The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1516: 1 against 2


Xia Xia took the initiative to attack, although the opponent was the ruthless sword, but as long as he did not let the weakness of Tianhan sword be exposed, the cold sword would not be cut off by the ruthless sword that day.

"I have a ruthless sword, then I am the top swordsman in China, and you also pair me to preach?" The sword ghost also killed him directly.

"As a swordsman, the most basic thing is to be able to control your own weapons, to be able to control your own weapons. If you can't even control your own weapons, then you don't deserve to be called a swordsman!!" The Tianhan sword in Xia Xia's hand directly stabbed out.

The sword ghost's body stepped back slightly, and cut it straight down from the side.

This blow.

It was the move he used to cut off Baichuan and the **** weapon.


The timing of the judgment is also extremely precise.

It can be said.

This is a powerful blow.

Seeing the familiar scene is about to appear.

at this time.

The ruthless sword in Xia Xia's right hand was instantly switched to his left hand, directly severing one of the Sword Demon's legs, and the aura of ice began to spread throughout the Sword Demon's body.



The ice shatters.

Sword Ghost's broken leg grew again, but a puzzled look appeared on his face: "How is that possible?"

This blow.

No swordsman can react, even the top swordsman will be hit.

But Xia Xia actually cracked the blow perfectly.

"He's right, although the Heartless Sword is good, but the person under control is not skilled enough, so they can't play the true skill of the Heartless Sword!!!" The voiceless heart demon was also very disappointed.

at the same time.

A transparent ball of light flew towards the summer.

He had used this ball of light before.

Xia Xia also saw the power of this light ball, and at this time he used the same move again.


Just before the ball of light reaches the summer.

explode on its own.


The powerful force began to ripple in circles.

Impact in front of summer.


Summer's toes were a little above the ground, an ice wall appeared, and the rippling force knocked the ice wall away, and at the same time, Summer's had disappeared in place.

"I thought how strong your voiceless inner demon could be, but now it looks like it's nothing more than that!!" Sword Demon said with great disdain.

"Silent heart demon." When they heard this, everyone around was stunned.


The number one existence in the Scarlet Woods Hall of Fame.

A real top man.

Many people come here precisely because they heard that there is the inheritance of Wuyin here, but they never thought that this person is actually the legendary Wuyin. Although it is only a demon, it is terrifying enough.


They just understood.

What are the two opponents facing in the summer?

One is the ruthless sword.

One is a silent demon! ! !

"Don't worry, wait for me to kill him first, and then I'll kill you!!!" The silent heart demon said very rudely.

"If you really have that ability, let the horse come over!!!" Sword Ghost scolded.


Xia Tian took two steps back: "How about you two fight first?"

"No!" Both of them shouted at the same time.

The two of them looked at Xia Xia: "Xia Xia, don't think that I will give you a chance, killing you first is the most important thing!!"

"Okay!!" Xia Tian smiled slightly: "I haven't exercised my tibia for a long time. Since you want to play, I will play with you, and also, be sure to grab your ruthless sword. , don't be ruined by me, and your inner demon, don't let me seize the opportunity, or I will eat you!!"

When he looked at the two of them.

His eyes were full of provocation.

at the same time!

His fingers pointed to the air a little.

Ivy Ring! !


Endless blood-colored vines rose into the sky, and the entire battle area was completely wrapped.

"Back up!!" The masters who were watching the play all backed away.

The scene ahead was terrifying.

They don't want to get involved.

"Do you want to block me just because of this?" The sword ghost shouted, the ruthless sword in his hand was like no one, and he began to slash horizontally and vertically, directly severing those invincible vines, in front of the ruthless sword , these vines seem to be not enough to look at.


On the side of the silent heart demon, a cover appeared directly, and any rattan that touched the cover would smash by itself.

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The attack of the Ivy Ring was easily resolved by the two of them.

The law of the day!

at this time.

The flames appeared.

The flame instantly ignited the rattan, and the scene turned into a sea of ​​fire, including those that were cut off and shattered, and the two were directly swallowed by the endless flames.

"Done?" Old George looked at the sea of ​​​​fire.

"No!!" Summer responded.

"I didn't expect that senior brother would become like this!!!" Baichuan shook his head.

He couldn't think of anything.

His brother would really become like this.

"Now your senior brother is completely stripped away, his greed has been stripped out, coupled with the desire in the ruthless sword, he has become a brand new sword ghost, and his humanity and his self are still intoxicated. In the ruthless sword, if you let him kill you, his last kindness will be completely wiped out, and your brother's last self will also perish in guilt!!" Xia Xia reminded He knew The relationship between Baichuan and Sword Demon.

He didn't want to see Baichuan too sad.


A sword qi emerged from the sea of ​​fire, directly dividing the sea of ​​fire into two, and then the sword ghost flew out from the sea of ​​fire. Although his body was severely burned by the endless flames, his self-recovery ability was extremely unbelievable.

His body was also recovering quickly at this time.



The endless sea of ​​fire is gradually disappearing.

The voiceless inner demon threw the flame into another dimension.

The methods of the two are very defiant.

"What a terrible opponent. Ordinary methods are useless to them!!!" Hongfeng said with emotion.

The special abilities of these two people can restrain ordinary abilities.

Although the law of the sun is against the sky.

But they are still restrained.

I want to beat these two.

It can't be attacked by normal means at all.

"Then destroy the ruthless sword first!!!" Xia Xia's face turned cold, he was ready to really fight with these two guys.

Hongfeng also clearly understood what Xia Tian wanted to do.

"The voiceless heart demon is very cautious, and this person is very capable. I am worried that he will see through your means. If he intervenes, your only chance will disappear!!" Hong Feng said.

"Can't your wind blade cut space and connect to the outside world? Send him to travel!!!" Xia Xia said directly.

"But under normal circumstances, it's hard to let him get caught!!!" Hong Feng said.

"I'll let him find a way to communicate with the outside world, that's an opportunity, get ready, I'm going to get the two of them directly this time!!!"

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