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Chapter 1566: only allowed to lose

Caohuo Shen wanted to take another shot, but those people also intensified.

"Old man, looking at your appearance, you should have left the root of the disease when the blood river valley or the immortal beasts attacked. Instead of living like this, it is better for us to give you a ride." The men wanted to shoot in an instant.

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

But right now.

A stream of water appeared.

Directly wrapped around the bodies of those men: "You guys, you all deserve to die!!"


The water flow shattered their bodies and turned them into air.


"It's the descendant of the second-ranked Water Cloud in the Hall of Fame!!" Hong Feng reminded.

Just in the summer, he wanted to shoot, but suddenly someone appeared, and he didn't pass.

"In the Blood River Valley incident, most of the descendants of the Hall of Fame were killed by Jinhua. I thought he was already dead, but I didn't expect that he not only didn't die, but also broke through that barrier by chance. Entering the ranks of the venerables, it seems that it is precisely because he entered the ranks of the venerables that his strength has greatly increased, that he escaped the pursuit of Jinhua's men!!" Xia Xia also understood that Jinhua's calculations were normally not wrong. .

However, the strength of Shuizhiyun's successor just improved, so he escaped this catastrophe.

"If you didn't disrupt all the rhythms of Jinhua, even if his strength improved, he would still die!" Hongfeng understood that Xia Xia changed the fate of many people.

If it's not summer.

The current Scarlet Forest area is already the territory of the fairy beast family. There should be very few people who can come out of the blood river valley, and even fewer people can survive under the pursuit of the fairy beast army.

Scarlet Forest.

billions of people.

almost all die.


Summer is not going to take credit with others.

He just did what he was supposed to do.

"How did you do this?" The descendant of the water cloud looked at the God of Fire in a puzzled way.

Grass Fire God picked up the jade pendant on the ground and put it in his arms: "Nothing!!"

"I'll take you to find someone, and I'll definitely be able to cure you!!" The descendant of Shuizhiyun grabbed the grass Vulcan.

Caohuo Shen shook his head: "This should be my home. My father became famous here and became a hero here. Now that I am back and avenged him, I should stay here too!!"

"Shit, what do you know, it's just a..." Shui Zhiyun didn't continue talking after half of what he said.

Instead, he grabbed the grass Vulcan and quickly disappeared.

"Does he have a way to save Cao Huo Shen?" Hong Feng asked in confusion.

"Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible, but this world is not simple, and no one can be underestimated, and half of what he just said, obviously he also knows some special secrets." Xia Xia could see that the water cloud Being able to survive is not just by breaking through.

Jinhua's calculations have never been wrong, and he will also count everyone's upper limit, that is, the improvement.


At this moment, Xia Xia suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

This proves.

The enemy is getting closer and closer to him, in this case.

He must be careful.

Otherwise he really might die here.

disappear! !

that's it.

He began to fly towards the blood-colored group belt. He wanted to lock the battlefield in the group belt. There were all kinds of stars in it. Fighting in that kind of place, his law of stars would be better, and in that kind of place, no matter where he went You can run in any direction, and you will not casually involve others in the war.

In addition, there are many dangers in the group belt. These dangers can be avoided with his ability, but there are many people on the other side. Even if the other side is careful, there may be times when they will be hit.

"Looks like it's going to be a tough battle next!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.


Nor are they unprepared.

If they hadn't caught Jinhua before and learned the specific situation of the Killer Squad from Jinhua, they would have been very passive.

Also to investigate the identity of the other party.

The ability of the other party may even be directly restrained by the other party.

But knowing oneself and knowing one another is completely different now.

"It's coming, it's getting closer, but there's only one person!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"One person?" Xia Xia frowned. Since the other party is a team, and they are from the Celestial Clan, and Jinhua's evaluation of them is so high, then the other party should not be that kind of idiot, and will come up one by one to give people their heads. of.

If you want to test a person to deal with the summer, it is impossible to succeed.

"Trap?" Hong Feng saw it.

When the other party did this, he was obviously digging a hole and waiting for him to go.

"Yes, they should know that I have strong perception and reconnaissance ability, so they deliberately revealed flaws and asked me to take orders. This is also a tactic that I usually like very much. It seems that they really studied a lot of things about me. Ahh!!" Xia Xia discovered, if he didn't know that the other party was the Killer Squad.

It's really possible that you will be The feeling of being stared at and calculating is really bad! "Hongfeng also feels that this kind of enemy is really hard to guard against.

Fortunately, Jinhua gave them this important news.

"If it wasn't for the fact that Jinhua told us about the Killer Squad in advance, then this time we met, I would have the chance to be besieged by them, and then I would use all my abilities and restrain them all, and I would be passive step by step, wrong step by step, wrong step by step. , If the other party has a killer move, I might really die!!" Xia Xia also understood that intelligence is the most important at any time.

that's it.

He is very fast.

"Boss, that guy hasn't taken the bait yet, what should I do?" asked the third son.

"Fengzhi, where is he, and is there any possibility of staying where he is, or turning his head back?" Gao Wanxiong asked.

"No!!" Fengzhi has been tracking Xia Xia's position: "He is not very far from our position. If he pursues at full speed, he can catch up in ten minutes."

"He didn't look back, didn't stop at the same place. Could it be that his detection ability is very weak, so he didn't find me?" Sanzi was the bait.

"Impossible. According to the information we have obtained, his detection ability is very strong. You have deliberately exposed your location and exposed tracking. He can definitely find you, but according to our investigation, he is a very cautious guy. I will take the bait casually." Feng Zhi reminded.

"Third son, go and expose it, but remember, you can only fail to escape, you can't attack overwhelmingly, understand?" Gao Wanxiong asked.

"Boss, in fact, I think it's fine to just kill him, there's no need to be so careful!" said the third son.

"Before you came, but the high priest came to find us in person, have you lived enough!!" Gao Wanxiong said coldly.

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