The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1561: red border

A real meteor shower falls.

The endless flames seemed to devour the Scarlet Forest.


Each flower fire is about ten feet long, and it falls overwhelmingly.

"I can't run, everyone will attack together, and there is still a chance to survive!!" These people in the Scarlet Forest area are not ordinary people. They have been able to survive until now, and they all have some experience.

at this time.

They also understood.

Run away now.

There is no chance.

Instead of running away like this, it is better to fight, maybe there is still a chance to survive.

"As expected of a master here in the Scarlet Forest, if it were someone from other places, they would have been scattered by now, all of them being selfish and being swallowed up by this sea of ​​fire." Hongfeng said with admiration.

The people here in the Scarlet Forest.

The overall combat quality and reaction are much higher than those outside.

Especially after two big battles.

So it is not so easy to kill all the people here.


The lethality is still there. As soon as he made his move, the death rate on the scene rose rapidly, and the fear was indeed spreading.

"I don't want to die. After passing through the Blood River Valley and the immortal beasts' invasion, I managed to survive. I'll go, let me go."

"Help me, who can save me, I haven't lived enough, please, help me!!"

"I have cultivated for a lifetime, just to live longer. I don't want to stop here. I still have family, and they are waiting for me to go back."

Those people at the scene began to cry, under the fear of death, they just wanted to survive, and they hoped that someone would stand up to save them again, just like when they faced the army of immortal beasts in the Blood River Valley before.

"The weak will always help the strong. If there is no help from the strong, your life will not belong to you!!" The red face was full of sarcasm.

"Hongfeng, go try him!!" Xia Tian glanced at his fingers.

"If the Immortal Destruction Finger is used now, the power has not been fully recovered, and the effect will be greatly reduced!" Hongfeng reminded.

Now the extermination of the immortals is a big trump card in the summer.

"It's okay, let's try it out. How capable he is. If we don't fight him, we can't know his realm." Xia Xia also wanted to start.

Now this sea of ​​fire in the sky wants to cancel.

There is only one way.

That is to destroy the body.


Hong was also a little surprised when he saw that there were still people rushing over in this situation, but when he saw Xia Shi who was wrapped in Xia Si, he understood: "So it was you who killed Zihun!!"

According to the news brought back by the housekeeper at the time.

He has already analyzed it.

This is the mysterious master.


When Xia Xia came over, Hongfeng instantly attacked Hong in front of him, and at the same time, Tianhan sword circled around and wanted to attack Hong.

Ke Hong's feet kicked, and the Tianhan Sword was directly kicked away.

"The law of the sun, the weapon of the ice attribute, you are summer!!" Hong said directly.


Summer did not expect.

The other party actually recognized himself.

Xia Si's defense slowly opened, revealing the face inside: "You know me?"

"Your name is like thunder." The corner of Hong's mouth raised slightly: "I heard that those elders named you a hero of the Scarlet Forest, right?"

"I'm not interested in this title." Xia Xian didn't care about the title of the honorary hero of the Hall of Fame.

"As a hero, I want to save these people!!" Hong ignored Xia Xia's words.

He already saw what to do in the summer.

His observation and analytical skills are very strong.

If Xia Xia really wanted to deal with him, he would just do a sneak attack when he was fighting with the masters here. There was no need to kill him by himself at such a time.

Or kill it head on.


Summer has only one purpose.

He must be trying to save the people here.

"Mr. Xia, that is Mr. Xia, the only honorary hero in our Scarlet Forest Hall of Fame!!!"

Hearing Xia Xia's name, the people at the scene suddenly became excited, and they seemed to see the hope of life.

"Brothers, we must persevere. With Mr. Xia, we must be able to carry it over, and the treasure must be ours!!!" Those people at the scene shouted.

The red face was full of disdain.

"Did you see clearly? These are the people you are saving. They are all greedy guys. You buy them time, but they are thinking about how to come back and get the treasure!!"

"I don't care what they think. I only do what I should do, and I don't care about the rest. Besides, who is not greedy in this world? Don't you?" Xia Xia didn't care whether those people were greedy. Whatever he thought, he just did what he was supposed to do.

As for what they will become in the future, that is their business.

"Do I need greed? Greed is what you inferior people need!!" Hong didn't care about the passage of time.

Because the meteor shower above the sky is still continuing.

Even if the people below can block one group, what about two groups, one hundred groups, one thousand groups, ten thousand groups?

"Don't think about the treasure, hurry up, you shouldn't come here!!" Although Xia Xia said before that he wanted people from outside to come over and make the tower in trouble, he didn't really think that way. Even afraid of disturbing the following.

But in the end I was shocked.

As soon as these people hear there is a benefit here.

I don’t care about other things at all, and I don’t think about the danger. If it’s so easy to get in here, then for so many years, no one will come in all the time, and those elders won’t be so tall in the Scarlet Forest. position.

By the way, the app I've been using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] caches reading and reads it offline!

"No, we won't leave, it must be you who want to take the treasure for yourself. Once we leave, the treasure will be yours!!!"

"Yes, you want to scare us away, it's not that easy."

"Maybe, this person is the one you hired to act, everyone, don't believe him, any **** honorary hero is just for the treasure!"

Those people at the scene just called Xia Xia a hero, but now, they think Xia wants to swallow this treasure all by herself, and deliberately wants to spare them.

"See, this world is too ugly and needs to be changed!!" A powerful force erupted from Hong's body.


A powerful force instantly swept the summer away.

Xia Si's defense is also directly washed away.

"Master, his attack power is so strong, I can't regroup for the time being, it will take at least ten seconds!!" Xia Si reminded immediately.

Hongfeng quickly blocked the remaining strength in front of Xia Xia, and at the same time calculated the strength of Dianhong: "His realm is... Venerable rank 90 or above!!"

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