr. Xia, I have no other way, I can only try my luck, if you can help me find Jinhua, what do you want me to do next time? Anything."

He also understands.

Finding golden flowers by yourself is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

"Okay, I can help you find him, but I won't help you about killing him, and I still have something to ask him!!" Xia Xia said.

"I can handle it myself!!!" said Kaohuo Shen firmly.


Xia Xia still doesn't believe that the God of Grass Vulcan can kill Jinhua.

After all, Jinhua is the kind of real top-level existence, and even among the Celestial Clan, he has a very high status.

Is a legend.

How could it be killed by someone casually?

But he wouldn't underestimate especially the God of Fire.

After all, his father is the third-ranked existence in the Hall of Fame.

"By the way, since you said that people in the Hall of Fame are not ranked by their strength, why does the incident in the Blood River Valley cause everyone to care so much? And they care about it for so many years!!!" Xia Xia looked at the grass in front of him very curiously. Vulcan.

Blood Valley.

It's the news about the Silent Inheritance.

"No sound is different. In the inheritance left by my father, it is said that no sound is a symbol that he feels invincible in this world, he has found a way to be invincible, and no sound was not killed by others, but He felt that there was no opponent in this world, so he carried out self-destruction and let himself kill himself." Caohuoshen explained.

"No one can kill him? Can't people from the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia asked.

"He can't get into the Celestial Clan, and the Celestial Clan people will not come to provoke him. Every time I see him, they walk around and avoid him, so he is invincible in this world, according to my father. According to the record, Wuyin traveled south and north, whether it was the area of ​​fairy beasts or the territory of fairy monsters, he had walked through it. As for the final win or loss, no one knows, but in the end he saw the so-called sea spirit. Rebirth After that, I chose to kill myself!!!" said the God of Fire.


Kill yourself!

This kind of person is also considered a talent.

"What is the spirit of the sea?" Xia Tian asked.

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