The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1669: Take the initiative to come to the door


Xia Xia looked at the enchantress: "Do you still know this?"


"There are many ancient books in the Celestial Clan. Although the records are not very complete, the content in the ancient books is very explosive. It was accumulated by countless people with their lives!!" The secret that others can't see, this is also one of the conditions that the Celestial Clan offered to win her over.

Although the Celestial Clan has a public Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

There are countless ancient books in it, as well as all the big and small things that have happened in China over the years, the legends of each era, and so on.

But the Celestial Clan still has its own core secret location.

this kind of place.

Ordinary people don't get the chance to see it.

Even a priest.

You can't just see those things.

But the witch can see it.

"En." Xia Xia didn't explain the existence of Xian Xuanwu, because even he didn't know what kind of existence Xian Xuanwu was.

Xi Batian glanced into the distance; "Before, I always felt that Haotian was the pinnacle of this world, and I would only get closer and closer to him, but recently I saw you and the ancient fire phoenix. Understand, I don't seem to be as close to the peak of this world as I imagined!!"

There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

This is the most realistic thing.

Although Xi Batian is strong, he has really seen what it means to be strong recently.

Especially people like them in summer.

Each has its own ability.

"What's the hurry, you still have so long to live!!" Xia Tian smiled.


"Are you going to live long?" The demon girl asked back.

She heard other meanings from Xia Xia's words. Although it was just Xia Xia's instinctive meaning, there were many things in this meaning.

"When I killed the Celestial Clan, the mortality rate was 99%, which means that if nothing happened, I wouldn't be able to live for a few years." Xia Xia explained.


The enchantress nodded: "This sentence is still true. You will definitely die if you kill the Celestial Clan like this."

"Not necessarily, if I am lucky and survive!" Xia Xia is a person who is good at creating miracles, and he also believes that he will continue to create.

people live.

There must be hope.

If there is no hope.

It really doesn't make sense to live.

"If you can survive, from that day on, Shenzhou will change the owner, and from then on, you will be the first person in Shenzhou." Said the monster.

That's right.

If Xia Tian can kill the Celestial Clan.

Under the condition of being able to retreat completely, that summer in Shenzhou, there is really no natural enemy, no matter what kind of master, in front of Xiaxia, he is nothing, and in the hearts of Shenzhou people, he will also It has become a symbol of invincibility. From then on, the Celestial Clan will not be so sacred in everyone's hearts.

In addition, there are so many Venerables now, and they are still increasing.

The status of the Celestial Clan itself is changing.

"I never care about the first person!!!" Xia Xia kept his eyes on the front, he was still looking for the trace of the ancient fire phoenix, since he and Xi Batian came in together, Xi Batian is also good, that can help In any case, he will definitely help.

Of course.

He himself also wanted to learn more about Tiankeng from the ancient fire phoenix.

You can also hone your skills.


The three kept moving forward.

Xia Xia's recovery speed is very fast, and the other two are not slow. Although the enchantress does not have the power of the source, she has a lot of Celestial Clan medicinal pills on her body, and the effects of these medicinal pills are very anti-sky.

Of course.

The effect is definitely not as good as the medicine pill of Kunlun Mountains.

But in China.

Except for the Kunlun Mountains.

This elixir is definitely the best.

"We're almost recovering, are we going to catch up?" Xi Batian glanced at Xia Xia, as if asking about Xia Xia.

in this team.

Summer is clearly occupying an absolute position.

"I'm definitely looking for him, but he's definitely recovered. If you want to hurt him again, it will be much more difficult. My methods are very strong, but he will be more vigilant and stare at me directly. In the same way, it is even more difficult to hurt him again." Xia Xia knew very well.

How much the ancient fire phoenix valued him now.

last fight.

The ancient fire phoenix was a little careless.

Therefore, after he succeeded in one strike, he created the following opportunities.

But if the ancient fire phoenix had been cautious from the very beginning, it would be much more difficult for him to defeat the ancient fire phoenix.


"It's really hard to deal with." Xi Batian nodded.

The reason why he was able to repel the ancient fire phoenix last time was because of the summer, and now the summer feels difficult, and Xi Batian naturally understands the difficulty of the matter, but if he just gives up now, he must be very unwilling. of.

People like him.

Even if you know you will fail.

Definitely not willing to leave like this.

"I suspect that next time he makes a move, he will definitely think of more good ways, and even use the right time and place to deal with us, and he will pay more attention to the three of us, especially in summer, he even I might be thinking of separating the three of us and defeating them one by one!!" The enchantress believed that the ancient fire phoenix still had reservations in the last battle.

And the ancient fire phoenix has always been fighting them head-on.


Who is always going to face a large number of enemies in battle?

That's just because the ancient fire phoenix is ​​too confident.

Now that he knows Xia's ability, he naturally won't make that kind of low-level mistakes again.



He will definitely use a variety of fighting methods.

"Actually, the most dangerous place is the safest place!!" Xia Xia said.


Both of them looked at Xia Xia: "What do you mean?"

"He wants to rely on the right time and place to fight with us. That kind of place must be close to his old nest. That kind of place is his home field, and his overall combat effectiveness will definitely increase. Normally, if we enter there, The first thought must be to escape, but have you ever thought about it? Our goal is not to kill the ancient fire phoenix, but to find the ancient sycamore wood. Since it is his old nest, the ancient sycamore tree should be there! !" Summer explained.


"Why am I so stupid!" Xi Batian patted his head.

If it wasn't for Xia Xia's reminder, he would have been thinking about **** the ancient fire phoenix.


Win or lose.

It doesn't have to be to completely kill the opponent.

"I really can't see through you more and more!!" Yaoji said with emotion.

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