The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1596: give you one more chance

In the summer now, all abilities have been restored, so even if he faces three top experts at the same time, he still has the strength to fight. Of course, he did this, but also played some clever tricks, that is, Tianquan's repelling, He has dug a pit for Heita Zun long ago, and Heita Zun will definitely resist many times for the sake of face.

In this case, it gave him a momentary attack time, and Hei Ta Zun was temporarily injured, so he couldn't rush over immediately.

This moment is his attack moment.

If it fails.

Then he will leave in an instant.

His sneak attacks.

It's all for a moment. Once he fails, he has no ability to fight again.


There is no chance of a sneak attack next time.

Because the other party will be ready.

[Wuji, defense! ! 】

This is used to resist the attack of the Mole Zun. In this case, after the Mole Zun uses the Immortal Blast, the side effects will be very large in a short period of time. When the time comes when the summer counterattack, the counterattack of the summer must be beyond him. All expected.

The law of the sun, moon and stars!

Immortal explosion six thousand times!

Tianhan sword.

Lan, wind blade.

The red phoenix strikes with all his strength.

Destroy the fairy finger! !


He never imagined that Mole Zun, who was so blocked by his blow, would just watch his defenses shatter layer by layer.

"How could this be?" Venerable Mole couldn't believe all of this.

Although he also knows that summer is definitely not easy.

But at his level.

Even if you encounter a character like Heita Zun, it is impossible to be seconds.

Vitality is being lost.

"I said I want to kill you, I will definitely kill you!" Xia Xia directly wiped out the Mole Venerable in front of him.

He kills now.

Depends on the carelessness of these people.

These people don't know him.

Only in this way.

To be surprisingly successful.

at the same time.

The attack of the wind came over.

[Tianquan, rebound! 】

This is the ultimate move that Xia Xia left him. The Mole Zun just now was already a sure kill, so he didn't need to use the rebound, so he deliberately left the rebound to Fengzhi, because Xia Xia just hit the power in an instant, thinking about it. It is very difficult to call back quickly.

And this blow from the wind will definitely be a full blow. In this case, it is impossible for him to react to the damage that Xia Tian bounces back.

at the same time!

The law of the day!

Immortal explosion eight thousand times!

Reincarnation of the King's Qi! !

Destroy the fairy finger!

This time, the power of the Immortal Destruction Finger is not half of the normal power, but what Xia Xia wants is not the power of the Immortal Destruction Finger, but the power of the spirit inside, and use this spiritual power to kill the peak in front of him.

A powerful attack hit Kazuki in an instant.

Layer after layer of venerable armor shattered.

final destruction.

In the end, the wind could not escape the attack of summer.

Killer Squad.

Destroy the group! ! !

"What?" Heita Zun had just stabilized his body when he saw that Xia Xia had already killed two people.

He never thought of it.

A man who is not even the Venerable.

With one enemy and three, in front of him, he beheaded two masters around the fifty level of the Venerable.

This kind of thing has broken his cognition.

"I said, you will definitely pay the price!!!" Xia Xia told Heita Venerable that if there was a war, Heita Venerable would have to bear the consequences for his choice.


That's when he takes the consequences.

"How did you do it?" Hei Ta Zun did not continue to attack Xia Xia, he was completely shocked by Xia Xia's methods.

"Over the years, many people have told me, you can't do it, no one in this world can do it, but in the end, I did it, and I like to do those things that others think I can't do. The matter!!" Xia Xia raised his hand and pointed directly to the Hei Ta Zun in front of him: "I asked you once before, if you want to talk about it, your answer is to fight with me, and now you have paid some The price, then now I will ask you again, talk or continue to fight?"

He has proven his attitude with facts.

If Heita Zun told him to continue fighting now.

Then he will definitely fight again without hesitation.

However, it is not certain what the Black Tower Venerable will lose next time.

Through the battle just now, Hei Ta Zun has already seen what kind of person Xia Tian is.

He too must now make a decision again.

Hard steel, or yield?

He doesn't know what will happen next if he is forced.

Can surrender?

Do you want the face of Tongtian Tower?

"You think about it slowly, I'll just sit here and wait, when you shoot me, I think you've declared war on me!!" Xia Xia sat directly here.

His purpose is not to kill the black tower in front of him.

He also has no ability to kill the Black Tower.

If he runs now, Heita Zun will think that he is cowardly and will immediately hunt him down. He has used most of his abilities now, and his physical abilities are not in the best state. If he runs like this, even if If it is not dead, I am afraid that it will also be seriously injured. If there are other dangers later, no one knows what will happen.

After all, he couldn't be sure of the danger in the Scarlet Swarm.

But it's different when he sits here so calmly.

In this case.

On the contrary, Hei Ta Zun can't see the truth of him, plus he really had the ability to escape from Hei Ta Zun So even if Hei Ta Zun really wants to declare war on him, he should Neither will sneak attacks.

That would be a loss of face, and it wouldn't help.

that's it.

In the summer, I started to rest calmly here.

Rest in front of the enemy.

The enemy did not dare to mess around.

That's what summer is all about.

"It's interesting!!" Heita Venerable fell into contemplation.

He was really fooled by Summer.

Looking at the summer in front of him now, he wants to find out the flaws in summer.

But look at this.

He found that Xia Xia was full of flaws all over his body, which made him feel weird. Would Xia Xia really sit in front of him with no flaws and let him attack casually?

He absolutely didn't believe it.

That is to say.

Summer is deliberately exposed to him.

Just to attract him to attack.

Once he really attacks, it means that they have started a complete war, and Xia Xia can also bite him like sneak attack.

In case it was escaped by summer.

Endless troubles.

"I can't be the master of this matter alone, I need to report to the tower master." Heita Zun said.

"Whatever, I'll give you time, but I hope you make a wise decision. After all, I don't like trouble, I'm not afraid of trouble, let alone trouble!!" Xia Xia reminded.

This is today's summer.

Even if he encounters a tower master of the Tongtian Tower, the master is above the 90th level.

He was not afraid either.

"Okay, then wait for the tower master's information. If the tower master says he wants to kill you, I will definitely kill you without any effort!!" Hei Ta Zun said directly.

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