The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1553: There's a way

For many people in the Scarlet Forest area, this is a forbidden area, and they usually can't come up, so when they come up and see a building here, they are also very surprised.

at the same time.

they think.

There may be a big secret hidden here.

that's it.

Those people rushed directly to the Babel Tower.

Just when they were about to rush in.

The elder took the lead and walked out.

When they saw these old men, the people in front stopped.

Many people have seen these old people.

"Everyone, this is the forbidden area of ​​the Scarlet Forest. You shouldn't come here. If you continue to move forward, you will be waiting for death." The elder said slowly.

"Lord Elder, is there any secret here? We are all from the Scarlet Forest, and we should be qualified to know what is here!!!"

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"That is, we have the right to know. Now that the Scarlet Forest is so dangerous, who knows if there are huge hidden dangers here?"

"We have the right to know, we have the right to know if there is really any danger here, and we don't want to put our lives in the hands of others."

Now these people are different from before. They didn't dare to mess around in the past, but now they are different. Now they have experienced the Blood River Valley incident, and they are already dead. They will die at any time. Since they may die at any time, why should they be afraid of these elders?

"I repeat, stepping here, for you, there is only death. This is not a warning, but a kind reminder. As for how to choose, you can see for yourself!!" After the Great Elder finished speaking, he brought other The elder went back.

Because of summer.

They don't have much patience.

Such an answer.

Obviously, these outlaws here cannot be satisfied.

at this time.

Someone started rushing towards the Tongtian Tower, but the moment he walked into the Tongtian Tower, his body instantly knelt on the ground, and his whole body was bleeding.

"What?" Everyone around was stunned.

"Everyone be careful, this tower should have a formation, let's attack together!"

In their opinion, even if there is a formation to protect them, they will definitely be able to break the formation if they attack together.

For a moment.

The surrounding people all sent their attacks to the Babel Tower! !

A steady stream of attacks hit the past.

When they attacked for half an hour, they discovered that the tower in front of them was not damaged at all, standing there proudly.

Without any trace of waves.

"What's the matter, what kind of fairy treasure is this tower? Why is the defense so strong!!!" Everyone looked at the tower in front of them in surprise.

So many of them keep attacking.

They can't even break through the defenses here.

"Treasure, this is the biggest treasure in the Scarlet Forest. Brothers, as long as we can unlock the secret of this tower, then we will be prosperous!" Someone shouted.

This makes the eyes of the people here shine brightly.

Inside the tower.

"Elder, so many people gathered here, it is trouble after all!!" said the old man.

"Housekeeper, you are overthinking it. What effect can this group of rabble have? The defense of the Tongtian Tower can't be broken!!" The second elder said with great disdain.

He didn't look down on these people outside at all.

Just some casual repairs.

No matter how many people there are, what's the use.

"Brothers, we can try it out, level this mountain and dig it from below, so that it can still defend?" A voice suddenly came from outside.

when hearing this sound.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

That's right.

They can't break the tower with such an attack, so starting from below might have a different effect.

The owner of this voice is no one else.

It is summer.

He's a man who doesn't take things too seriously.

How many people are there in the Scarlet Forest?

Although a lot of people died this time, there are also a lot of newcomers who have come to the Scarlet Forest recently, and there are still around one billion.

Although the mountain here is hard, if a billion people attack this mountain together, it is still very easy.


The people here also started to attack the mountain frantically at this time. Their attack did not have much effect on the mountain. The mountain here was too hard.

But a billion people.

Although at most 80 million people can attack at the same time around this mountain, they attacked in turns, and the effect was very significant, and there were people who were responsible for blowing the shattered mountain to the side, that's all.

The mountain has already begun to crumble.

"Elder, these guys actually dare to do this!!!" the old butler said angrily.

This is simply the biggest challenge to their Babel Tower.

"It's okay, the Tongtian Tower is connected to the sky and the earth. Even if they destroy the entire mountain, our Tongtian Tower will still be connected to the ground." The elder said calmly.

The crowd didn't say anything.

They're just watching things develop now.


People here have started to destroy.

After a the whole mountain was beaten to the ground, and a deep pit appeared. ! ! !

The Babel Tower also fell into the deep pit.

"No, this tower is too weird. We continue to attack, and he will just continue to fall." Those loose cultivators around felt that they had done useless work.

"Since it's not enough to level this mountain, then we'll bury it alive and use the power of various laws in it, so that we can't get in, and the people inside don't even think about it!!" Xia Xia shouted again in the crowd. .


The people here began to use various laws to attack the surroundings of the Babel Tower, and then began to bury the mountain that had just been smashed.

The Tongtian Tower, which had just been dug up, was buried again like this.

"It worked?" Everyone was puzzled when they saw that the tower was buried.


Obviously this is not what they want to see, what they want to see is the secret inside this tower, not vent their anger.

But soon.

They saw it.

The Tower of Babel rose again.

Their burial is of no use at all.

Invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to fire and water.

"Hmph, they can cause harm to our Tongtian Tower because of this little trick?" The second elder said with great disdain.


When Xia Xia saw this scene, it was considered to verify some of his ideas.

"It seems that this Tongtian Tower is really not something that can be dealt with by ordinary methods. No wonder even Jinhua wants to get the Ruthless Sword and try again." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"There is another way!!" Summer said.

"Is there any other way?" Hong Feng was taken aback.

"That's right, it's a sleazy operation that is not very harmful and highly insulting!!" A mysterious smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

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