The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1677: night ghost

When the two of them looked down.

The witch almost vomited.

Although she is well-informed and has seen all kinds of scenes, she really did not expect that there is such a purgatory on earth in Shenzhou.

"Who did this?" The demon girl usually doesn't take the initiative to seek justice.

But when she saw this scene.

She thought about it.

Must kill this man.

"He is a very scary person. This purgatory is used to seal Xia Xiaotian. The corpses below are Xia Xiaotian's best relatives and friends. Their tragic state is their real way of dying, but the other party has been suppressing Xia Xiaotian, so Use special medicinal materials to keep these corpses intact all year round, exactly the same as when they died, then this place will be Xia Xiaotian's biggest nightmare!" Xia Xia explained.

"That is to say, Xia Xiaotian has been chosen since childhood!!!" The enchanting girl reacted.

"No, I have checked Xia Xiaotian's muscles and bones. It can be said that from the day his mother became pregnant, he has been selected, and even his birth was a conspiracy!!!" Xia said.

"Who is it?" the witch asked.

"A person with great ability, in Shenzhou, among the people you know, who is the strongest ghost cultivator?" Xia Xia asked.

"Night Ghost!!" said the demon girl.

"Then it should be him. This person's strength is definitely the strongest among the ghost cultivators in Shenzhou, and he won't be one of them. Moreover, it can be seen from Xia Xiaotian that his realm should not be lower than Haotian!! !" Summer explained.

"It's him!!!" The demon girl said angrily.

"If you say that, it should really be him. Back then, when the Four Batians fought against the night ghosts together, he could indeed control the endless army, all of which were very resentful ghosts, but I didn't expect that he has already started. It's controlling people, and it's still a child!!" Xi Batian remembered.

Four Tyrants.

There are few opportunities for cooperation.

But that time, the four of them joined forces to hunt down each other.

"The four of you couldn't kill him together?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Not only the four of us, but also a Celestial Clan Battle Priest carrying Celestial Clan treasures. The five of us chased and killed him together. In the end, although he was seriously injured, he still escaped." Xi Batian explained.

"With such a luxurious lineup, can't you get him?" Xia Xia became more and more curious.

"The high priest of the Celestial Clan leads the team, so many masters have not been able to take you down. Who is the master in this world who has no trump card to escape? If he keeps fighting with us, then we will kill him. The possibility is very high, but if he wants to escape and doesn't fight us at all, then it will be very difficult for us to kill him." Xi Batian shook his head.

It wasn't that they didn't chase down the night ghosts back then.


It's really not that easy to kill the night ghost.

"For so many years, the Celestial Clan has been inquiring about Ye Gui's whereabouts, but he seems to have evaporated from the world." Yaoji shook her head.

Able to disappear from under the eyes of the Celestial Clan.

What kind of skill is this?

To know.

Even in the summer, he was very careful, but he was soon found by the Celestial Clan.

But Ye Gui was able to escape for so many years, and even the Celestial Clan could not find any trace of him.

"That's why I said that this person is very scary!!" Xi Batian explained.

"Aren't you going to destroy these people?" the enchantress asked.

"The person who destroyed this place is Xia Xiaotian. When he truly realizes one day, he will destroy this place by himself. If we destroy this place now, it will only leave a scar in his heart that will never be erased! !" Summer reminded.


The enchantress did not continue to look down.

She had never seen such a terrifying scene in her life.

"When I meet Ye Gui next time, I will definitely not let him go." Yaoji clenched her fist.

"The next time you meet him, it's the best choice to run away as soon as possible!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"Don't give me any face!!" The enchanting girl glared at Xia Tian.

The three then moved on.

after they leave.

The ground has returned to its original state. If it wasn't for someone with special abilities like Xia Xia, even a master like Sibatian, they would not be able to find anything special here when they passed by.

"There is always a feeling of unease!" Xi Batian's heart was always hanging when he was moving forward.

Usually he is in China.

Across the world.

No one can keep him, he can go wherever he wants.

Available here.

He suddenly had a feeling as if disaster was imminent.

"I have it too, but I'm too embarrassed to say it, I'm afraid he will laugh at me!" The enchantress glared at Xia Xia, she didn't give her face every summer, so she didn't dare to say anything casually about her feelings.

Xia Tian smiled: "I have it too, this is an instinctive fear!!"

"It seems that the Supreme Being of the Spirit World was really not easy!!" Although Xi Batian had also heard about the spiritual world and the celestial world, he could only feel what he was facing when he really entered here. exist.

Now he is facing the seeds of hatred left by the other party.

What if he is now facing the Supreme Being of the Spirit World?


"There are quite a lot of treasures and inheritances here!!" The biggest feature of Xia Luo Vientiane is treasure hunting.


He has found quite a few though.

He didn't mean to go.

Those treasures and inheritances are all waiting for people with fate. He is a cheater, and he is not a person with fate at all. If he takes it so casually, it will affect the inheritance of the ancestors. Similarly, there will be more or less in each inheritance and treasure. Some agencies, if he goes there rashly, although these agencies can't kill him, they may delay her a lot of time.

He doesn't have that much time to stay here now.

"I finally understand why you have grown so fast. Your treasure hunt speed is all about picking up, not luck!!" Xibatian has seen many people with great luck, and they often come across some unexpected treasures.

But those people compared to summer.

It really doesn't seem to matter.

Summer is the real man against the sky.

"If his ability is really that great, let me see the true face of Tiankeng. As long as he can do it, I will be called the boss when I see him in the future!!" Yaoji said very upset.

this way.

Summer dislikes her in various ways.

Various dismantling.

Don't give her face.

The entire Shenzhou dared to treat her like this in the summer, which naturally made her very uncomfortable.

"Okay, I remember your words, you will be my little brother in the future!!" Xia Tian smiled.

"Wait until you show me the real Tiankeng!!" said the enchantress.


Xia Xia's body moved and one foot stepped on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Yaoji asked in confusion.

This summer, there really is no sign.

Ka Ka Ka! !

The ground is cracked! ! !


Countless ghost soldiers climbed up from under the ground: "It seems that he is hiding here!!!"

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