The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1594: 9 years of compulsory education

"What about people?" The Mole Zun looked around in confusion.

Xia Xia actually escaped from the Heita Zun's World Association.

"How did he do it?" Heita Zun did not chase after him. What he is most curious about now is how Xia Xia escaped from his forming world. A top world of a top venerable, once formed, that is Invincible existence.

But Xia Xia actually escaped from his world.

What is this.

He thinks that he has a lot of knowledge, and even a master of the Celestial Clan would not have such ability.

"If the fourth brother is here, he will definitely know why." Fengzhi now knows how much he has relied on his brothers all these years.

the former him.

Also insane.

He believes that he is the most important person in the team. Without him, no matter what the team does, it will not be possible to complete it so quickly.

So every task, you should be the one who gets the most credit.

It is precisely because of this that every time he is doing a task, he always wants to be the master. It can even be said that he doesn't care much about other people's words except the boss's words.

Until now!

He just understood.

Every other brother is helping him complete the task. Without those brothers, no matter what he does, there is nothing he can do.

"My world is very restrictive, even if a master of the same level is first formed by my world!!!" Heita Zun took back his world and checked it there, as if he wanted to see what happened in the summer. It's like escaping from here.

But no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't understand it.

Summer seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

There are no traces.

There is no sign of his world being destroyed either.

"Lord Tower Zun..."

"This guy is a bit interesting!!" Heita Zun's face showed a smile: "In Shenzhou, I have not missed a hundred thousand years, no wonder the Celestial Clan will send a slaughter team to find him!!"

By the way, the app I've been using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] caches reading and reads it offline!

He is a master of Venerable Ninety Stars.

in China.

He is God.

As long as he doesn't provoke the top people in China, he is almost invincible. Even in the face of those top experts, he can't die, and he can retreat. China can keep his people. There aren't really many.

But also with the battlefield and environment.

People like him.

In China, it is difficult to meet an interesting opponent. Now that he has finally met Xia Xia, he is also interested.


Endless darkness erupted from his body.

for a while.

Dark clouds cover the sky.

Endless darkness enveloped everything.

The summer in the distance also saw this scene.

"I feel like there are tens of thousands of eyes staring at me!!" Xia Xia felt that he was being stared at, but his eyes didn't see anything.

"The law of darkness!" Hong Feng reminded.

"I didn't expect that he actually cultivated the world to such a level. It seems that his world rank is very high!!" Xia Xia also understood that this world rank should be at least the ninth rank of immortals.


"The power of the world on this scale should be only half a step away from another universe." Hongfeng explained.

"If you want to cultivate into a different universe, first, Venerable Ninety-five Stars; second, no less than ten trillion fairy crystals; third, a quasi-ancient magic weapon, according to his current situation, it should be the poorest One and the third!!" Xia Xia could also see that this Black Tower Venerable should be less than ninety-five stars in the Venerable Realm, and as for the Immortal Crystal, he is definitely not lacking, after all, he is the tower of the Tongtian Tower. Respect, the last one is a quasi ancient magic weapon. Although his status is very high, there are not many quasi ancient magic weapons in the entire Shenzhou.

But the ability that Hei Pagoda uses now is like a model that is about to have another universe.

This proves.

He has been cultivating in the direction of another universe.

And the Tower of Babel must have a way to cultivate in this direction.

If other people want to cultivate, they have to cross the river by feeling the stones, but the masters of Tongtian Tower are different.

This is the advantage of being attached to a big power.

"Summer, don't run, as long as there is a dark place, I can find you!!" The voice of Hei Tazun appeared.

"I'm curious, how long can you maintain this state!!" Xia Xia didn't believe that the Black Tower Lord could maintain this state forever.


He was not worried at all that Heita Zun could find himself all the time.

And there are a lot of good things to do in summer.

The law of the day.


One after another, ice mirrors appeared, scattered in all directions. At the same time, as he moved forward, millions, tens of millions of ice mirrors appeared around him.

The Law of Light!

In the sky, light appeared.

When these rays of light shone down, they cleared up a little bit of darkness, but only a little bit. Compared with the law of darkness of Hei Ta Zun, the law of light in summer is far worse, but when the light shines on the ice At that time, a miraculous scene appeared.

All kinds of reflected light spread for a while.

The whole world is illuminated.

Although such a light does not have any offensive power, the lighting is very useful.

Completely cover the darkness.

"What?" Heita Zun was also taken aback when he sensed that his perception was getting smaller and smaller. He didn't believe that the little law of light used by Xia Xia could fight against his law of darkness.

So what happened up front?

The summer also began to move forward continuously, the surrounding ice fields continued to appear, the ice behind them melted, and the surrounding light covered his position, even if the ability of the black tower is strong, it is impossible to find him: " Do you think my nine-year compulsory education is for nothing?"

On Earth.

The easiest way.

But let Xia Xia use the power of the law of a quasi-venerable to compete with the power of the law of a master of the ninety-star master of the venerable.

This is the power of knowledge.

He relies on his head.

Forcibly, Hei Ta Zun could not lock his position.

And he expected it.

Hei Ta Zun certainly cannot maintain this state for a long time.

"That Black Tower Venerable must be stunned now, this should be one of his biggest cards, but such a card is useless!!" Hongfeng felt very wanting to laugh.

If this thing gets out.

Hei Ta Zun is afraid that he will become the laughing stock of Shenzhou masters.


In the summer when he was on his way, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Isn't that a silent demon?"

"It's him. After he was freed from the bondage, he ran out, but why did he come here? It's a **** group, and it's inaccessible!!" Hongfeng asked inexplicably.

"Go and have a look!!" Xia Xia's body moved and directly chased after him.

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