The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1393: agree to cooperate

He obviously hasn't been very convinced of Xia Xia, but he can't fight Xia Xia yet.

"The thing like capsize in the gutter is not suitable for me in summer. Of course, if I meet a few who can fight, I would also like to play with him!!!" Xia Xia said with great interest.

Eight-level competition.

All persons below His Holiness are eligible to participate.

Although they are all under the Venerable.

But here is the first party in China.

Scarlet Forest.

In this kind of place, all kinds of existences may appear, and all kinds of masters may appear. Xia Xia also wanted to know if there were any accidents, and if there were any other masters.

in the first pass.

boom! boom! boom!

Everything in the room was smashed by the grizzly bear.

"I have always bullied others, and no one can ever bully me!!!" Grizzly shouted angrily.

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.


under the mediation of others.

He publicly apologized to the third and fourth levels, and compensated a lot of resources and gave up a lot of resources. Although he didn't care about these soon, it would be very good to ask him to publicly apologize and compensate for this kind of thing. accurate.

"Sir, calm down!!"

"Stop my anger? How do you want me to calm my anger?" The grizzly bear grabbed the man's neck directly.


He slammed his men to the ground.

"Sir, spare your life!!"

"Trash, you are all trash, if you could handle the summer, I wouldn't lose!!!" The grizzly bear was very irritable, and he was also very ruthless towards his subordinates.

under him.

There are very few people who dare to approach him at ordinary times.

"Brother, we haven't lost yet!!!" the coyote next to him reminded.

"Yeah, big brother, their third and fourth levels are just complacent. It won't take long before we can clean them up," said the earth leopard.


The Grizzly Bear nodded slightly, and his expression softened a lot.

"I must let the two of them die in front of me!!" The Grizzly was really angry when he thought about how he looked when he apologized.

If not for the sudden appearance of summer.

He is not so embarrassed.

The two still looked like winners.

There is no summer.

what are they?

"Brother, the main thing for us now is to guard against the summer. For the time being, no one knows what he is going to do. We only know that he is cooperating with the fourth level. If they go to the Blood River Valley together, I am afraid it will not be good for us." Coyote said.

"This is trouble!!" The Grizzly Bear never looked down on anyone.

But summer comes along.

It still makes him feel very troublesome, and even he feels unable to fight.

"Brother, study it with the above!!" said the earth leopard.


The big bad wolf nodded: "Okay, I'll leave it to you first, I'll be back before the decisive battle of the eight levels, don't make a mistake!!"


The two said respectfully.

Since the Coyotes were defeated by the summer, he has been very afraid of the summer, so he will bring up the summer thing this time.

Of course.

Some are happy and some are sad.

The fourth round was a big advantage this time, but he also understood that if there was no summer this time, he would not be able to win, and the loss would be very heavy in the end, so he did not take it for granted. people.

The happiest of course is the third level.

Because at that time, they represented their third round in the summer.

Black Fang made enough money this time.

But he also has something unhappy about, that is his sister, who has become like this now.

"Brother Hei, is Xiaoying okay?" Caohuo Shen asked.

"It's not very good, since she came back, the whole person has been confused, and she doesn't answer anything." Hei Ya shook his head.

He is very worried about this now.


Caohuo Shen nodded slightly: "Brother Hei, in fact, I found out before that Xiaoying has two souls. What's going on?"

He remembered Summer asking him about it.

"This is Xiaoying's own secret. When she was a child, she encountered a soul. Originally, this soul wanted to forcibly occupy her body, but later because of Xiaoying's personality and physical characteristics, the other party gave up and was willing to I have always coexisted with Xiaoying, and over the years, Xiaoying's cultivation has been guided by the other party." Hei Ya explained.


"Then the other party must be a great senior?" Caohuo Shen asked tentatively.

"I don't know about that either. She never told me the identity of that soul." Black Fang said.

"Then what happened this time, will it have something to do with that soul?" Caohuo Shen reminded.

"Yeah!!" Black Fang ran out after finishing speaking.

Caohuo Shen thought about it for a while and followed.


They came to the residence of Hei Xiaoying.

"Senior, I know you have been in my sister's body all the time. Excuse me, how is my sister's condition now? Is her soul damaged, or has something happened to her?" Hei Ya also asked directly.

"Your sister's heart has been severely tortured, her soul is in a state of dare not face everything outside, to put it simply, she was tortured so badly, she would rather die than I don't want to face the way I'm being tortured." A voice came from inside.

"torture?" Black Fang was stunned.



An image appears.

This image is the whole process of Hei Xiaoying being tortured.

When he saw this process, Hei Ya's heart was bleeding. Although he had killed many people over the years, he had never seen such torture.

"Big Grizzly, I'm going to kill you!!!" Blue veins burst out on Black Fang's face.

"Maybe, you can catch the grizzly bear in front of her and kill the grizzly bear in a more cruel way, so that your sister can overcome the fear in her heart, but she is in a very bad state now, I can keep her for a month at most After a month, if she can't recover, then she will die!!!" the voice said.

"Many thanks to the seniors, I don't say thank you for your great kindness. If you have anything to do in the future, just give me your orders!!" Hei Ya bowed deeply.

"Don't talk so much, just think about how to take revenge!!" There was dissatisfaction in that voice.

Black Fang didn't say anything this time.

He returned to his place: "come here, give me all my strength to search for Xiao Huoyu and their sworn brothers!!"

"Boss, do you want to live?"

"Kill Wu Amnesty!!!" He had already seen the whole process of his sister's arrest.

It can be said.

In the beginning, it was Xiao Huoyu and the others who did it.

Grass Vulcan didn't say anything on the side.

"Have you figured out how to deal with the grizzly bear?" Caohuo Shen asked.

"Jinhua has contacted me. I didn't think about it before, but now I have decided and I agree to cooperate!!!"

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